Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 123 Dragon Yuan Potion, The World Flocks To It!

"Dragon Yuan Potion is too powerful, we must find a way to buy it!"

Just two days after returning to Fudi from the Zhuhai Air Show, Beidaiku heard that Yanhuang Kingdom released another Longyuan Potion.

It can actually strengthen the human body!

Can regenerate and heal itself!

It's like having superpowers!


"I think it is necessary for us to go to Yanhuang Country again.

Bedek immediately had people-ready the plane.

"Your Highness, this Dragon Yuan Potion was developed by Academician Ye Bai from Yanhuang Kingdom.

Bedeku nodded after hearing the servant Da's report, "I think it is necessary for me to meet this powerful academician of Yanhuang Kingdom, and I must make friends with him."

Da Wan bowed and said: "Yes, Your Highness, this talent is too important."

Bedeku waved his hand: "Prepare the plane immediately, we will go to Yanhuang country now!"

In the Prime Minister's Mansion of the Neon Kingdom, the first student Yamamoto also paid attention to the news of Longyuan Pharmacy.

"Yanhuang Kingdom is already transcending this world, if we don't keep up, we will be far behind!"

Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Hashimoto Daihui sat kneeling aside: "Yes, my lord, let's go to the Yanhuang Kingdom to discuss it in person. This Longyuan Potion is of great significance!"

Nobody wants to be healthy!

What's more, people in the Neon country are generally short, and this dragon essence potion is likely to change their genes!

The news of Yanhuang Kingdom's Longyuan Pharmacy spread across the Blue Star countries immediately.

People from all over the world hope that the government and Yanhuang Kingdom can buy medicines!

There were even a large number of people who wanted to immigrate to the Yanhuang Kingdom.

But the Yanhuang country green card is not easy to get, it is too strict, and many people are persuaded to return.

So many people simply started to march, hoping that the government would join the Pale Yellow Country!!

"Fake, why, why did Yanhuang Kingdom launch such a powerful technology again?! Even cancer can be cured, damn it!"

Yingjiang is completely helpless now, Yanhuang Kingdom has completely exceeded the limit.

Even if Yanhuang Kingdom does not take any action now.

Even if there is a little rumor, it can have huge repercussions in the world!

What's more, such technology as Longyuan Pharmacy promotes human beings to go further!

"The evolution of human beings is very slow, and there has been almost no change in these thousands of years. The Dragon Yuan Potion is likely to become a key!"

Dr. John pushed his glasses: "I obtained the hair of a super soldier in Yanhuang Kingdom before. After research, I found that their body has already reached the limit of human beings!! I guess the dragon element potion is the enhancement used by their super soldier Potion!"

Trump immediately asked: "How is it? You have studied for so long, and you also have their hair. Has there been any progress?"

Dr. John shook his head: "I can only analyze their body information, but I can't analyze the changes in their cells and genes, it's too complicated! Except for the developer, no one can do it at all!!"

"Fack, what use are you for?! You are also the world's top biologist, but you can't analyze it!!"

Trump was furious.

Dr. Yue didn't speak, the intermediate level of biotechnology was beyond his comprehension.

In fact, he didn't know that even if Ye Bai gave Chen Wei the detailed information about the full version of the super soldier serum, it is still impossible to analyze it!

The technical barriers here can no longer be solved with information.

Not to mention that Dr. John only has one hair!

Dals said in a deep voice: "I think there is no way to stop the rise of Yanhuang Kingdom, why not join in."

Trump clenched his fist: "Join, we can't join, but there are other ways.

Michael leaned on the chair: "The guys from the Neon Kingdom have already gone to the Yanhuang Kingdom, as well as Fudi's Prince Bei Dai.

"Well, in the evening, I will personally call the supreme leader of Yanhuang Kingdom to talk about the issue of cooperation."

As soon as Beideku got off the plane, he immediately asked the big contributor Liu Shouguo to let them meet Ye Bai.

Ye Bai happened to be still in Yanjing, and Yi Rouer took him and his parents to visit the capital.

Suddenly received a call from Liu Shouguo.

"Xiao Ye, Prince Bedek of Fudi wants to meet you, do you have time?"

Ye Bai looked at his parents and Yi Rou'er: "Let him wait, I'll go back after watching the tower with my parents."

"Okay, I'll talk to them about other things."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ji asked curiously: "If you have something to do, go and do it first. Your mother and I are not children, and it's okay to be taken by Miss Yi. We'll go back here after a while. Your work is more important now."

...asking for flowers......

Yi Rou'er gently brushed the broken hair on her forehead: "If you have something to do, go back first, I will take Uncle Aunt for a stroll. y

Ye Bai shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, let's go, this is the largest tower in Yanjing, we saw this during the military parade.

If you are looking for him for scientific research or work, Ye Bai will definitely go back.

But just want to meet him, then no one is more important than parents.

On the other side, Liu Shouguo smiled and said: "Academician Ye is busy and will be back in the evening, we can talk about other important things.

Beideku's face was full of regret: "Okay, it's okay to meet at night. I'm here this time to talk about the cooperation of Longyuan Pharmacy. We also want to get Longyuan Pharmacy. You can prescribe it if you have any conditions."

Liu Shouguo pondered for a while and said: "Currently, the production of Longyuan medicine is limited, and we will only consider selling it outside after we ensure that the people in our country are fully injected.

Bedeku shook his head and said: "No problem, time is no problem, as long as you can buy it, money is not a problem."

Liu Shouguo smiled slightly: "Money is actually a problem. Longyuan Pharmacy still only accepts Yanhuang coins, and the country uses Yanhuang coins."

Bedeku frowned: "If that's the case, it's indeed a problem."

They are rich, but they use their own currency.

If it is replaced, it requires a lot of determination, and it is believed that Yanhuang Kingdom will be able to integrate Blue Star resources in the future!

"We need to think about it."

Beidaiku finally decided to think about it. After all, it is not known how long it will take for the Longyuan Medicine to be officially delivered.

They still have time to wait and see the development of Yanhuang Kingdom.

At this time, the first student Yamamoto also arrived: "Honour, His Royal Highness Prince Bedeku, Chief Liu.

Liu Shouguo nodded slightly: "The Neon Country is also here for the Longyuan Potion."

The newborn Yamamoto nodded and glanced at Beidaiku.

Beideku laughed and said: "We also completed the transaction for Longyuan Pharmacy.

Liu Shouguo glanced at Beideku and smiled knowingly at Fan. .

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