.The number of wealthy patients in the hospital is gradually decreasing .

.until all recovered .

.This weird group sick time made all the rich feel a little bit of crisis .

.However , they didn’t realize it was the water problem .

.The doctors at the hospital just said they ate something unclean .

.But said .

.Here Mabangde is also ill .

.But soon recovered by taking medicine .

.To celebrate this discharge .

.Mabangde held a hot pot banquet in his home .

.Dozens of nearby neighbors were invited as guests .

.At the banquet , the rich ate hot pot and sang songs .

.Then …………

Chapter 103 _

.Seeing Ma Bang De in the main seat suddenly look stiff , followed closely , only to hear a ” pop ” .

.He opened his mouth sharply and spat out a mouthful of black blood .

.And then … the person fainted .

.” No , Mr. Ma fainted !”

.” Go find a doctor !”

.” Oops , why is Mr. Ma’s face so ugly , his breathing seems to be almost gone !”

.There was chaos at the banquet .

.The doctor came quickly .

.After three steps and two steps , he carried Ma Bangde , who had fainted , into the ambulance .

.to the hospital .

.After some rescue .

.Mabangde was diagnosed with various diseases , including leukemia and ” acute heart disease ” .

.His leukemia is at an advanced stage , and he could live for several months .

.Combined with long-term and sewage , the condition deteriorated rapidly .

.According to the diagnosis report of the attending physician, Mabangde’s body became cancerous due to the exchange of blood with people .

.Cancerous blood affects the heart .

.” He can’t make it through tonight !”

.The attending doctor shook his head with regret , and announced the diagnosis to Mabangde’s family .

.When the family heard this , their eyes went black , and they dared not accept this fact .

.” Oh, by the way , pay the cost of the rescue just now . ”

.The attending doctor said while introducing :

.” If you need funeral services , there is a funeral home nearby , and if you want to choose a burial and find a sheltered resting place for the deceased , consider a nearby cemetery . ”

.Mabangde’s family members nodded numbly : ” Thank you, doctor . ”

.Sure enough .

.Not as expected by the attending doctor .

.Mabangde has never come here since he entered the ICU . 14

.When he came out, it was already a corpse .

.The bodies were also transported to the morgue .

.During the two or three days that the body was stored in the morgue .

.The family of the deceased needs to arrange the funeral immediately .

.The so-called death is like a lamp goes out , Mabangde’s family wiped away their tears and began to think about the things in front of them .

.First , pay first .

.Just now , in order to rescue Ma Bangde , the hospital spent a lot of expensive drugs . It is said that these are all ” genetic magic drugs ” handed down from the legendary metropolis , and the price is very expensive .

.After Mabangde’s family paid a large amount of hospital expenses ( nearly 300,000 city dollars ),

.Just started thinking about the second question .

.Funeral issues .

.Reference Ma Bunde was a man who liked elegance , and his family felt that they chose to use the most expensive burial .

.Fortunately, there is a funeral home and a cemetery nearby .

.In order to let Mabang Deneng be buried in a glorious way, it is good to be reincarnated as soon as possible .

.After a day of communication with the family of Mabangde and the funeral home ,

.I chose the highest standard of funeral services ( a full 100,000 city dollars was spent , and it is said that a popular band was invited to play sad music )

.As for the burial , Ma Bunde’s family purchased a cemetery at the level of ” Emperor’s Mausoleum ” , which is said to be worth as much as ( 180,000 city dollars ) .

.Mabangde’s family not only sighed with emotion :

.” Thanks to the hospital here , there are funeral homes and cemeteries nearby , which saves us time and allows Ma Bang De to complete the funeral as soon as possible and be reborn as a human as soon as possible . ”

.Everything is ready .

.Day three .

.Mabangde’s body was put into the coffin .

.The memorial service was grandly opened .

.head seven .

.Ma Bunde’s coffin was officially settled in the ” Imperial Mausoleum ” -level cemetery . Um


.After watching this scene , the audience in the live broadcast room looked at each other , completely convinced :

.” Tiaomin : I ate hot pot , sang songs , and no one was there !”

.” My dear , it’s no wonder that Fang Yuan built the hospital , funeral home , and cemetery together. The feeling is to make it easier for the rich to see a doctor , bury , and reincarnate in one train !”

.” Hahaha . This is called not delaying the reincarnation of the rich !”

.” Scraping the ground for this kind of sake is a waste of school ! ”

.backstage .

.The director and the director looked at each other , and the muscles on their faces kept twitching .

.In an ordinary case , you do nineteen checks , and several of them are repeated !

.Even if someone dies, they have to pay a large amount of medical expenses , as well as funeral expenses and cemetery fees ……

.Is this still human ?

.Others are scraping the ground three feet , but you are scraping the ground three thousand feet , and you are almost scratching out of the atmosphere .


.A month later , the rich fell ill again .

.Hospital beds are full again .

.The net income reached more than four million city dollars .

.After being discharged from the hospital , the rich people in Jiucai Community finally reacted .

.Their illness is not accidental , but inevitable .

.After some investigation , the rich people still found the problem of water quality .

.” Gan , the dog’s precious yuan , actually drained the sewage into the water supply pipe !”

.The rich people were furious and gritted their teeth against Bigui .

.” Bi Guiyuan will fix the water supply , I will kill someone …” Speaking of this , the boss of Xuehan Electronics Factory suddenly softened .

.” I am blooded by someone , and I will never drink your special water again !”

.He originally wanted to say , I will no longer live in your broken community .

.But after thinking about it, the boss of Xuehan Electronics Factory suddenly found out .

.If you leave Jiucai Community , how can you live in such a big place ?

.He didn’t want to stay in the broken part of the industrial area, it was too polluted .

.The old houses in the old city are too small , only 30 square meters .

.Thirty square meters ?

.The toilet is bigger than this !

.After living in a 360-square-meter bungalow in Jiucai Community ,

.He felt shivering and panicked , and thought it was shameful , unaccustomed to living , and completely failed to show his glorious image of a successful entrepreneur .

.Other local rich people in Taoyuan City thought the same as the owner of Xuehan Electronics Factory .

.If you really want them to leave Jiucai Community , it will be harder than killing them .

.In the past , in the circle of friends , in order to show their uniqueness , they deliberately posted their own 360-square-meter flat floor .

.If they refund the money and leave Jiucai Community , those poor relatives can’t laugh at them to death .

.The rich people in Taoyuan City are afraid of shame and do not want to leave .

.The wealthy from San Di’an City were also afraid of shame and did not want to leave Jiucai Community .

.Before they came , they blew the Jiucai community into the sky .

.It is said that the environment here is beautiful , close to nature , and suitable for health care .

.Then he mocked the wealthy people in the Holy Land An City who were unwilling to come , saying that the other party was poor and had no money to buy a flat floor .

.Therefore, it annoyed a bunch of rich people in Holy Land .

.At this time , if they leave Jiucai Community because of water quality problems , these rich people are really afraid of being slapped in the face by their opponents .

.” Humph !”

.The more the rich think about it, the more angry they are , and they have found Biguiyuan .

.” What happened to the sewage backflow ? We have been sick twice ! Your company must give us an explanation !”

.”The argument ?” Bi Guiyuan was very firm in the face of the sewage backflow , and denied it face to face :

.” There is no such thing as sewage backflow at all !”

.If this is admitted .

.The reputation of Biguiyuan Real Estate was ruined .

.When the money is gone, you can earn it again .

.Your reputation is ruined , but you can’t pick it up again .

.How can a real estate company harvest leeks without a reputation ?

.For the black-hearted Biguiyuan , the money has already been earned .

.Just ignore the demands of these rich people .

.Rich people vomit blood .

.dog day .

.When you buy a house , you are a grandson .

.When I ask you to solve the problem , you become a grandpa !

.Turning your face is faster than turning a book !

.The conflict between the two parties is getting bigger and bigger .

.Biguiyuan still insists that the water quality is no problem .

.In the face of Biguiyuan Real Estate Company, which does not enter the market .

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