Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 156 The First Phase Of Human Settlements Is Completed! Large Construction Machinery Goes To

two months later.

Ye Bai was manufacturing the core components of the Star Destroyer, and Liu Shouguo called him.

"Xiaoye, machinery construction factories all over the world are manufacturing the large-scale construction machinery you gave. So far, a total of 400 large-scale construction machinery of various types have been built! This is already the fastest speed of the factory, and the follow-up will continue to be manufactured."

"Anthracene, enough is enough. I will send the Kun transport spacecraft to pick up these machines."


A total of nearly 2,000 construction machines have been built!

This is not enough, if you want to transform a planet, two thousand machines are definitely not enough!!

If they want to complete the construction of the star-based star destroyer in a short period of time, they need to invest a lot of manpower, material resources and machinery!!

‘The super cosmic alloy that just made the Star-based Star Destroyer has produced a sample, and I’ll send it to you in a while, please let the chief make time to research and manufacture it. '

This is the most basic material for building a star-based star destroyer.

After all, Ye Bai's output is limited. He handed over the materials and samples to Liu Shouguo, and asked him to find a professional department to develop and manufacture, so that mass production can be achieved.

"No problem, I'll wait for you."

After the two hung up the phone, Ye Bai called Cai Yu again: "How many Kunpeng transport spacecraft are there in the factory now?"

Cai Yu immediately replied: "There are three ships in total, and one is just in time to deliver supplies and materials to the lunar human settlements.

Ye Bai nodded: "Let three Kunpeng transport spacecraft go to various countries to load large construction machinery and transport them to the moon."


Cai Yu hurried down to make arrangements.

These large machines are very large and take up a lot of space, so the Kunpeng transport spacecraft needs to be transported back and forth several times.

At this time, Ye Bai's capsule phone rang, and it was Yuan'er who connected.

Yi Rou'er's projection appeared in front of Ye Bai.

"Phase 1 completed.||."

Human settlements have now expanded to accommodate millions of people.

And according to the preliminary plan, it extends toward the lunar equator.

It is now possible to excavate the lunar equator within the range of activities of human habitation.

Ye Bai smiled slightly: "Thanks for your hard work."

Yi Rou'er smiled and asked, "Have you finished?"

Ye Bai looked at the core components of the Star Destroyer: "It will take about a month. I will deliver the first batch of construction machinery first, and you will be responsible for receiving it."

Yi Rou'er nodded: "Okay."

Ye Bai continued: "Then construction workers from various countries will also go up. There are so many people, you need to make reasonable arrangements and coordination!"

There are millions of people at once, and there are still every country, which requires a lot of energy to coordinate!

"Don't worry, I've already contacted my dad, and they will send some more management talents over there.

Although each nation had its own settlements, ten nations built them for them.

But when the lunar star-based Star Destroyer is finally built, it must be managed together.

Therefore, a large number of management and command talents are needed.

Especially engineering.

To complete it quickly requires a large number of managers to coordinate.

This aspect is not difficult for Yanhuang Kingdom, which is known as an infrastructure madman.

Ye Bai smiled and said: "That's good, I will go up after the core components are completed.

Yi Rou'er nodded, and said softly, "Anthracene, take care of yourself."

Ye Bai touched his head: "You too."

The two hung up the phone and unconsciously smiled.

Ye Bai took samples and materials to Liu Shouguo.

The first batch of construction machinery was received by the Kunpeng transport spacecraft and transported to the moon.

It was first placed in the lunar human settlements.

Then began to transport people from various countries to participate in the construction!

"It's really a project that the whole world participates in."

"Yes, this is the greatest project in the history of Blue Star!"

"It was developed by Academician Ye of Yanhuang Kingdom, my God, he is worthy of the name of a god!"

"If the star-based star destroyer is completed, our Blue Star will have a certain deterrent force, which is very important for future interstellar navigation.

"That's right, this is the most important step in human history and the cornerstone of interstellar travel!!"

The whole world is watching this transport of people.

This represents the beginning of the first planetary terraforming project in human history!!

Planet Gaio, this is a project that has never been imagined before!!

Now they are all already under construction!

Liu Shouguo looked at the Kunpeng transport spacecraft going away in the sky, and sighed: "Xiaoye has created one history after another."

Yi Mingji İ: "That's right, he is already the pioneer and creator of history!!"

Every research and development project of Ye Bai spans the era!

So each one is of great historical significance.

There are also Luanfeng Sky Mothership, Sanctuary II, the Great Wall of the Universe, lunar human settlements, interstellar Star Destroyer, and other historical scientific research!!

Because of Ye Bai's continuous scientific research success, Zui Weng County has been specially designated as a special administrative region!!

Merged a large number of surrounding counties and towns.

Conquer and vigorously develop, and strive to build Zuiweng County into a super first-tier city like Hehai City, Yanjing, and Liangguang!!

And the housing price of the villas in the community where Ye Bai is located has reached the highest in the country!

Even in places like Haishi and Yanjing where every inch of land is expensive, the housing prices are far lower than the housing prices in this community!!

I don’t know if it’s in China anymore, even rich people from abroad, even high-level national officials, want to buy real estate in this community!!!

The developer gave Ye Bai a villa for free at the beginning, but now they have received an incalculable report!

This is Ye Bai's influence now!!

The first batch of people who built the Star Destroyer were all transported to the human settlements on the moon.

There are now more than one million people living in the entire lunar settlement!!

It is divided into ten major regions!

It is managed by ten countries that participated in the construction, but the control area in the center is managed by Yi Rouer!!

In this large area, the settlements of 197 countries are divided.

Although these countries did not participate in the construction, they also invested.

After the first phase is completed, the construction of human settlements on the moon will be suspended.

Waiting for the completion of the construction of the star-based star destroyer, the second phase of the construction plan will be launched.

Yi Rou'er immediately shifted from commanding the construction of human settlements to mobilizing personnel to start excavating and building the equatorial belt around the moon for the star-based star destroyer!

This is a huge project!!.

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