Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 127 Fudi, The Highest Standard Reception, 220,000 Suites Per Night!

Ye Bai took a special plane to Fudi, accompanied by five members of the Dragon Group.

"General Ye, I didn't expect that we are your exclusive department."

The big man looked at Ye Bai excitedly.

Ye Bai's reputation is well known to everyone in Yanhuang Kingdom!!

Academician Ye, General Ye, God of Science and Technology!

And their super soldier serum is made by Ye Bai.

They can achieve what they are now, all thanks to Ye Bai!!

When the five members of the dragon group knew that they were Ye Bai's exclusive department, they were all very excited!

Follow Wang Kemang to train harder!!

"Yes, without you, I would never have the chance to serve the country again!"

Grenade has the deepest feeling!

One of his hands was blown off and one of his feet was crippled!

It was the super soldier serum that gave him life again!

Ye Bai smiled and said: "It is you who are good enough to get the chance to be reborn, so you have won everything by yourself."

"Hey, we understand. Don't worry, General Ye. With us here, you are absolutely safe!"

The thin man patted his chest hard.

The big man also promised: "If there is any task, we will absolutely guarantee to complete it!"

The veteran and the cook also nodded, they didn't talk much.

After special training, their strength has been developed even stronger!

Five sets of dark dragon armor were also carried on the special plane.

The five of them cooperate with the dark dragon armor, each of them is a humanoid beast!

Ye Bai smiled and nodded: "Okay."

In fact, his combat power is much stronger than the five members of the dragon group.

Duer Nano Armor is a cosmic level of combat power!!

Even if Ye Bai is an ordinary person, after wearing it, he surpasses the five members of the dragon group who wear the dark dragon suit.

He is also injected with super soldier serum, so even more powerful!!

When Ye Bai went to Fudi to guide the construction, Liu Shiguo sent the Luanfeng space carrier to cruise in countries near Fuyou.

The purpose is to ensure Ye Bai's safety and deter those who have evil plans!

Now no one in Blue Star can stop the cruise of the Luanfeng space carrier, nor can they find it.

So just leave it alone.

Soon, the special plane arrived at Fudi's most luxurious airport.

Fudi is the capital of the Eastern Emirates!

This is the richest and most extravagant (cccg) country in the world!!

"Damn it, there are a lot of people outside!"

The big man looked out through the window in surprise.

The thin man also leaned on the window to grab a look.

"With this specification, I am afraid that the boss of a country will come here like this."

"It has to be General Ye who has a noble status!"

The other three also looked out of the window, quite touched.

I saw two rows of guards of honor standing outside!

Many people held banners to welcome them.

Prince Bedeku stood with the princess, and many officials were waiting below.

There are six Rolls-Royce Phantoms parked not far away!

Although Yanhuang Kingdom has opened the trade of maglev cars with Fudi, the rich people here still like this kind of expensive executive cars!

Maglev cars are more popular with the public.

However, Yanhuang Kingdom is also making high-end maglev vehicles now, and replacing fuel vehicles is an inevitable trend!

Ye Bai glanced out the window, he had heard that Fudihao was inhumane, and now he saw something.

This administrative vehicle is at least tens of millions!!

Winning over this ally is very beneficial to the funds he will need for future interstellar exploration.

The cabin door of the special plane opened, and Ye Bai was scheduled to go to the door.

The guard of honor immediately began to play music.

Prince Bedeku led the crowd to greet him.

Ye Bai was wearing a military uniform. He got off the plane, and the five members of the Dragon Team followed behind him to protect him.

"This is the legendary character of Yanhuang Kingdom, so handsome!"

"The figure is also very good, tall and mighty."

"The five bodyguards behind him also feel amazing!"

The people discussed in low voices.

Ye Bai walked up to Prince Bedeku, and the two shook hands cordially.

"My dear Ye, welcome and welcome.

Bedeku took Ye Bai to meet the executive next to him.

This is definitely the highest standard of treatment.

All the general-level officers were there, as well as many senior researchers.

"Get in the car, we have prepared a banquet for you at the hotel, to welcome you."

Ye Bai nodded, and immediately left to open the door for him.

Immediately after the convoy started, ten military vehicles followed behind to protect it!

This is indeed Fudi, the richest city!

Ye Bai saw countless luxury cars along the way, and of course there were also maglev cars.

The police here drive supercars!

Don't worry about not being able to catch up with criminals at all......

Gradually, a huge tall building appeared in Ye Bai's sight.

This is the tallest building in the world, Fudi Tower!

The Luanfeng space carrier is a little taller than it!

Soon, the convoy stopped in front of Fudi Tower.

A waiter opened the door immediately.

Ye Bai and the executives got off the bus.

There are also many citizens around, as well as tourists from Yanhuang Kingdom.

"Damn it, God Ye, the prince personally received him, there's no one here!"

"This is Fudi's future king!"

"Hey, is this the legendary Ye Bai from your Yanhuang Kingdom?"

"It should be Ye Shen!"

The Armani restaurant in Fudi Tower occupies the eleventh floor of Fudi Tower, with a total of 160 suites!

Ye Bai and others directly entered the VIP box.

"During General Ye's guidance in Fudi, your residence is in the Royal Presidential Suite in Fudi Tower. You can live there as long as you want!"

Bedeku and others sat down and introduced Ye Bai.

The thin man usually likes to surf, and he was very surprised to hear that the Royal Presidential Suite.

Because the price of this suite for one night is 220,000 Yanhuang coins!!

"Thank you prince for your hospitality."

During the meeting, everyone chatted very harmoniously.

Ye Bai is very calm and mature.

Let Fudi's officials appreciate it very much.

In the end, Ye Bai followed Prince Bedeku for a stroll in Fudi.

Luxury can only be described here!

Of course, I didn't go to the outer city, which was much more normal.

At night, Ye Bai stands in front of the window.

Overlook the whole Fudi.

When the Kunpeng transport spacecraft is completed, his mission has been updated.

Task: Build a space battleship and build a human settlement on the moon.

With the technology he currently possesses, it is not difficult to build human settlements.

He was right in guessing.

Level 3 technology points are indeed building universe-level technology.

He is not in a hurry for space battleships.

Before starting interstellar exploration, the Great Wall of the Universe project must be completed.

Otherwise, Blue Star is too fragile.

So when Fudi completes the construction of the living section of the Great Wall of the Universe, he will choose to lead people to build human settlements on the moon.

Use it as a Blue Star outpost!.

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