Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 9 This New Gun Is Not That New Gun, A Monster Genius

"Three academicians, hurry up and avoid it. I just received an alarm that someone broke into the North District with a gun!"

The three of Zhou Ping were about to find Ye Bai, but they were stopped by Liu He on the way.

"How could someone break in with a gun? This is the Academy of Dragon Sciences!"

Zhou Ping asked puzzledly, the Academy of Dragon Sciences was heavily guarded and there were troops stationed there.

Liu He is the captain of the garrison here, with the rank of colonel.

Some people dare to break in here!

"I also came here after receiving an alert from the researcher. Currently, the North District has been sealed off by our security team, and the team members are rescuing the researcher inside."

Zhou Ping thought of Ye Bai, and quickly asked, "Do you see who the intruder is? Where is it?"

"I didn't see it. According to reports, the intruder is in the No. 27 laboratory in the North District."

Isn't that Ye Bai's laboratory?

Zhou Ping looked at the entire Dragon Science Academy, which was on alert, and quickly said: "It must be a misunderstanding, that is Ye Bai's laboratory, call someone to evacuate it, don't accidentally injure it."

Liu He was stunned, Ye Bai?

The internet celebrity he personally picked up a few days ago.

He reacted quickly and contacted the team members immediately.

The three of Zhou Ping quickly headed to the North District.


Ye Bai didn't take a few steps outside when he heard the alarm. When he was at a loss, he saw several researchers running into the laboratory.

He also quickly retreated to the No. 27 laboratory.

"What's the situation, why did the alarm suddenly sound?"

Ye Bai held the gun with a dazed look on his face.

This is the Academy of Dragon Sciences, is it a drill?

At this moment, outside, two teams of security guards were staggering forward step by step with guns, constantly approaching the No. 27 laboratory, and rescued the researchers in the laboratory by the way.

Although there are few people in the North District, there are five or six researchers working here.

At this time, they were all rescued from the laboratory, and they gathered together and looked at the deepest laboratory No. 27 suspiciously.

"Fuck, it's too scary. I just came out of the laboratory when I saw a gangster coming over there, holding two strange-looking guns in his hands."

"Really? Two guns! They are so powerful that they can break into the Dragon Science Academy."

"It won't be a drill, I want to test our reaction speed."

"It's possible. It's a surprise test. If someone brings a gun into the Academy of Dragon Sciences, it will be on the international news. This is Yanhuang, not a bald eagle."

Everyone watched in horror as the security team slowly surrounded Laboratory No. 27.

Several security guards leaned against the wall of the No. 27 laboratory, and the team leader made a gesture of preparing to attack.

Count with your fingers.




When they were about to break in.

When Ye Bai heard the movement, he also nervously aimed his gun at the door.

Suddenly, an anxious voice interrupted the few people who were about to break the door.

"Stop, don't break the door!"

Several team members looked suspiciously.

"The colonel just called, it may be a misunderstanding, wait for a few academicians to come, we will be on the alert first."

Everyone looked at each other upon hearing this.


Several people had no choice but to stop breaking the door, formed a semicircle, armed with guns.

The three of Zhou Ping and the others quickly came to the North District. When they saw more than a dozen security guards guarding the door of the No. 27 laboratory, they knew that they must have misunderstood.

He walked quickly to the door and knocked on the door: "Ye Bai?"

Hearing Zhou Ping's voice, Ye Bai put down his gun: "I'm inside."

Zhou Ping and the others breathed a sigh of relief: "Open the door."

Ye Bai hurried over to open the door.

A group of familiar faces came into view, Zhou Ping, Chen Wei, Wei Chen and Colonel Liu who picked him up.

Behind them stood a group of security guards.

Why did everyone run to their door?

Ye Bai looked at everyone suspiciously.

"What's the matter, academician Zhou, I heard an alarm, is it someone attacking? It just so happens that my new gun is made, but let's do it!"

As Ye Bai spoke, he raised two exaggerated guns, scaring the guards almost pointing them at him.

Zhou Ping said embarrassingly: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, they didn't know you were making new guns here, so they took you as a bad guy just now."

Not many people know about Ye Bai's presence here.

In addition, there are few people in the North District, and no one expected to make such a fuss.

Unexpectedly, Ye Bai would suddenly come out with a gun today. The researcher had never seen him, and saw him holding a gun, so he was frightened and decisively rang the alarm.

The corners of Ye Bai's mouth twitched when he heard this.

Well, it turns out that these people are here to catch themselves!

"This is?"

Zhou Ping suddenly saw the gun in Ye Bai's hand.

One is a widow maker, the surface is no longer rough, and the whole is more refined.

But the other one was completely missing.

It is also a very avant-garde and bold gun body design, and the same modular gun body as the Widow Maker.

The shape is smaller than that of the Widow Maker, the butt is very long, and the body of the gun is similar to that of an ordinary rifle, but the scope is on the head of the gun, which is completely different from ordinary scopes.

Both Chen Wei and Wei Chen also found the gun.

Chen Wei pointed to the smart assault rifle in Ye Bai's hand and asked, "What kind of gun is this?"

Ye Bai said with a smile: "Intelligent assault rifle - points can be achieved, just made a new gun."

Seeing Ye Bai's harmless smile, Zhou Ping was stunned.

New gun?

new gun!

Smart Assault Rifle!

A new gun was built.

what's the situation!

"I asked you to make a new one and you made a new gun?"

Zhou Ping looked at Ye Bai in disbelief before realizing that the misunderstanding was even bigger.

Is this guy a monster?

Ye Bai took it for granted: "That's right, you said it's new, so I made a new one. It's really new. You see, it's not a widow maker."

Ye Bai handed over the points.

Zhou Ping looked at the gun in his hand in disbelief, this time he was more than a self-certification, he was directly confirmed as a monster.

Although the specific performance is not yet known, he knows from experience that this gun must be real.

He meant to ask Ye Bai to make a new widow maker, but this guy just made a new gun.

For the new gun, it seems that there is no problem with this understanding, but it is too outrageous!

This is a military product, not a kid's origami plane.

This guy really not only dared to think, but also dared to do it!

It takes several years or even longer for others to research a gun, just like the electromagnetic rifle researched by Jiang Chen and the improved 88-style sniper rifle, both took several years.

This guy is good, Jiutian made a new one!

Chen Wei stammered from the side: "You, this, you didn't make it according to the equipment in the game, did you?"

Ye Bai nodded again as a matter of course: "Yes, that's right."

Chen Wei pursed his lips, looked at Ye Bai, sighed, and stopped talking.

If it was before, he would definitely suspect that Ye Bai was bragging, but now he really made it, and made a different gun.

There is only him here again, no one else, he must have done it.

And the widow maker heard from Jiang Chen that Ye Bai has been disassembled and now it is assembled.

It has been finely polished and looks much more refined.

Now he has nothing to say.

Wei Chen hurriedly greeted everyone: "Let's stop standing here, Colonel Liu, please notify the security team to lift the alarm, this is our mistake."

Liu He nodded, feeling more impressed with Ye Bai.

In the county seat, the county police station was besieged by the army and special police, and all the police officers were checked by the National Security Bureau.

It has only been more than a week since I came to the Dragon Academy of Sciences, and there is such a big commotion again.

Although he is a soldier, he also knows that developing a gun is not easy, but for Ye Bai it is as easy as playing a game.

"It turned out to be a misunderstanding. Who is that person?"

"I heard that it was an Internet celebrity who made an electromagnetic rifle. The courtyard didn't say anything about it, it just happened a few days ago."

"Why are Internet celebrities so powerful now? That's Researcher Jiang's research project. He has been working on it for several years without any progress, and he was actually taken care of by an Internet celebrity?"

"Hey, Researcher He Zhijiang, the electromagnetic rifle is a problem in the world, and this thing is a weapon that crosses the era!"

Jiang Chen was listening on the sidelines, not wanting to talk, and all of this was pulled out for comparison. He was shot while lying down, and people are more angry than others.

Forget it, there is no need to compare with Ye Bai.

He is human, Ye Bai is a monster!


Can I have the evaluation ticket Huahua? It would be even better to have a monthly pass. ???????

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