Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 154 The Whole Picture Of Xikaxing, The Return Trip

Judging from the analysis of Luban's eye.

The weapon system of the Sika star flagship space main ship is not as powerful as the Temple II.

And according to the data displayed by Crimson, the speed of the ultra-pulse engine is much slower than that of the plasma engine.

From this point of view, Star Sika has just stepped into the era of interstellar travel, thousands of years at most.

But they were developed step by step by themselves, so the number of warships and the overall military level are very high.

Under the leadership of Ye Bai, Blue Star has entered the interstellar era, and now military technology is developing very rapidly!!

However, the number of warships is still too small, and more ships need to be built in order to enter the "467 lines of space exploration!!

But Ye Bai is not worried, looking at it now, they seem to be very careful.

He didn't look like he wanted to go to the Blue Star again.

It may be because they have just embarked on interstellar travel, so they are very cautious about Blue Star's ability to resist their meteorite shells.

After all, the universe is vast, and no one knows where there is a super civilization that can easily destroy them!

Ye Bai also has his own calculations in mind.

As long as the star-based Star Destroyer is completed, then the first target is the card star!!

No negotiation possible, no colonization!

From the time they attacked Blue Star, Ye Bai couldn't leave this planet hostile to Blue Star.

The other party wants to destroy human beings, so I naturally have no reason to keep them!


Ye Bai looked at the spaceship inhabited by humans again.

There are green mountains and green waters on the spaceship, as well as hills.

The environment is particularly good, and the location of the spacecraft is closer to the red dwarf than Sika, so the temperature is higher.

The people above live very comfortably.

"Their looks are very close to ours."

"Yeah, it just seems like the skin is thicker and the eyes are bigger."

"After all, red dwarfs emit less than half the light of our sun, and they need larger pupils to receive enough light to see clearly.

This is the same principle that a cat's pupils become round and larger when it is dark.

Creatures must evolve in different directions according to their environment!

Sika is colder and lacks sunlight.

So their eyes are bigger and their skin is thicker.

But the environment on the spaceship is much better, and these people seem to enjoy it very much.

The entertainment items are similar to those of Blue Star.

"Check out Sika."

The image in the control room pans to Sika, then zooms.

Everyone immediately saw the situation on Sika.

The levitation car is also used on Xika, but it is not a magnetic levitation, but a jet-driven levitation car.

Marked red, using hydrogen energy.

Hydrogen energy is also a very clean energy source, but it lags far behind maglev.

Because of the greater gravity, people here are generally short in stature.

But their physical strength is a little higher.

Of course, compared with the people of Yanhuang who had been injected with Longyuan potion, they were still far behind!

The buildings are all made of metal materials, mostly circular, which is stronger and larger.

It can withstand typhoon weather very well.

As predicted by Ye Bai et al., most of the planet is covered by rainwater!

"Generally speaking, Planet Sika is also a planet of primates, and they are just like us..."

"Yes, after all, the distance is only 45 light-years, which is not far compared to the universe."

"But because of their different environments, their evolution is quite different from ours.

Everyone is a scientist, and the knowledge reserve is rich enough.

The characteristics of the Sika people are that the pupils of the eyes are larger, the stature is short, the skin is thick,

Ye Bai roughly checked everything about Xi Kaxing.

"Let's go back, back to the coordinates when we came back.

Temple No. 2 started immediately, turned and left at a high speed.

Everyone was satisfied and set foot on the way back.

All the scientific researchers are very happy, they have become the pioneers of human interstellar travel!

The workers involved in the construction of Temple No. 2 were even more excited.

They are just construction workers. To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for Ye Bai, they would never have the opportunity to set foot on such a space battleship and travel to other stars!

Not to mention seeing other civilized planets!!

Opening the folding space again, Temple No. 2 rushed into it instantly. 0.1 Once again experienced the fantastic journey of folding space, two days later, Temple II returned to the sky above the moon!

"Look, they're back!"

"I don't know where they went, but I also want to go and see."

"Hey, it's good that we are building a residence on the moon now, and we may all live here in the future."

"Haha, that's right, don't worry about housing prices anymore, just build the ball well."

"It would be even better if Academician Ye could transform the moon to be like the earth! We will settle here in the future!!"

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