Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 122 The Youngest Major General!

"I invite you to come this time, one is to let you see your statue, and you have a place in this Yanhuang Hall of Merit!"

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "There is another big thing, you have done so much for the country, you should have been awarded the title long ago, here today, in this hall that symbolizes the highest glory of the Yanhuang Kingdom, I am here to award you the title! "

Usually commissioning takes place in the military.

But this time is special, this time it is dedicated to Ye Bai alone.

The meritorious statue, which just represents the highest glory, has also been completed.

So put it together, in the witness of all the tourists, award Ye Bai!

It looks like there's no army official here.

But the commander-in-chief of the five armies is awarded the title!

The commanders of the five major military regions are watching!

The location is in Yanhuang Hall of Merit!!

It can be said that this is the highest venue and the highest award lineup!!

"Xiaobai is going to be a soldier!"

Ye Ji is very pleased, his son can serve as a soldier, and the commander-in-chief personally confers the title, what an honor it is!!

"God Ye is about to confer titles! Oh my god, academician and military officer are too strong!"

"Given God Ye's contribution, the title should be granted, and I must be above the school level at the absolute minimum!"

"I think even 017 can be a general!"

"Yes! That's right, General, General Ye, God Ye, Academician Ye, haha, God Ye is already invincible!!"

Ye Bai has basically taken all the honors he can get!

The people around were all excited, waiting to witness the Ye Bai conferment ceremony!

What could be more formal than being conferred a military rank by the commander-in-chief of the five armies in the hall that symbolizes the highest glory of the country?!

Ye Bai straightened up immediately, Zhang Liang waved his hand and asked someone to bring two wooden boxes.

The wooden box is opened, and inside are a set of chambers and a set of chapters!!

Zhang Liang first took out the military uniform: "Go to the back and change into the military uniform, let us have a look."

Ye Bai took the military uniform solemnly, and then followed the staff to the back room to change.

When Ye Bai changed into his military uniform and came out, everyone's eyes lit up!

The originally handsome face, coupled with the blessing of the military uniform, made Ye Bai look a little more handsome!

If Ye Bai in a researcher's white coat is a handsome, versatile and knowledgeable academician, in cross-dressing he is a sunny and handsome boy.

Then after changing into the military uniform, you will be a heroic, tall and handsome officer!!

"Oh my god, I was really poked by God Ye's face, I can't do it!"

"As a man, I can't bear to see Ye Shen in this outfit. He's so handsome, but the military uniform is different, and his temperament immediately changes!"

"Ye Shen is the only handsome guy I recognize in the north of the city!"

"I don't know if God Ye is single, I seem to be chasing him!"

Yi Rou'er looked at Ye Bai after changing clothes from a close distance, and she couldn't bear to look away.

Yi Ming noticed the strangeness of his daughter and smiled.

If Yi Rou'er can make a deal with Ye Bai, he agrees with both hands.

Who wouldn't want a son-in-law like Ye Bai!

Even if he is the commander of a military region, he feels that he is a high-ranking man!

As a woman, Song Jia keenly saw Yi Rouer's eyes.

She observed that Yi Rou'er and Yi Ming were walking together, so they should have a close relationship.

As Yi Ming is the commander of the military region, Yi Rou'er's status must not be low.

Moreover, Yi Rou'er is so tall that she can be described by the word "beautiful country and city".

As a woman, seeing Yi Rou'er's eyes, she knew that as long as her son nodded, the two of them would definitely be successful!

Although Ye Bai has many honors now and mainly devotes himself to scientific research, but if he can blossom in both career and love, of course it is the best!

"Okay, not bad, this figure is straight! It looks good!"

Zhang Liang couldn't help admiring, Ye Bai seemed to be born to wear military uniforms.

It looks like those founding fathers when they were young!!

Ye Bai grinned slightly.

"I'll give you the (cceb) title directly!"

Zhang Liang took the military rank out of the wooden box, and everyone saw it clearly.

"Hiss, major general! It's really a general!"

"This is the first time I've seen a rank directly from 0 to Major General!!"

"Only Ye Shen can have such a miracle!! From recruit to major general directly, haha!"

"I just wanted to say, who else?!!"

The people around looked excitedly at the golden branches and leaves and a golden star on the epaulettes!

Major General!!

Ye Bai was transferred from a researcher to an officer, and he was directly awarded the rank of major general.

This is directly upgraded to {!

A little higher and you're full!!

Such a speed is unprecedented, and I am afraid there will be no one in the future!!

Zhang Liang took the epaulets and solemnly put them on for Ye Bai.

"You are the youngest major general in my Yanhuang Kingdom!"

Ye Bai immediately gave a military salute!


Zhang Liang nodded in satisfaction.

"Congratulations, haha."

Liu Shouguo applauded from the sidelines.

Immediately, thunderous applause resounded in the entire Yanhuang Hall of Merit!

Everyone applauded loudly.

This is a general recognized by the people!

Ye Ji and Song Jia also applauded vigorously.

My son is now a major general!


Liu Shouguo asked Ye Bai to bring his parents over, just to let the elders see Ye Bai's glorious moment!

This is a proud moment for them!!

Zhang Liang continued: "You are now a major general of the Zijin Military Region. Of course, no one can restrict your work. You still focus on scientific research! But you have the absolute right and status of a major general, and this is not a vacant position."

Ye Bai nodded, he didn't expect to become a general in less than a year.

"You still remember the dragon group plan you proposed?"

Liu Shouguo said suddenly.

"Remember, the first people to use the super soldier serum.

The five Yanhuang captains are powerful in combat, and they should be independent figures in each military region now.

Zhang Liang said with a smile: "From now on, the Dragon Group will be your direct department. You can expand the number of personnel as you like, and Zijin Military District will bear all the expenses."

Liu Shouguo laughed and said, "We have to bear it, haha."

Ye Bai was slightly surprised.

The Dragon Group was originally conceived to be created for state covert operations.

Part of the reason is to read novels, and I also want to create a dragon team with powerful abilities, and even each has superpowers.

Unexpectedly, it has now become my own exclusive department!


Ye Bai salutes immediately!

Expand recruits casually, this is real military power!

The above is to tell him with actions that his general has real power!!.

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