Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 148 Military Preparations Have Been Fully Improved!

Ye Bai allocated the components that each country was responsible for building.

Because there are also Q-type spaceships and vanguard transport ships in Temple II, they need to be built separately.

The core parts are all done by Ye Bai himself.

The core power source of Temple II is the plasma reactor.

This is a brand new reactor, which is almost the same as nuclear fusion, and uses magnetic fields to control energy!!

But one is to control the great change of matter, and the other is to control the plasma.

In essence, it is still a nuclear fusion reactor, but the raw materials are different.

But they are all inexhaustible, and they are all clean energy!

Its structure is almost the same as that of a controllable nuclear fusion reactor. It is not difficult to manufacture, and Ye Bai directly handed it over to Cai Yu~'s team for construction.

At present, the controllable nuclear fusion technology of Yanhuang Kingdom is very mature!!

For other core technologies, Ye Bai devotes all his body and mind to rapid construction.

The Jiangnan Spaceship Factory is getting busy!

"Just now, Yanhuang Kingdom completed the injection of Longyuan Pharmacy for all citizens! The people of Yanhuang Kingdom can already resist most diseases!"

This news immediately caused a sensation in the world!!

Long Yuan Potion, they all know how miraculous it is!!

Now that the Blue Star Grand Alliance is established, the so-called network barriers no longer exist.

Yanhuang Kingdom has the largest quantum computer, and no one can break it.

People can see the information of Yanhuang Kingdom, and the people of Yanhuang Kingdom can also browse the information of other countries without barriers.

Everyone on the blue star knows the effect of Longyuan potion!

Treating diseases, just this item, is enough to make everyone crazy!!

Bedeku jumped up excitedly, they are the first batch of countries who pre-ordered Longyuan Potion!

"Great, we can start receiving the Dragon Yuan Potion from Yanhuang Kingdom, haha!"

This is definitely the benefit of the people.

Not only Fudi, but also Abu Dhabi, a super-rich country in the East, all pre-ordered the Longyuan medicine map in the first place!

And it's free injection for all!!

Yanhuang Kingdom also has funding for some poor countries, you can give them injections, and you need to exchange certain resources!

And delivered some production lines to Baba sheep, so that Babaju can also get enough benefits!

【My God, I can finally use the Dragon Yuan Potion, haha, the great Yanhuang Kingdom, the great Ye God, my God!】

【My disease can finally be cured, and I don't need to go for chemotherapy anymore!】

【Ye Bai should be included in the history of Blue Star, and our country should build a statue for him!】

Everyone on Blue Star cheered for joy!

Who doesn't want to be healthy and free from disease and disaster.

Even regenerate lost limbs!

When Longyuan Pharmacy announced that all the injections were completed.

Other research institutes and military science and technology development bases in Yanhuang Kingdom have not stopped scientific research!

The Dark Dragon Armor has been epicly enhanced!

The people of Longke Academy removed the YBD-01 sniper rifle and recreated a cationic rifle instead!

This is a reduced cation cannon, it is said to be a rifle, but it is no problem to use it to fight tanks!

The original magazine has been replaced with a small fusion battery to power the cationic rifle.

The fusion battery adopts a modular design, which is very convenient to charge and replace!!

...asking for flowers...

The YBZ-10 assault rifle is still reserved. As the first and most powerful weapon on the battlefield, both soldiers and researchers like it very much!

Because of the in-depth research on electromagnetism, the Firearms Department of the Zijin Military Region has upgraded it!

Bullet drive is replaced by electromagnetic drive!

Can provide greater kinetic energy and penetration!

The bullet has replaced the original intelligent tracking part with the rear part, and replaced the front part with an armor-piercing projectile!!


It has a more powerful armor-piercing ability, because it can deal with stronger enemies that may be encountered in the future.

This combination can already penetrate relatively weak phase armor!!

In addition to the improvement of the equipped weapons, the armor of the dark dragon armor itself has also been enhanced.

According to the three-layer armor of the Luanfeng space carrier, the Academy of Dragon Sciences simplified and weakened it to strengthen the dark dragon suit.

And because Ye Bai created a brand new scarlet weapon control system, now the Dark Dragon Armor also uses a more intelligent scarlet weapon control system!!

Works with all the latest gear!!

The Beiyang Military Factory has made armor-piercing explosive bombs into individual equipment!!

Similar to individual anti-tank missiles, but smaller and more capable!!

Individual soldiers can carry a six-pack launcher!!

Because the armor-piercing bomb has its own power system, the launching device is very light!

It is more useful than traditional anti-tank missiles, and can even be used to hit small flying targets!

As long as it can be shot, it will definitely be able to get in and explode! Three!.

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