Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 128 Fudi Joins The Moon Human Habitation Project!

next morning.

Prince Bedeku came to Ye Bai early.

"General Ye, today I will take you to the construction site of the Great Wall of the Universe, you will be very satisfied."

Ye Bai nodded and followed.

The five members of the dragon group were divided into two groups, who protected Ye Bai 24 hours a day.

At this time, the big man and the thin man followed behind him. Last night it was a grenade, and the veteran kept vigil.

Fu Di also arranged many bodyguards to protect Ye Bai, even more than Prince Bebang's bodyguards!!

"This time I heard that you came to guide, and the scientists in our country are very excited. I hope that General Ye will come more often in the future."

Ye Bai smiled~ said: "No problem.

Prince Bedeku didn't mind Ye Bai talking less: "If you have any project, you must bring us Fudi, we have established a lot of equipment transactions with Yanhuang Kingdom."

Speaking of projects, Ye Bai actually has one.

Human Habitat on the Moon!

This is a completely multi-national project.

This can build and expand the scope of human life faster.

At the same time, as the outpost of Blue Star in the universe, Ye Bai wants to transform it into a star-based star destroyer as a weapon to protect Blue Star.

It also takes a lot of people to complete the construction.

"Actually, after the completion of the Great Wall of the Universe, I have the idea to build human settlements and a defensive weapon on the moon."

Ye Bai pretended to mention it unintentionally.

Bedeku was overjoyed when he heard that, they didn't have any projects in space.

The Blue Star Alliance space station does not have their share either.

They have long wanted to explore space.

He quickly asked: "Can Fudi join us? We are willing to provide sufficient financial support!! You can tell us everything you need!"

For Fudi, what can be solved with money is not a problem!

And they have joined the Yanhuang currency basket.

The national currency is being fully converted into Yanhuang coins.

But because of the huge amount, Yanhuang Kingdom is working overtime to print money......

If they can join Ye Bai's project of human settlements on the moon, it will definitely increase their international prestige!!

Ye Bai frowned and thought for a while: "Yes, the preliminary plan is to build a human city on the moon. The size of the city depends on the number of participating countries. Qian Song is ready to accept applications from five countries."

In fact, there is no country limit.

The more countries involved in this project, the better.

Ye Bai is also not prepared to limit the participation of some countries.

Yanhuang Kingdom wants to promote the Blue Star Alliance and take the lead in the Blue Star Alliance, so it needs more plans like the Great Wall of the Universe to increase its prestige.

That's why he made restrictions on the number of countries, just to make other countries accept Yanhuang Kingdom's Blue Star Alliance plan!!

At the same time, it also made Fu Di feel that he had got a big deal.

That way you can get more benefits out of it!

Sure enough, Bedeku said pleasantly: "Haha, General Ye is so generous, don't worry, we, Fudi, will support the lunar human habitation plan with all the strength of the whole country, and we hope to send people to live on it."

Ye Bai nodded with a smile: "No problem at all, I will definitely let you go live and divide your country's regions."

For the Kunpeng carrier spacecraft that can carry 300,000 tons, it is too easy to carry some humans to the moon.

Even if an average human weighs 100 kilograms, ten people weigh 1 ton.

The Kunpeng carrier spacecraft can pull three million people at a time!!

The actual carrying capacity must be more than this figure!

Definitely can send enough people up in one go!

What's more, the Kunpeng carrier spacecraft will not only build one.

Beideku laughed happily and said: "It is indeed right to invite General Ye to come over, let's hurry up and build the base.

After the two got into the car, they went directly to the construction base of the living section of the Great Wall of the Universe.

I have to say that it is also very luxurious here.

All equipment is the best and brand new!!

It can be seen that it is a place that has just been planned and built.

Inhumanity everywhere!

The researchers are already all waiting for him.

In academia, his name has spread internationally!

"His Royal Highness Prince."

John Mu is Fudi's most accomplished scientist, he greeted Bedeku first, and then looked at Ye Bai very excitedly: "Academician Ye, you are welcome to guide our construction.

He knows all of Ye Bai's technological research and development!

He admires Ye Bai's strong scientific research ability very much!

Although Yanhuang Kingdom has developed rapidly, its original technological level is still far behind that of Yingjiang.

...asking for flowers...

The birth of Ye Bai!

Directly bring the military technology of Yanhuang Kingdom to surpass the whole world!!

This great achievement was completed in less than a year!!

Ye Bai nodded, and entered the research room with everyone.

Bedeku was very happy: "Everyone and General Ye will study hard to improve their abilities, and they may join General Ye's lunar human habitation plan later, so everyone must pay attention!"

He directly announced his participation in the Ye Bai Moon Human Habitation Program.

Everyone was so excited when they heard the news!!

"Human habitation? Can we live in space?"

"This only exists in movies, I didn't expect Academician Ye to be ready to implement it"

"It is my honor to be able to study with Academician Ye, oh my god, the moon lives, and human beings can already explore the mysterious space!"


John Mu bowed slightly: "Thank you very much for Academician Ye's recognition, we will definitely do our best!"

Bedeku waved his hand: "Everyone, as long as you follow General Ye's research and successfully complete the life section of the Great Wall of the Universe and the human habitation plan on the moon, I promise that each of you will be rewarded with 20 million Yanhuang coins and a villa!!

The crowd suddenly cheered.

This reward is too great.

20 million!

They develop a technology, and the reward is at most hundreds of thousands.

But this time I gave two thousand at once, and there is a villa!!

This is Foddy!!

A villa in Fudi, no matter how big or small, is definitely worth more than 20 million!!

Bedeku then said to Ye Bai: "In order to thank General Ye for guiding our scientists here, we have also prepared a beautiful villa for you!! You can come here for vacation at any time, and the villa is cleaned by maids every day. All expenses will be borne by us!"

Ye Bai quickly shook his head: "I can have a villa, but you don't have to bear the expenses.

Bedeku smiled and said: "No problem, but the salary we will fire you during the guidance period in our country is a daily salary of one million Yanhuang coins!"

Ye Bai touched his nose, smiled and did not refuse, this is salary, so there is no other way.

In the following time, besides guiding the construction of John Mu and others, he conceived and wrote the construction plan of the lunar residence.

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