Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 86 This Year's New Year's Eve Party Is Different! Rejuvenate The Country With Scie

New Year's Eve!

This is one of the most important days in Yanhuang Kingdom!

Saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new year!

There is also a tradition at this time of year, that is, the family will watch the New Year's Eve party at home in the evening, which is something that almost every household will watch.

This year's New Year's Eve party will be broadcast live on all platforms, including Douyin, Seafood, Slow Hand, Mouya, etc., including video software!

Ye Bai followed Liu Shouguo to the New Year's Eve party, and the two went straight to the first row!

Bai Yan, Yi Ming and the others were already sitting there, and Liu Shouguo took him to the side.

The people sitting in the first row are almost all very old, and everyone is covered with medals, or they have the lowest rank of general!

It can be said that the people sitting in the first row are either honored with countless honors, or they are at the general level!!

The appearance of Ye Bai attracted a lot of attention.

Everyone was very curious about this young man who sat with the heads of the five major military regions at a young age.

Who can sit with the chiefs of the five major military regions, who is not a boss?

They had never seen this young man before, and they were sitting together.

"Old Shen, have you seen that young man?"

Shen Yi shook his head: "I haven't seen it before, maybe he is a genius in a certain field. This year's gala is mainly to promote scientific research, so I can understand it."

"Hey, the country has put the promotion of scientific research on the New Year's Eve party this time, which shows how determined it is!"

"This is a good thing, science and technology rejuvenate the country!"

"Yes, in the past six months, our Yanhuang technology has taken off, private maglev vehicles are affordable and easy to use, capsule mobile phones interrupt foreign sanctions, and the popularization of controllable nuclear fusion power stations has benefited all people! This is inseparable from scientific research!!"

"This year is the first year of Yanhuang Kingdom's science and technology!!"

Shen Yi nodded: "More than that, the scientific research progress in the military field is jaw-dropping!!"

Many projects are kept secret, he can't say anything, he can only wait until the air show is announced!

At this time, Zhou Ping, Chen Wei and Wei Chen also arrived, and Jiang Chen was behind them, sitting in the back seat. 433 The three of Zhou Ping walked to the first row while greeting familiar people.

After seeing Zhou Ping, Liu Shouguo and others communicating, everyone chatted with Ye Bai.

"Hey, the three academicians of the Academy of Dragon Sciences have such an open chat with him, and they seem to like him very much.

"It doesn't look easy!"

"I'm afraid that boy occupies a place among the several important inventions we just mentioned!!"

"That's right, it's really a hero out of a boy!"

To be able to chat so closely with so many bigwigs, only those who have developed those epoch-making technologies this year have this possibility!!

Soon, guests arrived one after another.

The bigwigs in the entertainment industry who used to sit in the front row all sat in the back this year.

They also found out that something was wrong, the front row was almost full of military or scientific research personnel!

As for the actor Xiao Xianrou, either he is at the end, or he doesn't even have a place!!

Soon, the flash lights came on, the host came on stage, and the live broadcast of the national New Year's Eve party started at the same time!

"Another year with a new atmosphere, this is Yanjing Satellite TV's New Year's Eve party, and I'm the host..."

The host opened the show for everyone with a smile on his face.

At this time, the number of viewers on all platforms has reached hundreds of millions!!

[Happy New Year everyone, Gong Xi Fa Cai. 】

[Happy New Year, Happy New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai, haha. 】

【It's one year older again, really, how are you doing this year? Not good? Don't worry, you will be the same tomorrow. 】

【Damn it, it's hard!】

The barrage is full of joy.

At this time, following the host's explanation, the camera gave the guest seat a long view.

【Fuck, the guest cast is different this year?!】

[Yes, although there were some military leaders sitting in the first row before, there were still many celebrities. 】

[Where is my Brother Long, and the director Lao Mouzi is gone. 】

【I am GAIO, I saw them, they are all in the back row!!】

【Their coffee seats can only sit in the back row? Who are the people in the front row who are not wearing military uniforms!】

Everyone was surprised to find that this year's guests were different!

The New Year's Eve party has been held for so many years, and the guests have basically not changed much.

In the first row, there are military leaders, executives, and some leaders in other fields.

Including entertainment and stars, there will be.

But this year, even a big guy like Long Ge can only sit in the back seat!!

It seems that entertainment stars are deliberately pushed back.

【Fuck, what did I see? Isn’t that the number one tank man in our Yanhuang Kingdom, Old Shen? Fuck, this is a real boss!!】

【Also, that old Liu who is the father of our fighter jets!!】

[Nimma, it's too scary, that person is actually the chief engineer of our Yanhuang Dragon God missile, an academician of our country! Old Chen!!]

[No wonder celebrities can only sit in the back seat, the identity of the people in the first row is too scary! Fuck, did you see that, it's the rank of general, oh my god, it's five indivual!!!】

[Crazy, this year's New Year's Eve party is going to do something, this thing. 】

【All stand up! Say hello to everyone!!】

【stand up!!】

【These silently dedicated people should be sought after by everyone! They are the key people to revitalize my Yanhuang!!】

【Hey, who is that young man? He is actually sitting among a group of bigwigs, next to the general!!】

【That's right, the others are not officers, at least they are all covered with medals! He didn't have any of them!!】

The first row is basically full of generals and academicians, or leaders in various fields!

Not a single young man!!

Because scientific research requires accumulation, the research and development of a technology requires not only hard work, but also youth!!

They have worked hard all their lives to achieve success, and a young man is actually sitting there!!!

All the audience were amazed.

Ye Jizheng, Song Jia and the uncle's family watched the New Year's Eve party.

"I saw Xiaobai, it's really at the New Year's Eve party!"

Song Jia saw her son at a glance, and pointed to Ye Bai on the screen in surprise.

It seemed that even the photographer was a little curious as to why Ye Bai could sit in the first row, and even gave a small close-up.

"(ccac) is really Xiaobai, haha, my son is really promising! He still sits in the first row, hahaha."

Ye Ji is nearsighted, and saw Ye Bai following Song Jia's hand.

The uncle's family also congratulated.

Ye Tao was already speechless in horror!

Ye Bai actually sat in the first row!!

Ye Ji may not understand what this means, but only knows that it is very powerful.

But Ye Tao knows the weight!

Just look at the lineup in the first row, and the few people he can recognize already make one's scalp tingle!

Liu Shouguo, head of the Zijin Military Region!

Yi Ming, head of the Beiyang Military Region!

Bai Yan, Chief of the Changnan Military Region!

Huang Mingyu, head of the Huatai Military Region!

Jin Jianjun, Chief of the Chuancheng Military Region!!

Zhou Ping, academician of Longke Academy, Chen Wei......

The heads of the five major military regions, and the three academicians of the Academy of Dragon Sciences!

This is the lineup of people next to Ye Bai!!

This means that his identity is at least equal to them!

He suddenly thought that Ye Bai is also an academician, and he is probably the one who developed two epoch-making firearms!

Thinking about it this way, it makes sense.

It is impossible to say that I am not envious.

At this time, the door was knocked suddenly.

Ye Ji frowned slightly and walked over: "Who is it?"

He opened the door and was very surprised to see someone coming: "Magistrate Sun?!"

The person who came was the county magistrate, and there were many other county leaders beside him, all smiling.

County Magistrate Sun said happily: "Mr. Ye is like this, we learned that Ye Bai, as the pride of our county, attended the New Year's Eve party, and the live broadcast of the New Year's Eve party has been broadcast on the big screen of the Peace Square, so I would like to invite you to join us Go watch!"

There are talents like Ye Bai in their county, let them have a bright face!

Not only has a first-class medal of merit, he is also an academician of the Academy of Dragon Sciences!

Now he is sitting with the chief in the first row of the New Year's Eve party.

His performance during his tenure is absolutely excellent! Promotion is expected!!

Ye Ji didn't expect that the county magistrate would broadcast live the New Year's Eve party on Peace Square, the largest business district in the county.

Ye Ji glanced at the relatives in the room: "All right, let's go.

Ye Ji, Song Jia and the uncle's family followed the county car to Heping Square.

There were many people watching together in the square, and the atmosphere was very lively.

County Magistrate Sun got a loudspeaker out of nowhere and said: "Welcome the pride of our county, the owner of the first-class medal of merit, Ye Bai, who is also an academician of the Dragon Science Academy, and his family come to watch the New Year's Eve party with us! "

The crowd immediately burst into cheers.

Ye Ji was already grinning from ear to ear, he has become a celebrity in the county now!

The New Year's Eve party is going on normally, and the skits, cross talks, and musicals prepared this year are all very popular with the audience.

The number of people online remains high.

And most of the themes are related to science and technology.

[I feel that this year's New Year's Eve party has been carefully planned, there are many technological themes. 】

[Yes, this is a good thing. The revival and rise cannot be separated from technology, so let's not be stuck anymore. 】

【Of course, the maglev car I bought is very easy to use. I live in Zijin City. There is no electricity bill, which means that there is no cost to drive. It is much better than before!】

【Envious, but our nuclear fusion power station is also under construction, I believe we will be able to use it for free soon!】

The program lasts until midnight, which is also the beginning of a new day.

The New Year's Eve party rings the New Year's bell at this time.

The hostess said loudly: "The ringing of the bell that symbolizes the new year means that a new day is coming, and it also indicates that Yan Huang Guo has entered a new year!"

The male host smiled and said: "Yes, everyone should have seen that our guests are a little different this year, because there is a special skirt ring this year!"

The two looked at each other, and the hostess put away her smile, and said seriously: "In the new year, at this time of the beginning of the year! We give the highest honor to all those who silently contribute to the scientific research of the Yanhuang Kingdom!"

The male host also said loudly: "Next is the last link of this New Year's Eve party, and it is also the most important link!

Honorary Award Ceremony!"

The hostess said excitedly: "Let us pay tribute to the researchers! Let us remember their contributions!"

The two said at the same time: "Rejuvenate the country with science and technology!"

"Next, I will invite the head of the Beiyang Military Region, General Yi Ming of the Yanhuang Kingdom, to come on stage and award honors to all the great scientific researchers!!"

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