.Some rich people can’t stand it anymore .

.Gradually, a large number of rich people in the Holy Land An city left their houses by hanging up their houses with real estate agents .

.The wealthy who left were shrewd .

.It is not stated that there is a problem with the water quality of Jiucai Community .

.” Bullshit !”

.” If it says that there is a problem with the water quality , who buys the house they hang out !”

.”I haven’t heard of this sentence : Dead Daoist , not dead poor Daoist !”

.And the other rich people in the community who did not leave also kept their secrets wisely .


.Our Fangda City Lord , from beginning to end , stood on the sidelines and watched coldly .

.Never tainted with a trace of grievances .

.For him .

.Whether the rich leave or not ,

.As long as the various facilities in Jiucai Community are there , it will continue to attract new leeks to settle in .

.After cutting new leeks …. continue to cut a batch of leeks ,

.In this way , there will be a steady stream of leeks and a steady stream of city finances !

.The only winner is always Fang Yuan .


.Live room .

.What the audience feared finally happened .

.” Oops , some rich people have left !”

.” Fang Yuan’s plan failed !”

.” Unfortunately , the generation of scrapers is far away , and there are times when horses stumble !”

.Jury seat .

.” No , that’s totally wrong !”

.Yuan Fang stared at the camera , her brows furrowed , and she muttered to herself :

.” Fang Yuan is not such a short-sighted person !”

.” His previous land policy was bold and careful , and the layout was far-reaching . It can be seen that this is a well-thought-out player !”

.During this time , he carefully sorted out what Fang Yuan did in these three days ( in reality ) . thing .

.Ultimately .

.Yuan Fang finally found the clue and instantly understood Fang Yuan’s plan .

.Beside him , Sun Liancheng was puzzled when he heard this : ” Why not ?”

.” It turns out that Fang Yuan just wanted to use the hospital and school to search for a short wave ! It’s that simple !”

.Yuan Fang’s face was solemn , and he shouted :

.” You all underestimate Fang Yuan !”

.” Underestimate Fang Yuan ?” Sun Liancheng was stunned .

.” Does Fang Yuan have any other plans ?” The fairy sister next to her frowned , her face full of doubts .

.The host Xu Qiuqiu was stunned : ” What ? We all underestimated Fang Yuan ?”

.Even the audience in the live broadcast room was fascinated :

.” Yuanfang , what are you trying to say ?”

.” Why do we underestimate Fang Yuan ?”

.” Yeah , Fang Yuan is doing okay this time around , but he ‘s just a little eager for quick success . Is this also called underestimation ?”

.” Could it be that Yuanfang guessed Fang Yuan’s dirty mind again ?”

.” Anyone out there to explain it ?”

.Xiao Xianrou : ” Cough , I think Fang Yuan has already lost his skills . His plan is only based on poor information from the rich . It will be difficult to cheat the rich in the future . ”

.Xiao Xianrou spoke .

.His fans are all in support :

.” My family Aidou said it well , Fang Yuan’s wave is over , he won’t eat for long !”

.” Aidou is right . The rich have run away , so how can Fang Yuan continue to cheat on the rich ?”

.” Did we underestimate him ? No , underestimate him is to underestimate him !”


.There was so much noise here that even the director and director became curious .

.This Fang Yuan , are there other medicines sold in the gourd ?

.At the moment .

.Facing everyone’s suspicious eyes .

.Yuan Fang put down the thermos cup , and then said with admiration :

.” Before I say it , let me remind you . ”

.” What land policy did Fang Yuan choose in the old city before ?”

.Sun Liancheng next to him replied thoughtfully :

.” It is said that the homestead should not exceed 30 square meters per square meter !”

.Speaking of which .

.Sun Liancheng’s pupils shrank , and he suddenly realized that he had snatched Yuanfang’s words and said happily :

.” I understand , I understand !”

.” So it is . “.

Chapter 104 _

.His eyes were full of admiration :

.” Fang Yuan is indeed a master of layout .

.” In the beginning , the layout has already been laid out . The area of the homestead is deliberately limited . ”

.To know .

.In Taoyuan City , the old city is full of houses of 30 , 20 , and 10 square meters .

.Only the Jiucai Community in the new urban area is at the forefront of development , with unparalleled high-rise buildings and an exaggerated 360-square-meter flat floor .

.A house of 30 square meters VS a large flat floor of 360 square meters .

.Which would you choose ?

.The barrage in the live broadcast room instantly flew up :

.” I choose a 360-square-meter flat floor !”



.Sun Liancheng looked at the barrage with a meaningful smile :

.” And that’s the genius of Fang Yuan’s players . ”

.” Using the difference in area to make the rich feel a sense of gap in their hearts . ”

.” As the saying goes, from frugality to luxury is easy , and from luxury to frugality is difficult !”

.” You’re used to living on a 360-square-meter flat , and let the rich live in a 30-square-meter house , do you think it’s possible ?”

.” Or , it’s you , would you like to ?”

.As soon as this word comes out .

.The audience in the live broadcast room quickly posted a barrage :

.” Nonsense , of course I don’t want to !”

.” There is a problem with the water quality, can’t you just change the water !”

.” That’s it . In such a big place , ghosts live in small places !”


.However , some viewers questioned :

.” Mr. Sun , as long as the tycoon replaces the water , Fang Yuan’s sewage inversion plan will be self – defeating . The tycoon doesn’t get sick , only the children go to school to generate income for the bookstore . This kind of money should be disgusting to Fang Yuan . ”

.face this question .

.Sun Liancheng smiled and pointed to the camera :

.” Look , Fang Yuan has just built a small self-made reservoir nearby to provide high-quality pollution-free water for the rich . ”

.The audience looks through the lens .

.I see .

.Near the Jiucai Community , a small reservoir is being built .

.Just listen to Fang Da City Lord muttering to himself :

.” For the health of the citizens , it is worth the low-quality water that is expensive !

.” The city lord personally delivered the high-quality Nongfu Spring from Nongfu Mountain , which is 300 kilometers away . ”

.” Nongfu Mountain Spring , we do not produce water , we are just porters of tap water !”

.” Buy 10 city coins per bottle , it’s not expensive !”

.Fang Yuan licked his lips , his eyes glowing .

.He thought to himself that when he upgraded to the next-level city , he would be able to unlock the ” Water Works ” .

.At that time , this humble reservoir will no longer be needed .


.Seeing this scene , the audience in the live broadcast room instantly understood , and then they all knelt to Fang Yuan :

.” Every bottle of ten city coins , are you serious ?”

.” In reality , a bottle of mineral water costs 100 yuan . Black , really black !”

.”The airport calls the expert directly !”

.” Nima , everything about love is for selling mineral water ?

.” Fuck , this is the real layout genius ? . . . ”

.” I’m stupid . ”

.” Why am I so stupid !”

.” What is a high-quality male ?”

.” Brilliant !”


.” Mom asked me why I was kneeling and looking at my phone , and I said , I can’t do it without kneeling , this person is so beautiful !”

.” My scalp is numb from this show !”

.” One link is linked to another , and the links are interlocked , and it’s so brain-burning , awesome !”

.” I understand , this is not the city construction 360 , this is the brain-burning 366 !”

.” Wait , who said just now that Fang Yuanqian was poor ?”

.An audience member said something strangely yin and yang .

.” It looks like a little fresh meat !”

.” Pfft ! I ca n’t help it , just eliminate the goods , what kind of stuff , it’s not worthy to give Fang Yuan shoes , where does the courage come from ?”

.” I remember that this guy seemed to be defeated and eliminated by Fang Yuan !”

.”A piece of advice : Xiao Xianrou still sells meat , do n’t come out and show your IQ !”

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