Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 88 Full Of Medals, God Of Technology!

Everyone feels a little suffocated!!

This is beyond their comprehension and common sense!!!

How can a person know everything about nuclear energy, tanks, electronics, magnetic levitation, etc., and be ahead of the world!!

【He is not a human, he is a god!! From now on, the god of science and technology is Ye Bai, Ye God!!】

【Ye Shen can easily win the Bell Award if he shows any skill!!】

【This is too crazy! The madness of technology!! Ye Shen is even more crazy!!!】

【If you want to present awards like this, I won't be sleepy!!】

[The country that holds the grassland still has so many high-tech military technologies, but they haven't even been exposed. 】

【And it was all developed by Ye Shen alone, Wang Defa!!】

【Ye Shen YYDS! Yan Huang YYDS!!!】

At this time, the hundreds of millions of viewers who watched the live broadcast were all stunned, and they directly won six first-class merit medals at the beginning!

Who can resist this, everyone wants to know how many coins he can get, and what other exposed technologies!!

Old Chen sighed: "Others are here to award honors, but Ye Bai is here to buy goods!!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Every first-class medal is a supreme honor! "Five 20", but Ye Bai has already won six pieces this time!

It’s just that they don’t know that Ye Bai actually owns seven yuan in total!

When everyone thought it was over.

"Research and development of advanced aerospace, first-class medal for naval equipment!

First Class Medal for Research and Development of Dark Dragon Armor!!"

"Ye Bai!"

It’s not over yet, there’s more!!

In fact, if all the technologies developed by Ye Bai were dismantled and awarded honors.

Phase armor, EMP concussion bomb, positive ion cannon, etc., taken out alone, are definitely the top technology in their respective fields!

Definitely a first-class medal for meritorious service!

At that time, I'm afraid it will be able to hang a whole dress!!!

It is not disassembled now, and it is still awarded with the overall technology.

Even so, Bai Zuo's chest is already covered with medals!

And all of them are first-class merit medals!!

【I admit that I am a small person. At the beginning I said that God Ye sat in the first row without medals. Now it seems that he is here to wear medals!!】

[Others get a first-class merit medal for a lifetime, Guangzong Yaozu, Ye Shen will directly wear it all!!]

【It's cowhide, it's so cool, first-class merit is full, so many golden medals, because it's dazzling!!】

On the Peace Square, the people in Zui Weng County went crazy.

Their county is about to take off!!

Talents like Ye Bai will definitely be noticed by the country and vigorously developed!!

County Magistrate Sun excitedly said: "Ye, Mr. Ye, the neighborhood of your house just happened to be demolished, how about turning your house into a scenic spot!"

Ye Ji was stunned for a moment, attractions?

Magistrate Sun explained: "Ye Bai won so many first-class merit medals at once, and soon there will be the same number of first-class meritorious service plaques, which are the best attractions.

According to County Magistrate Sun's vision, an exhibition hall was created directly.

Display all the plaques of Ye Bai's house, make their house a home for scientific research geniuses, and then build libraries around their home, so that young people can learn about scientific research!

Ye Ji and Song Jia looked at each other, a little confused: "I guess it will cost a lot of money.

Of course they hope that their son can be known to more people, how can any parent not want their child to be famous all over the world.

But it must be very expensive to build attractions.

County Magistrate Sun patted himself on the chest and said: "It's from the county, this must be built by the county!!"

Ye Ji thought for a while and said, "Let's discuss it when my son comes back after the next year."

This matter still needs to be approved by Ye Bai.

County Magistrate Sun smiled and said, "No problem!"

Then some medals were awarded, but the first-class merit has been taken by Ye Bai alone.

The rest of the second-class and third-class merits were successively awarded to the researchers who contributed to the scientific research!

"This award ceremony is over, let us pay tribute to those who are still sticking to their positions in New Year's Eve!"

Yi Ming gave a solemn military salute and said loudly: "I hope Yanhuang will have more scientific researchers standing on the stage of the New Year's Eve party in the future!"

After speaking, he walked off the stage.

The host of the New Year's Eve party came to the stage to say the end of the party.

"Look, it's full of honors. The number of medals you've won in the past six months has almost caught up with our era. You've worked hard to get out of the dead."

Liu Shouguo checked Ye Bai's medal and said with emotion: "The previous awards were too hasty, this time is the official reward for you!"

Ye Bai was very excited: "Thank you all the chiefs for your love!"

He also wanted to join the army to serve the motherland!

But no chance.

Now he has shown his strength for the motherland through scientific research, and he is very satisfied.

And the heavy honor given to him by the motherland is even more affirmation to him!!

Yi Ming said with a smile: "You have won this by yourself. I look forward to more scientific research results from you in the future!"

Ye Bai nodded affirmatively and said, "I will devote myself to research."

Liu Shouguo said suddenly: "No, actually, you can consider finding a girlfriend."

Huang Mingyu nodded and said: "That's right, I see, Yi Rou'er is pretty good, and has been doing research with you for a long time.

Bai Yan echoed: "That's right, both of you are engaged in scientific research, so you have a common topic."

Ye Bai scratched his head helplessly, he really hadn't thought about love, he just invented it all in one go.

He knows Yi Rou'er, she is very beautiful, he saw it when he first tested new equipment in the Zijin Military Region.

Impressive, but they haven't spoken much at all.

Yi Ming saw that he was a little embarrassed, so he spoke out and said, "Let them see the children's affairs by themselves. If they can see each other, they will naturally develop slowly."

Liu Shouguo smiled and said, "That's right, you guys, get along slowly."

At this time, the host announced the end of the party, and the live broadcast of the party ended here.

The service staff began to guide the guests to leave in an orderly manner.

The next day, the first day of the Chinese New Year, Ye Bai boarded a connecting plane and returned to his hometown.

As soon as he stepped out of the airport, he saw a large group of people, holding red banners, welcoming him home!

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, and they are all going to pay New Year's greetings. I didn't expect so many people to welcome him.

This treatment is no less than that of some big stars!!

When everyone saw him, there was a burst of cheers.

He still has that dazzling medal on his chest!

Each one represents his outstanding contribution to the country!!

"God Ye!!"

All shouting his name out loud!!!

Ye Bai greeted these people with a smile, and everyone immediately cheered...

County magistrate Sun personally led someone to pick him up in a car.

Ye Ji and Song Jia were also there.

"Academician Ye, welcome home!"

County Magistrate Sun enthusiastically ran over and took Ye Bai's hand.

There is no surprise, the province issued a document this morning, saying that they will come down to inspect their county, and decide to divide their county into districts for development!!

This is all thanks to Ye Bai!!

Ye Bai smiled and nodded: "Thank you for coming to pick me up.

He is still a little uncomfortable, to be honest, so many people welcome him at once.

But I am proud of it!

"Now that there are too many people, I won't embarrass you, but you came back alone again."

Ye Ji gave him a blank look, seeing that he was still alone, but soon changed his face again: "Hurry up and go home, your mother made you braised pork!!"

"Go, get in the car."

County Magistrate Sun personally opened the door for Ye Bai.

With Ye Bai's status now, he deserves this kind of treatment!!

"Hold the grass, God Ye and I came out of the same airport just now!!"

"Nimma, I was walking next to God Ye just now, and I'm so close to God!!"

"Damn it, I didn't recognize Ye Shen [otherwise I'd go up and ask for an autograph!!"

"It's so handsome, even more handsome than what I saw on TV, oh my god, I'm a fan of Ye Shen from now on!!"

"Woman, even if you have vision, Ye Shen is the only true God. I happen to like Ye Shen too. We have common hobbies. Why don't you get to know him better."

Until Ye Bai left, the greeters were still holding banners behind.

He's more handsome than a star, and he's still engaged in scientific research, plus countless honors and a whole body, such a man is not a fan, is he a fan?

After Ye Bai arrived home with the car, Magistrate Sun went back happily.

Because of Ye Bai's relationship, I was supposed to go to my uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings, but now all my relatives have come to his house to pay New Year's greetings.

There was a table full at home, and when Ye Bai arrived home, everyone crowded up and began to celebrate.

"Look, chapter 2.4 is full of honor, because it's amazing!"

"This is all glory, our Ye family is honoring our ancestors!!"

"Our Ye family tree has to be re-edited. We must give Ye Bai a separate page and put it at the front!!"

At this time, a neighbor passed by outside the door: "Son, look at Uncle Ye, you must learn from him in the future, make contributions to the motherland, and win glory for the family!!"

Ye Bai said helplessly: "Sister, I'm only twenty-four, and I'm only twenty-five just after Chinese New Year, so I'll be fine.

Song Jia smiled and pulled him out of the crowd: "It's true that you are called Uncle. You are twenty-five years old. You are 26 years old, 27 in a blink of an eye, and 28 in the blink of an eye. By then, you will be on your way to 30. When you are 30, you will be 28." He's in his forties, isn't he Uncle!"

Ye Bai shook his head, yes, he will be able to run to five later.

"Hurry up and bring a girlfriend home!"

That's the point!

The family had a meal happily.


Vehicles from the military region came to Ye's house one after another.

The plaques of the homes of the first-class heroes were sent home one after another.

All the people from the county were attracted to watch the fun in Ye Bai's community.

It should be like this when you are successful and famous!!.

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