Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 136: Area 51, Ufos, Aliens!

A few minutes later, Ye Bai stepped off the plane.

It was noon when we set off from Yanhuang Kingdom.

However, it is early morning in Maoxiong Country at this moment.

However, even in the early morning, there are already crowds of people outside the airport.

There are not only reporters with long guns and short cannons, but also ordinary people in Maoxiong Country.

They were even more excited than these reporters!

President Puti of Maoxiong Kingdom was also very excited. With a smile all over his face, he hurried forward to greet Ye Bai and held Ye Bai's people tightly.

"Mao Xiongguo welcomes you, Academician Ye!"

Ye Bai doesn't like such high-profile scenes very much, so the process of greeting is very fast.

He just showed his face in front of the door, and got on the car to the construction base.

However, Mao Xiongguo's reporter accurately recorded the moment Puti shook hands with Ye Bai.

This photo spread rapidly on the Internet and soon swept the world.

Almost everyone in the world knows that Academician Ye from Yanhuang Kingdom has visited Mao Xiong!

At this moment, Puti is sitting in a special car, next to his secretary, Kajna.

"President Puti, the stock prices of almost all state-owned companies in our country have started to rise!"

Kajna has been paying attention to the impact of Ye Bai's visit to Maoxiong Country.

When she reported this result to Puti, Puti was also shocked.

Is this the influence of Academician Ye in the world!


But soon, something happened that shocked Pudike Kajna even more.

It's not just the stock prices of state-owned enterprises in Maoxiongguo.

Almost all the industries in Maoxiong Country have been promoted internationally!

Western countries even directly stated on social media that they would withdraw from the West York Group headed by Eagle Sauce!

The Xiyue Group is dominated by Yingjiang, an alliance to contain the Maoxiong Kingdom and the Yanhuang Kingdom.

After the appearance of Ye Bai and the rise of the Yanhuang Kingdom, the goal of Xiyue changed, and it no longer contained the Yanhuang Kingdom.

But it has intensified the containment of Mao Xiongguo.

The import and export channels to them are strictly blocked.

Even natural gas and other energy sources are no longer imported from Maoxiong Country!

This directly had a devastating impact on the economy of Maoxiong Country.

However, unexpectedly, it was just a visit from Ye Bai.

It actually made these Western countries announce their withdrawal from West Yorkshire in a high-profile manner!

This is simply unbelievable!

When Kajna was still covering her mouth in shock, Puti had already made up her mind.

"We must let Ye Bai stay in Maoxiong Country for a few more days!"

At this moment, in the Office of the President of Area 51 of the United States.

Trump was looking at the monitor indifferently.

What is displayed on the monitor is the notice of various Western countries withdrawing from West Treaty.

Xiyue is not just to contain Maoxiong and Yanhuang.

It is also a means of grabbing benefits for Ying Jiang.

It can be said that all the western countries have withdrawn, which directly hurt Yingjiang's vitality!

If it was normal, Trump would have already been furious.

But at this moment, Trump is not only not angry, but wants to laugh a little.

Because, they already have the means to fight against the Yanxia Kingdom!

That's aliens!

To be precise, it is a South Carolina star!

Area 51 is a military base established by Yingjiang in the 1930s.

It was originally a place for human experiments.

But later, a UF crashed here.

Ying Jiang turned this place into a research base for alien civilization.

After so many years, Eagle Sauce finally analyzed how to use quantum communication on the spacecraft, and was able to talk to it!

It's just that they haven't been able to create quantum communication yet, and the Yanhuang Kingdom is ahead in this regard!

Thinking of this, Trump picked up the phone on the table.

The phone goes directly to the top secret laboratory in Area 51!

"How about it, did the other party agree to our terms?"

When the phone was connected, Trump's impatient voice passed through.

In order to attack Yanxia Kingdom, he has already spared no effort.

This is their last resort!

The purpose of contacting the aliens this time is to allow the aliens to fight against the Yanxia Kingdom, so that Yingjiang can once again become the overlord of the Blue Star.

And the price is a quarter of Blue Star's resources!

However, these damn aliens feel that a quarter of the resources are too little.

Unwilling to make a move!

"Not yet, President."

"They said that they have already analyzed Blue Star, and they need at least half of the resources to be worth leaving.

The chief researcher wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said cautiously.

"Greedy alien, really hateful!"

Trump took a deep breath and thought about it.

In the past, Eagle Sauce occupied two-thirds of the world's resources, so it was so unscrupulous.

But now, all the resources have been taken away by the Yanxia Kingdom, and they no longer have the influence they had before.

Relying on local resources alone, not even two-thousandths of Blue Star.

too little!

If aliens can wipe out all other countries on the blue star.

When the time comes, they will share Blue Star equally.

It's not unacceptable either!

Taking a deep breath, Trump spoke slowly.

"Promise them, you can give them half of Blue Star's resources." "

"But there is one condition, that is, we need to ensure that we have full control over the rest of Blue Star's resources!"

Trump finished.

"They agreed, President Sipu!"

As soon as the researcher conveyed Trump's meaning to the past, the alien's reply came.

This is the power of quantum communication!

Conveying information regardless of distance!!

"They said that they don't even need to take action, they just need to drop a few meteorite shells on the earth, and all the other countries on the earth will be razed to the ground!"

Hearing the researcher's words, Trump became mad: "Let them cast a few more!"

"As long as it doesn't threaten Yingjiang's land, we don't mind all other places being razed to the ground!"

Trump's cruel voice made the researchers shiver uncontrollably.

"It's been communicated, President, that they said there were five dropped, enough to destroy other countries.

At this time, Trump finally showed a relaxed expression on his face.

"By the way, Yanhuang Kingdom is building a Great Wall of the Universe. You can ask the aliens whether it will affect the proton shells."

The researchers conveyed Trump's meaning to the past, and the aliens responded quickly.

"They said there was no impact. They thought that with the level of technology on earth, there was nothing that could threaten them."

"Moreover, meteor shells have an automatic tracking function, as long as the target is set, they will automatically avoid all obstacles.

Hearing the alien's reply, Trump was relieved.

"Then let them launch!"

"The aliens said that the space voyage is too long, and it takes two months in the solar calendar to reach the Earth Festival."

"It's just a matter of being patient during this time."

"After the meteorite shell explodes and Eagle Sauce takes full control of the earth, they will find time to send people to receive half of the resources.

Trump nodded in satisfaction.

This ending is very in line with his conception!

Eagle Sauce, should rule Blue Star!.

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