Chapter 80 See you later! Our Xia country will completely enter a new era of nuclear fusion!

At this moment, all the netizens sitting in front of the TV were all boiling!!!

The entire Xia country network, because of the five words”controlled nuclear fusion”, completely entered a high boiling point!!!

“We are really going to witness history! Hahaha! We are really going to witness history!”

“The national team played hard this time, really hard!!”

“Hehehe! No wonder the previous bureau chief looked embarrassed!”

“Moreover, from the start of the broadcast to the refutation of rumors, and then to the end of the broadcast”

“All in all it only took eleven minutes!!”

“Hahaha!! Of course! How can we dispel rumors about such a big thing?!”

At this moment

, all the Xia people were filled with strong pride for being Xia people!


This is controlled nuclear fusion!!

The top scientists in the world are trying their best to study this technological product!!

Because if this thing is developed, it will be a brand new era for the entire Xia country and even the whole world!

“Brothers! How long do you think it will take for us to see this technology?!”

After this question appeared on the Internet, everyone started to get involved.

“After all, this is controlled nuclear fusion! The difficulty of research and development will far exceed our imagination!”

“So, I estimate that even if the national team puts all its efforts into research and development, it will still take several years, right?”

“Several years?! Too little! Have you forgotten? The controlled nuclear fusion project in our Xia country’s atomic energy research was already started thirty years ago.”

“WTF?!!! It actually takes so long?!!!”

“Come on! Let’s make a prediction. The national team has already released the news. So it seems that it won’t be long before we can see controlled nuclear fusion!”

“I’ll go first! Five years! Within five years at most! You can use it!”

“Hahaha! I think three years is enough!!”

“I’m brave! One year!”


For a while, the hot discussion on the Internet continued to boil!!

At the same time , on the other side of the ocean coast, in the United States, in an unknown military fortress, a round table meeting was held.

On the central screen of the meeting, the news of the restoration of the country was broadcast!

“Controlled nuclear fusion?! Have they mastered controlled nuclear fusion?”

After the initiator saw the news announced by the Restoration, his face suddenly turned bad.

Controlled nuclear fusion device.

They have been constantly researching in the United States over the years, but there has been no substantial progress. It is always only feasible in theory.

All the participants looked at the screen in the center with solemn faces.

The Restoration announced it so loudly this time.


It seems that this matter does not seem to be false!!

Could it be.

They really have mastered controlled nuclear fusion?!!

“”John, what do you think?”

The initiator silently looked at Admiral John on the side.

At this time, John’s mouth twitched fiercely.”

How do I see?

I see with my eyes! How do I see?!”

However, just as John was about to speak, the Longyang News screen in front of him changed again.

It was the screen of the completed nuclear fusion bases in various regions of Longguo.

Of course, through these pictures, it is naturally impossible to judge where you are now.

After all, there are rows of extremely sophisticated instruments inside.

Even if these instruments are released, with the current technological means of mankind, they are absolutely incomprehensible!

Not to mention others.

Even all the scientific researchers involved in this Dawn Project only know a little bit of the surface!!

The real core is Lu Li!

At this time, the voice of the host sounded again in Longyang News.

“The screen you are currently seeing”

“All of them are the locations of nuclear fusion bases across the country.”

“It’s 21:00 in the evening”

“We will be in the final debugging phase for 3 hours”

“At 24:00 in the evening, the controlled nuclear fusion device will be activated!”

Long Yang, the host, began to tremble at this time.

After this news was released, the entire network of the restoration country was almost paralyzed!!!

“Holy crap!!!!”

“What did I hear?! What did I see?!!!!”

“What what what?! What did the national team just say?!! Has it been built?!!”

“Oh my god! Something is wrong! Something is very wrong!!! Holy shit!!”

“Wait! We were just guessing that it would take three to five years to build it?”

“What’s the result?! You told us that they have already been made?! And, it seems that they have been implemented all over the country?!!”

“Wait, wait, wait! I suddenly had a horrible association!!”

“Do you remember that three days ago, our entire airspace of the country was filled with fighter jets and transport planes?”


“You mean to say that what was transported three days ago was nothing but a controlled nuclear fusion device?!”

“Is there any other explanation?!!”

“Holy crap!!”

“So, at 12 o’clock tonight, we will enter… the era of nuclear fusion?!”


At this moment!!

Hundreds of millions of people’s scalps tingled!!!

This is too terrifying!!

The national team is too ruthless this time, right?!!

It turns out that it has already been made?!

Moreover, it has been implemented.

It seems that the national team wants to take off directly?!!

“I remember now! Didn’t host Long Yang say this before? Our Xia country has completely, thoroughly, independently developed a controlled nuclear fusion device. We should have thought of this at that time!”

“Oh my god! Am I dreaming?”

“No! I wouldn’t dare to do this even in my fucking dreams!!!”

At this time, the voices of the broadcasts began to sound on the screen.

“This is the Taishan Nuclear Fusion Base!”

“The controlled nuclear fusion device has been loaded! Follow orders at all times!”


“This is the Kunlun Nuclear Fusion Base!”

“The controlled nuclear fusion device has been loaded! Follow orders at all times!”


“here it is……”


On the other side of the ocean, at the round table meeting in the United States, everyone was restless at this moment!

Even the initiator stood up.

His eyes were fixed on the reports from the nuclear fusion bases.

“It’s impossible…they! How could the Xia country possibly develop controlled nuclear fusion!”

“That’s controlled nuclear fusion!”

“Our top atomic scientists in the United States have all said”

“This kind of technology will take at least hundreds of years to complete!!”

“This this this!!”

“What on earth is going on?!

” Although the initiator said he didn’t believe it, his expression and ferocious face showed that he believed it 90% of the time!

Because the Restoration Country would never joke about such a thing!


He couldn’t accept it!

He absolutely couldn’t accept that the Restoration Country’s technology was ahead of the United States!

How could they give up the position of world hegemony so easily?!

At this time, time was passing by every second.

The entire Restoration Country was also in an unprecedented excitement and madness.

At the same time, at the Sucheng Military Industrial Base, Lu Li sat on the nuclear fusion control console and took charge of the overall situation!

The hundred The overall control system of multiple controlled nuclear fusion devices is all here.

Right now, looking at the screen in front of him, the prompt signals of the 120 controlled nuclear fusion devices are changing from the red”ready state” to the green”ready”.

Chen Lao and others standing behind Lu Li, as well as a group of scientific researchers, all know in their hearts that when the green words”ready” cover the entire screen, it is the moment to ignite Huafu with the light of controlled nuclear fusion!!

Time is passing by every second.

Three hours have come to the last minute!!

“Ding! Sushan Nuclear Fusion Base is ready!”

When the signal of the last controlled nuclear fusion device was connected and the preparations were completely completed.

Lu Li took a deep breath and pressed the wireless communication headset on his ear.

“Everyone, take note”

“We are about to start completing the final project of the Dawn Project!”

“Everyone! You’ve worked hard!!” All the military workers in the more than 100 controlled nuclear fusion bases trembled!

Hard work?!

They all knew!

They were not tired at all!

The really hard-working ones were the researchers like Lu Li who had been working hard on the road of science and research!!

At the same time, the host of Longyang News also received the information.

Then, he looked at the camera in front of him.

He wanted to suppress his excitement, but he couldn’t suppress it no matter what.

He looked at the time.

There were only 10 seconds left!

8 seconds!

5 seconds!!

“See you later!”

Six words!

After saying it.

There are still 2 seconds!

1 second!!




The entire country of the Restoration began to disconnect power hubs!!!

It seems that the entire Restoration has entered a state of darkness!

Only those necessary equipment are using backup power.

And just these six words!

Hundreds of millions of Xia people have completely fallen into madness!!

Let’s see you later!!

This later!

I’m afraid it will be a brand new era!!

Even though it’s pitch black in front of us!


At this moment, hundreds of millions of people are waiting!

They are all waiting for that light!!

The real light of nuclear fusion!!

And at this time.

Sucheng Military Industry Department!

In the controllable nuclear fusion control hall!

All scientific researchers, including Chen Lao and others.

All eyes looking at Lu Li are full of respect! And expectation!!


On the operating table in front of Lu Li!

The button of”Start the National Nuclear Fusion Base Assembly” is there!!

Just press it!!


It means that the entire Xia country has completely entered the era of all-new energy!!


Lu Li took a deep breath at this time.

Then, with a smile on his face, he suddenly pressed the button of”igniting the nuclear fusion light”!

This time, it ignited the nuclear fusion light of the entire Xia country!!!


“Nuclear fusion assembly system started!!”

“Ding! The Taishan nuclear fusion device was successfully started!”

“Ding! The Kunlun nuclear fusion device was successfully started!”


“Ding! The Sushan nuclear fusion device was successfully started!”


In just three seconds, more than a hundred nuclear fusion bases were successfully activated!!!

The terrifying and powerful vast energy began to pass through the power hub assembly and rushed towards all the cities madly!!!

“It’s on!!”

“”Lights up!!!”

The street lights on the road lit up!

Then the office buildings.

Slowly, the high-rise buildings!

The residential buildings also began to light up!!

The signal of Longyang News was instantly connected to the televisions of thousands of households.

“This is Longyang News”

“We meet again.”

The excited face of the host of Longyang News appeared in front of everyone again!

At this moment!!

The world is boiling!!!

Not only the restoration country. As soon as the news of the restoration country reported the controlled nuclear fusion, it has become the focus of the world!

And now, all countries in the world have seen that the restoration country has re-entered the era of nuclear fusion.

For a time, everyone was filled with shock and envy!!!

At the round table meeting in the United States, everyone collapsed!!

“He, he, he, they restored their country! Did they really come up with a controlled nuclear fusion device?!”

“I still don’t believe it, could this be a trick to restore the country?”

The initiator said in a collapse,”John! Starting from tomorrow, you go and check the oil and coal resources imported by the restoration country! I don’t believe it! I absolutely don’t believe it!”

This is his last bottom line!

If the restoration country really wants to cut off these imported materials from today.

It really means that they have developed real controlled nuclear fusion!

Although John is angry at this time, he is more shocked!

He never thought that the restoration country, which has been fighting back and forth with the United States, would rise so wildly in such a short time!

The speed of this rise has made them feel terrible!!



It is already 12:30 in the middle of the night.

Longyang News report is about to end

“Start now!”

“We restore our country!”

“We will completely enter a new era of nuclear fusion!!!”

This night is destined to be a sleepless night for hundreds of millions of people!

It’s so shocking! It’s so terrifying!

So proud!

This is the technology of our Great Restoration Nation!

This time!

Our Great Restoration Nation! is at the forefront of the world!

The next morning, in the Sucheng Military Industry Department,

Mr. Chen found Lu Li who had already started designing the aircraft carrier hull.

The Dawn Project was just completed yesterday.

Today, Lu Li immediately threw himself into the new project!

This spirit of fighting with all his strength even scared Mr. Chen!

Then, he found Lu Li

“”Mr. Chen, is there something wrong?”

Lu Li stood up and asked with a smile.

Mr. Chen took a deep breath at this time.

Then he said solemnly:”Lu Li! On behalf of the head of the military science department, I extend my most sincere invitation to you!”

“The country will hold an honorary ceremony for you!!”


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