Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 149 The Construction Of Temple No. 2 Is Completed!

The latest Dark Dragon armor has begun to be gradually delivered to the troops.

Just right as an individual combat unit on Templar II!

The three types of tanks can also be boarded, with powerful combat effectiveness!!

These weapons can also be transported with the Kunpeng transport ship!!

With the current military level of the Blue Star Yanhuang Kingdom, it has reached the level where it can conduct preliminary interstellar warfare!!

It’s just that other countries are still far behind. Although the technology has been made public, without the help of Ye Bai, it will take a long time to catch up quickly!

Time flies, and half a month passes in a blink of an eye.

In the Jiangnan Spaceship Factory, there are already "May 13" and you can see huge components one by one!!

Tens of thousands of people are building a space battleship at the same time, and they can almost see the progress of each component at a speed visible to the naked eye every day!!

"Phew, it's too powerful, Academician Ye actually detailed the information to such an extent!"

John Mu sighed: "Participating in such a construction once is definitely a hundred times better than immersing yourself in scientific research!"

"That's right, it's no wonder that the overall level of scientific researchers in Yanhuang Kingdom is so much better than ours! With Academician Ye here, it's hard not to be strong!"

"I feel that there is already a big gap between me and the scientific researchers of Yanhuang Country, but considering that these are only guided by Academician Ye, I can't even imagine how powerful Academician Ye is!!"

"The more I get to know Academician Ye, the bigger the gap between myself and him, the more terrifying he is!!"

Everyone was amazed, the half-month construction had left a deep impression on them.

The original scientific researchers of the Jiangnan Spaceship Factory have gotten used to it.

They have participated in the construction of too many powerful technological equipment.

As Ye Bai has continuously improved their cognition, they now feel that this kind of construction is quite normal!

"All use the latest Z super alloy with phase armor technology, this battleship is absolutely invincible!"

"Not to mention Temple II, even the Q-shaped spaceships have proton energy shields, especially the large Q-shaped spaceships, which can hold eight vanguard transport ships! A Q-shaped spaceship can transport 20,000 troops !"

"It's really terrifying, although the carrying capacity sounds less terrifying than the Luanfeng space carrier and the Kunpeng transport spacecraft, but after all, it is only a small dedicated individual carrier spacecraft, which is more suitable for flexible troop projection on the battlefield.

"That's right, equipment with different channels has absolute advantages in their respective fields. The deployment of troops on the battlefield does not require large quantities, but flexibility and speed!"

Vanguard transport ships are very agile and extremely fast.

All the technologies of Temple No. 2 are selected from the best technologies, which can be said to be the collection of the top military technologies on Blue Star!!

Ye Bai also completed most of the core modules, the most important of which is the curvature engine.

This is a necessary equipment for space jumping!

It is also the necessary power for long-distance interstellar voyage!!

"Phew, it's done."

Ye Bai looked at the curvature engine in front of him, if he could unlock Sanctuary, he would have a more advanced singularity engine!!

A huge portal can be opened directly, allowing the spaceship to cross over directly!

As long as there are coordinates, you can reach anywhere in the universe instantly!!

That is the reason why Purple Sweet Potato Essence traveled directly through space to the sky above Fulian Building in the final battle.

This is an ability similar to the Space Gem!!

half a month later...

Ye Bai came out wearing the Duernami armor, carrying several huge core components, and then placed them next to the scheduled construction machinery.

Now all the module components of Temple No. 2 have been completed!

"Academician Ye, it's ready to assemble."

Cai Yu walked to Ye Bai and said.

Ye Bai nodded.

"Start assembling!"

Following Cai Yu's order, all the scientific researchers stood aside and watched the engineers operate excitedly.

I saw huge modular components being hoisted by super-large construction machinery, and then slowly assembled together.

After every two components have been adjusted, it is only necessary to start the joining procedure.

The two module components will automatically fit together, just like a question!!

As all the components are combined together, Ye Bai also cooperates to assemble the core components separately.

The 3,000-meter-long space battleship only took two days to assemble!!

When the final curvature engine is put into the rear engine compartment by Ye 1.1 Bai, the assembly of Temple II is complete!!

"Haha, it's done. It took more than a month. I didn't expect that we would build such a huge super space battleship in such a short time!"

"I also worked on this project lol, it's awesome, it's a work of art!"

"Although we can't take this space battleship to travel and fight in the universe, but it is created by us! Satisfied!!"

Everyone excitedly looked at Temple No. 2, excited.

This is the crystallization of their sweat!

It will replace them and sail in the vast universe!!.

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