Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 155 Human Settlements Have Begun To Take Shape, Research And Development Of Large-Scale Cons

Temple II slowly landed on the surface of the moon, and everyone was excited to enter the human habitation!

These scientific researchers also need to continue to join the construction of human settlements on the moon.

And Ye Bai needs to prepare for the construction of the star-based star destroyer first.

When Yi Rou'er saw Ye Bai entering the human settlement, she immediately greeted her.

"How about it, this place has already begun to take shape."

As if wanting to claim credit, Yi Rou'er walked to Ye Bai's side and said with a slight smile.

Ye Bai looked around: "Very good."

At this time, he and Yi Rou'er were in the main control room of the lunar human settlement.

Here you can see the real-time situation of the residence and the operation data of various equipment.

Ordinary people are not allowed to enter here, only management personnel can be here, currently the whole city is Yanhuang people.

Everything in the lunar settlement is controlled here!

called the main area.

The huge life support system in the Luanfeng space carrier was transplanted into the main area.

Human settlements are protected by a massive proton energy shield.

The proton energy shield assembly 22 is in the main zone.

In the future, there will be more control areas when it expands.

The controllable nuclear fusion energy device is in the energy room built by construction workers with cement concrete.

There are also units dedicated to oxygen production, gravity generation and synthetic water.

These devices are all in the main area.

It is uniformly controlled and detected by the instruments in the main control room.

A series of pipes are connected from the water room to the human settlements outside.

The places where humans live are called sub-zones.

As for the places where human beings live, all the houses that are prefabricated on the blue star are temporarily used, and then transported to the moon by the Kunpeng transport spacecraft.

All are steel structures, which makes it easier to assemble! And the strength is enough!

There is no problem at all as a preliminary residence.

Of course, each country's housing is built by itself, so they are not exactly the same.

The residential area of ​​Yanhuang Country is the most comfortable, which also makes people from other countries like to visit the residential area of ​​Yanhuang Country when they are resting.

There is not only a multimedia room, but also a quantum computer, where you can play games and surf the Internet.

There is also a canteen, bathrooms, reading room etc., all living areas.

Other countries are relatively simple.

Of course, Fudi is also very luxurious. Their country spent huge sums of money to build it, in order to make all those who win glory for their country on the moon live comfortably!

The sub-regions of ten countries all extend outward from the main region.

One is because of the protection of the proton energy shield, and the other is to rely on the water room to provide water resources, which is the most important.

The Luanfeng Sky Mothership stops in the sky to protect human settlements at all times.

Blue Star is not stagnant in the universe, but is constantly advancing.

In this case, many small meteorites will be encountered, and these small meteorites will basically be attracted by the gravitational force of the moon.

Therefore, there are many craters on the moon, which is why the Luanfeng Sky Mothership needs to protect the moon.

In the future, the moon also needs to build a great wall of space!

Everything here is going on in an orderly manner.

"There are still about two months to complete the construction of the first phase of human settlements.

Yi Rou'er looked at the busy crowd in the distance.

The goal of the first phase is to accommodate one million people!!

"I have to hurry up to complete the core construction of the star-based star destroyer."

As Ye Bai said, he turned and looked at Yi Rou'er, and gave her a gentle hug: "It's not too late, I'm going now."

Yi Rou'er blushed slightly, and nodded.

Ye Bai summoned the Duernami Armor, flew out of the human settlements, and came to the equator of the moon to observe.

The diameter of the moon is 1737 kilometers. It is composed of a moon core with a radius of 700 kilometers, a moon mantle with a radius of 1000 kilometers, and a moon crust with a radius of 70 kilometers.

The star-based star destroyer is built on the basis of the lunar core.

He needs to use a super new cosmic alloy to wrap the lunar core and use the core as an energy reactor.

Then build a star-based star destroyer on this super universe alloy.

This requires opening up a large crater with a width of ten kilometers on the equator of the moon.

The pit will later be expanded to the entire equator by construction workers.

That is, digging the moon in half!

Expose the inner core!!

Human settlements were built on these two parts.

Ye Bai frowned and thought for a while: "It seems that we need to go back to Blue Star first to build some large-scale construction machinery."

He turned around and flew directly to Jiangnan Spaceship Factory.

The construction of these large-scale construction machinery requires other machinery factories in Yanhuang Kingdom to manufacture, and he will provide technical information.

When building construction machinery, he has to develop super universe alloys and core technical components.

Star Destroyer absorbs lunar nuclear energy and converts it into super-energy laser. The most important part is energy conversion equipment, energy absorption and storage equipment and energy compression equipment!!

"Chief Liu, I need to build a large number of large-scale construction machinery, and Xingjixuan Star Cannon needs these equipment.

Ye Bai contacted Liu Shouguo.

"No problem, I will immediately start research and development in construction machinery factories across the country!"

"I will develop 200 and pass the information to you.

"Then it can be faster!"

Liu Shouguo naturally thinks that the R&D speed of Ye Bai alone can surpass the R&D speed of the whole country, even surpass the whole world!!

After making contact, Ye Bai directly entered his research room and began to develop large-scale engineering equipment.

He already has a wealth of scientific research knowledge, and there is no problem in developing ordinary construction machinery.

First of all, large excavation machinery is required, as well as drilling machinery and material handling equipment.

It took only half a month for Ye Bai to complete the research and development of all the large-scale construction machinery, and then passed the information to Liu Shouguo.

After research and development, he continued to build the core part of the Star Destroyer.

During this period, the Jiangnan Shipyard completed the construction of another Kunpeng transport spacecraft!

At the same time, they are still continuing to build the second Temple No. 2, and named it the second floor of the Dragon Tomb!!

In the age of Star Trek, it is impossible to have only one battleship.

Sika has a star port space battleship.

Currently there is only one Blue Star.

Other countries in the world are also building their own space battleships, and Yanhuang Kingdom also provides key technologies!

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