Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 138 Meteor Strikes, The Great Wall Of The Universe Opens!

Seeing the message on Luban's Eye, Ye Bai frowned.

Meteor bombs?

Shika Stars?

There are really aliens in this world, and those who come are not good!

Judging from the meteorite shells alone, the technological level of Blue Star is still not as good as that of Sika Star.

Through the analysis of Luban's eye, these five shells came across 45 light years!!

Such a distance is definitely not the technology that the earth can currently have.

The space battleship plan is about to step up time!!

"Analyze whether the proton energy shield of the Great Wall of the Universe can withstand the power of the five meteor shells.

'Ding: It can be resisted. Meteors are the most basic weapon for interstellar attacks. Kaka didn't come up with a powerful weapon.

After getting an affirmative answer. Ye Bai drove the armor to fly towards the ground, so that he didn't have to deal with it himself.

Immediately afterwards, a red alert resounded throughout the world.

Ye Bai did not hide the news, he chose to report it immediately and made the news public.

Now, all the blue star people know that there are five meteorite shells coming.

At this moment, everyone felt as if they were facing an enemy, and a global panic spread.

However, the panic did not last long.

On the day Ye Bai announced the news, he chose to activate the Great Wall of the Universe!

And promise that the Great Wall of the Universe can withstand meteorite shells!

Out of trust in Ye Bai, people felt at ease.

As long as the Great Wall of the Universe is successfully launched!

Then it's safe!!

On that day, journalists from countless countries were invited from the ground to the Great Wall of the Universe.

Moreover, the heads of state of various countries were also invited to the Great Wall of the Universe.

Even, the heads of state of some small countries did not receive the invitation, and personally asked to come to the Great Wall of the Universe.

But on the Great Wall of the Universe, there is only one country missing.

That is eagle sauce.

All the countries present know the grievances between Yingjiang and Yanhuang.

At such an important moment, no country mentioned eagle sauce.

When the senior officials of Yanxia Kingdom saw it, they couldn't help sighing.

This is all thanks to Ye Bai!

After a series of grand opening ceremonies, it finally came to the launch of the Great Wall of the Universe.

Ye Bai stood high on the podium, and in front of him, there was a red button.

As long as you press this button, the Great Wall of the Universe will start immediately.

At this moment, the spotlight focused on Ye Bai, and all the programs on TV were broadcasting this scene.

Almost every blue star person is looking at Ye Bai!




"start up!"

Following an order, Ye Bai took the button in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of light yellow energy visible to the naked eye still accumulated in the Great Wall of the Universe, and then converged into the sky above.

Finally, these energies propped up a barrier in the sky!

A pale yellow, impenetrable barrier!

The Great Wall of the Universe has been launched successfully!

After seeing the pale yellow shield, everyone's uneasy hearts were completely relieved!

In the eyes of the crowd, Tubai pressed the button and retreated behind the scenes.

Only the crowd was left to start the carnival.

However, while everyone is celebrating, there is a country where panic is still spreading!

After all, this barrier covers the whole world!

Ying Jiang hasn't even lifted off the living cabin yet, so there's nothing to protect the sky above them!

At this moment, the people of Yingjiang are boiling!

They were equally terrified when they heard that five meteorite shells were about to fall on the blue star.

I was just as excited when I saw that Ye Bai was about to activate the Great Wall of the Universe.

It's just that when the Great Wall of the Universe has been activated, but one's own country is not surrounded.

They were stunned.

At this moment, they remembered that their country hadn't even taken off the living cabin yet!

The people of Eagle Sauce are outraged!

They all took to the streets, held up homemade signs, and started marching!

Some well-known Internet celebrities in Yingjiang also began to question President Trump on the Internet, why the living capsule of the Yingjiang section has not been launched for a long time.

After all, other countries have been crushed by Eagle Sauce in terms of technology.

Now, these crushed objects have already lifted the life boat into the sky.

Eagle sauce has not yet.

At this moment, the people of Eagle Sauce were extremely angry!

They even launched a referendum to impeach the current President Trump and put a new president in office.

However, how could Trump allow these ordinary people to get what they want.

After he learned that the people were marching and demonstrating, he immediately issued an order.

Send out the army to suppress the demonstration!

When necessary, take all means, shoot and kill!

At this moment, Trump no longer cares about ordinary people.

After all, as soon as the meteorite shells arrive, most of the countries on the earth will perish.

The rest are all in Yingjiang's pocket.

At that time, he will be the overlord of Blue Star, the Emperor of Blue Star.

...asking for flowers...

There is no need to care about the wishes of these ordinary people at all!

Soon, the demonstration of the Yingjiang people was brutally suppressed.

All kinds of criticism videos on social software were also quickly removed from the shelves.

Everything is as if it never happened.

However, all Yingjiang people are disappointed with the current government.

Whether rich or not.

They all made the same choice.

Take refuge abroad!

And their preferred destination is Yanhuang!

However, Yanhuang is not something you can go if you want!

When Yanhuang began to rise, it became a holy place for everyone in the world to go on a pilgrimage!

To cope with the swarming crowd.

Yanhuang Kingdom has tightened the issuance of visas.

Hence, the eagle sauce.

Only some wealthy people who have visas from Yanhuang can go to Yanhuang for refuge.

Others can only choose other countries nearby.

But, even so.

They still have to choose to go abroad!

Even walking, you have to go abroad to seek refuge!

At this moment, Ying Jiang has lost the hearts of the people!

But Trump doesn't care.

As long as the meteorite falls, the world will be destroyed, and his family will dominate!

He does not believe that the Great Wall of the Universe can withstand the weapons of alien civilizations!!

at the same time.

Yanhuang Kingdom also issued a statement.

The sky above Yingjiang is not protected by the Great Wall of the Universe, and it is in danger of being attacked by shells.

Therefore, now Yingjiang people can go to the official website of Yanhuang Kingdom to apply for asylum.

Yanhuang Kingdom has signed a cooperation agreement with various countries in Black Continent, allowing them to take in Yingjiang refugees.

At this moment, all Yingjiang people were boiling.

They did not expect that if Trump did not act, the one who saved them would be the Yanhuang Kingdom!

Even if, the place where they took refuge was Black Continent!

After all, Heizhou people are the inferior people who are discriminated against in Eagle Sauce!

At this moment, they went to Africa as refugees, and they have become inferior to black Africans.

But, for survival!

They don't care about that anymore!

black palace.

Trump has naturally seen Yanhuang Kingdom's statement.

"Issued a statement, saying that we, Yingjiang, have our own methods to fight against meteorite shells, and we don't need the support of Yanhuang Kingdom!"

"Yes, President!"

The official announcement of Eagle Sauce will be released soon.

Soon, the comment area below caused chaos!

After all, there are still many people in Eagle Sauce who firmly support President Trump!.

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