Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 87 The Awarding Of Honors Begins, And The Purchase Begins!

Yi Ming stepped onto the stage, tall and straight, full of righteousness!

He is the youngest general in Yanhuang Kingdom!

It can be seen that he has made military contributions, so he was also promoted as the award presenter.

Liu Shouguo, Bai Yan and others are all in their sixties, and their military ranks came from those years!

Soon a table full of medals and certificates and covered with red mottled was carried up by four soldiers of the guard of honor!

Their steps are steady and dignified, and all the glory on the table-!!!

"There are a lot of first-class merit medals this year. I don't know who has won them."

"There are so many high-tech products released this year, the people who develop these technologies must be first-class!"

"I guess I can see a few familiar faces, haha, I don't know which old guy is richer.

"I want to know whether it is the academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences who developed controllable nuclear fusion. Could it be Academician Zhou Ping?"

"I didn't expect that Academician Zhou Ping could do such a great research at such an age, it's amazing!!"

"Let's read on first."

Yi Ming held the microphone and said in a confident voice: "Rejuvenating the country through science and technology has never been talked about. Everyone can see the changes in Yanhuang this year. Science and technology can not only enhance our national strength

It can actually improve people's living standards!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. The lives of Yanhuang people have been slowly changing.

Magnetic levitation cars, capsule phones and controlled nuclear fusion have made a big difference in people's lives!

There will definitely be more technologies in the future.

"So we put this awarding ceremony on the New Year's Eve party, just to let them get the attention and glory they deserve, and hope that more young people can pay attention to scientific research [get involved!"

This remark aroused the approval of netizens!

【That's right, everyone is crazy about entertainment stars now, but they forget a lot of people who silently paid for us!】

[Every time I see news that a great scientific researcher has passed away, the popularity is only a little bit, and even a little thing about a celebrity can be trending, I feel very sad! 】

【Yeah, let people know those who give!】

【Support the country like this, so that researchers can get more respect and honor!!】

【There are so many first-class merit medals this time. When I was a soldier, I saved a person and got a third-class merit. This award ceremony is too awesome!】

[This time the country put the award ceremony on a program that the whole country will watch like the New Year's Eve party, which shows that the country attaches great importance to scientific research. This battle is unprecedented!]

【I just want to know who developed controllable nuclear fusion. This is an epoch-making technology, and it really allows us to use free electricity!】

【I also want to know, this is an invention that benefits mankind!!】

Yi Ming took out a list: "The medals I want to confer this time include first-class merit medal for controllable nuclear fusion technology, first-class merit medal for magnetic levitation technology, first-class medal for Yongyuan anti-gravity fighter, first-class merit medal for laser tank... ………”

As the list was announced one by one, everyone was amazed after hearing it.

"This award ceremony is really a battle of the gods!!"

"Yes, everything is a powerful technology. I didn't expect so many breakthroughs in the military field, and the news is too strict!!"

"Isn't it? It's only announced now that the honor has been awarded. We haven't heard of many of them, and the degree of secrecy is too high!!"

"When it comes to tanks, no one can surpass Mr. Shen. It seems that Mr. Shen has made another major breakthrough in tanks this year!!"

Everyone looked at Shen Yi, one of the pioneers of tank research in the world today, and he is very famous in the world.

But Shen Yi shook his head: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you, this year there is a monster genius, I am amazed, this advanced tank first-class skill is probably his.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, who else can surpass Shen Yi in the field of tanks?!!

They hadn't heard of this talent before, so they suddenly became curious.

Shen Yi doesn't know who it is, only that his name is Ye Bai!!

【Hold the grass, no wonder we were so tough with Yingjiang years ago, so we have made so many breakthroughs in the military field!】

【God, thanks to the researchers, let us revive Yanhuang!!】

[Just now my wife said that she likes Jikun, but she doesn't like scientific researchers. She said that scientific researchers are old and smokey. I just went up and gave her a big pocket. Now I'm single. 1

【Damn beautiful brother!!】

【Scientific researchers are old, that's because they gave their youth to scientific research, otherwise when they were young, they would have thrown Jikun hundreds of streets!!】

"Now the first thing to grant is!"

"Let Yanhuang enter a new era, develop almost unlimited energy, and make everything possible, the first-class merit medal of controllable nuclear fusion!!!"

"Ye Bai!!"

Yi Ming's voice is loud and powerful! Full of energy!!

Ye Bai got up from his seat and walked onto the stage.

Immediately, all eyes were on him!!

When they saw Ye Bai's handsome face, they were all stunned!!

Almost everyone's eyes are full of incredible!!

None of them expected that Zhou Ping, an academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, was not the one who developed controllable nuclear fusion!!

I didn't expect the developer to be so young!!!

The live broadcast camera also focused on Ye Bai who walked on the stage!!

All the viewers in front of the TV saw it, and the person who benefited the entire Yanhuang and allowed everyone to use free electricity is actually so young!!

【Hold the grass, hold the grass, hold the grass!!】

[I am still fighting in the Canyon of Kings, and others have created controllable nuclear fusion!!]

【My role model, you are so young, you look twenty-three or four-year-old at most! And so handsome!!】

【Damn it, I brought back my ex-girlfriend who was packing up her clothes and was about to leave. I want her to take a look. Who said that scientific researchers are old and ugly!! I f**king pumped her a big penny again Bean, let her roll!!]

【Nice job, bro!!】

Shen Yi sighed: "I didn't expect him to be Ye Bai! He is so young, I thought he was at least fifty or sixty years old!"

The other elders were also full of disbelief.

"It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead!!"

At this time, Ye Bai had already walked in front of Yi Ming, the award ceremony was solemn!!

Yi Ming took a first-class merit medal and a certificate, and solemnly put them on Ye Bai's clothes!!

Then he smiled and shook hands with Ye Bai.

Ye Bai nodded and returned to his seat.

Far away in a remote county town, on Heping Square, when everyone saw that Ye Bai was the first to receive an honor, they burst into cheers!

...asking for flowers...

"Ye Bai turned out to be the person who developed controllable nuclear fusion! Too strong."

"Haha, he is the pride of our Zuiweng County!!"

"Congratulations, Lao Ye, your son won glory for our county again and made great contributions to the motherland!!"

County Magistrate Sun happily patted Ye Ji on the shoulder.

Ye Ji couldn't help laughing loudly: "Good boy! Good, the tiger father has no dogs! I teach well!!"

Song Jia rolled his eyes at him: "I was born well!"

County Magistrate Sun laughed and said, "Everything is fine, everything is fine!!"

The award ceremony is still going on.

"The next thing to be awarded is the first-class merit medal for the development of magnetic levitation technology. He is a person who has made great contributions in both civilian and military fields!!"

"Ye Bai!!"

The old men sitting in the first row were numb.

Shen Yi almost dropped his jaw in shock, because he knew that Ye Bai had also developed two epoch-making rifles, the YBD-01 and the YBZ-10.

Plus controllable nuclear fusion technology and magnetic levitation technology!

One person has developed four cross-age technological products!!

Chen Lao, the father of missiles, sighed: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!!"

Liu Cheng clenched the handle of the seat with both hands, what kind of person is this!

He knows that Ye Bai also developed the Ryongyeon anti-gravity fighter and the Luanfeng space carrier!!

One person has developed so many epoch-making technologies in just half a year!!

It is unimaginable!!

Ye Bai stepped onto the stage again, and Yi Ming picked up a first-class merit medal to wear for him, handed him a certificate of honor, and shook hands again.

Wait for Ye Bai to go down and sit on the seat.

Yi Ming announced again: "Because he has developed a powerful and reliable Longyuan anti-gravity fighter that surpasses the world for the motherland, he is hereby awarded the first-class merit medal!!"

"Ye Bai!!"


Everyone in the audience felt their heads exploded.

This is still human, one person awarded three first-class merit medals in a row!!

It was agreed that every first-class meritorious service would be exchanged for his life, so how many lives does he have!!

"That, that incomparably powerful Longyon anti-gravity fighter was actually developed by him? Mr. Liu, you must know it!!"

Liucheng nodded, it's not just a Longyon anti-gravity fighter, he also has even more perverted and terrifying technological equipment!!

A few old people said helplessly: "You guys, you are hiding too deeply!!"

【I'm so fucking numb, Ye Bai will be my only idol from now on!!】

【He is the true God of scientific research!!】

【The cool fighter plane I saw in the National Day parade turned out to be developed by him, my God, is he a monster?!!】

On the Peace Square, there has long been a sea of ​​cheers.

Ye Bai was successively awarded the first-class medal of meritorious service. As a native of his hometown, he was extremely proud.

This is genius from their hometown!!

Go out and talk to people and say, have you heard of Ye Bai?

Our county!!

"The next thing to be awarded is the three first-class medals for the development of a powerful laser magnetic levitation tank, a heavy electron magnetic levitation tank and a magnetic levitation tank in the EMP field!!"

"Their developers are, Tubai!!!".

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