time flies.

A month passed in a blink of an eye.

During this time, Ye Bai visited the remaining seven countries.

After the visit of these seven countries, the speed of construction has tripled, and their status in the world has been promoted.

The living cabins have all been launched, and the official construction of the Great Wall of the Universe has begun.

Today, there's only one country left that hasn't been visited yet, and that's Garlic Sauce!

As long as Yingjiang's living capsule is launched, the construction speed of the Great Wall of the Universe will be further accelerated.

It is expected that the Great Wall of the Universe will be officially put into use within a month at most.

At that time, the Great Wall of the Universe, as a port for interstellar travel, will be able to carry out the moon immigration and Mars development plans.

This is Ye Bai's goal!

After finishing his visit to the seventh country, Ye Bai turned to look at Yi Rou'er beside him.

"There is one last country left, please help me arrange a visit to Eagle Sauce!"

During this time, she has been helping Ye Bai handle the interview, Ye Bai only needs to concentrate on scientific research.

After hearing Ye Bai's words, Yi Rou'er nodded, and then began to contact the person in charge of Yingjiang's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

After hearing that it was Ye Bai who was coming to visit, the person in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Yingjiang dared not make his own claim.

A phone call was made to President Trump on the spot.

293 At this moment, Trump is still sitting in his office in the 51st District, imagining how he will be a tyrant after ruling Blue Star.

A phone call interrupted his thoughts, and he frowned.

"If you don't have anything particularly important, I don't guarantee that you won't be able to stay in this position!"

After hearing Trump's words, cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the foreign minister.

"If it's not something very important, I won't bother you, Mr. President.

"Just now Ye Bai from Yanhuang Kingdom called and said that he would help us build the living capsule of the Great Wall of the Universe.

"Do you think we should promise them?"

He quickly explained and told Trump the content of the phone call just now.

After hearing the words of the foreign minister, Trump fell into deep thought.

"Tell Ye Bai that we don't need his help."

"We, Eagle Sauce, can complete the construction and launch of the living cabin!"

After speaking, Trump hung up the phone angrily.

The foreign minister was startled, hung up the phone, and hurriedly told Yi Rou'er the result.

Since visiting seven countries, this is the first time Yi Rouer has heard the voice of rejection.

I can't help being a little surprised. (ccah)

After all, the previous seven countries not only agreed cleanly, but even almost fought because of the order in which Ye Bai went.

After confirming that Ying Jiang had indeed rejected Ye Bai's interview, Yi Rou'er hung up the phone and told Ye Bai the result.

After hearing this, Ye Bai nodded.

It's clear in my heart.

Although Yingjiang has agreed to the construction of the living cabin, it is nothing more than obedience and obedience.

Presumably, in their construction base, except for the scientific research personnel sent by Yanhuang Kingdom, everyone else is passively sabotaging their work!

The Great Wall of the Universe does not need to completely cover the Earth to function.

Ye Bai can completely empty out the Great Wall of the Universe over the Eagle Country without protecting the range of the Eagle Country.

However, Ye Bai is not prepared to do so.

After all, maybe a few years later, Eagle Country will be renamed Yanhuang Country.

Since it is the territory of Yanhuang Kingdom, it still needs to be well protected.

Thinking of this, Ye Bai patted the Duhou nano armor necklace on his chest.

In an instant, the black battle armor covered his whole body.

After telling Yi Rou'er that she was going to Yingjiang, Ye Bai flew into the air in an instant and disappeared in place.

Ye Bai flew extremely fast, and within ten minutes, he entered the airspace of Eagle Country and found the construction base.


After seeing the situation in the construction base, he narrowed his eyes.

Among the construction bases, only the scientific research personnel of Yanxia Kingdom are contributing to the construction.

And the other people were either smoking or playing cards, or lay down on the ground and fell asleep!

Ye Bai landed directly, entered the base, and came to the office of the chief engineer of Yanxia Kingdom.

The chief engineer was startled when he saw Ye Bai suddenly, and then gave a solemn military salute.

Ye Bai didn't have ink marks, and directly asked the most concerned question: "Without the help of these eagle sauces, how long will it take you to ascend to the living cabin?"

The chief engineer thought for a while and gave the answer: "One month at the latest!"

"I asked these scientific researchers to work overtime, maybe it will be finished in another 20 days!"

The chief engineer thought it was Ye Bai who thought their work was slow, and cold sweat came out on his face.

"It's okay, don't make them work overtime."

Ye Bai shook his head.

"Guarantee the rest time of the scientific research personnel, don't worry."

Ye Bai said while thinking in his heart.

One month is indeed a long time.

After all, a month later, the construction of the Great Wall of the Universe in other areas should have been completed.

If the living cabin here has just been lifted into the sky, it may take another month to complete the construction of the entire Great Wall of the Universe.

However, when the time comes in the air, the personnel who build the Great Wall of the Universe do not need to be recruited from Yingjiang, and people from the living cabins in other areas can also come to support.

The speed should double.

If you think about it this way, it's not unacceptable.

time flies.

Fifteen days passed by in a flash.

The construction of the living quarters in the Yingjiang section is still progressing slowly.

However, the Great Wall of the Universe in other places has basically been completed.

Next, wait for the living cabin of the Yingguo section to lift off. After the construction of the Great Wall of the Universe is completed, we will cut the ribbon together and put it into use.

That's how things should have gone.

But when the Great Wall of the Universe was completed, Ye Bai wore the Duernami Armor to check the Great Wall of the Universe in the universe.

Duer Nano Armor suddenly prompts that there is a threat approaching!

Ye Bai couldn't help frowning.

The threats on the blue star should have all been eliminated.

Could it be that the threat comes from outside the universe?

Ye Bai controlled the Duernami armor and scanned around the earth.

Soon, he found the threat on the light blue Eagle Nation panel!

A total of five small red dots are flying towards the earth with a red streamer.


Ye Bai frowned.

No, it's not a meteorite!

Five at a time, and the speed and arrangement are extremely regular.

There is no such coincidence of meteorites at all!

What the hell is this?

His heart skipped a beat.

I don't know if Luban's Eye can analyze these five meteorites.

Thinking in this way, he manipulated Luban's Eye and locked on five meteorites traveling at a high speed.

It's done!

"Ding: Successful analysis, meteorite shell."

"The cannonballs manufactured and fired by the Sikas have automatic tracking and aiming functions. They are so powerful that they can destroy a continent in one moment!"

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