Chapter 81: Changes within a week of entering the new era of nuclear fusion! Chief engineer of the nuclear fusion project!

In the military industry department of Sucheng.

In the No. 0 military industry test base.

After listening to what Mr. Chen said, Lu Li couldn’t help but smacked his lips, and then muttered:”Honorary Scientific Research Merit Conference?……”

“We will fully seek your opinion.”

Mr. Chen looked at Lu Li and said solemnly

“When will this conference start?”

Lu Li smiled and asked

“You decide the time!”

Mr. Chen said quickly.

“All right”

“A week later then.”

“I guess it will take some time to prepare.”

Lu Li said with a smile:”In these seven days, I can almost design the hull of the aircraft carrier.”


Hearing this, Old Chen nodded quickly!

Since Lu Li agreed to this, then

Old Chen will start to act. He must report this matter to the head of the military science department as soon as possible!

Half an hour later, in the building of the Supreme Authority in

Longdu, Xiaguo , an old man in military uniform heard Old Chen’s narration on the phone. His thin face was also full of excitement!

“Good! Good! Good!” Saying three good words in a row shocked all the military officials around. After all, they had never seen the chief so excited. No matter what happened, the chief always looked calm and composed. Even if Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, he would never change his expression!!

“”Mr. Fei, the genius agreed.”

The chief slowly put down the phone, then his eyes focused, his gaze was like a torch!

In front of him.

An old man with white hair and beard stood up immediately!

Surprisingly, he was the boss of the Fifth Army General Headquarters!

“The time is set for seven days later”

“The venue is scheduled to be the highest scientific honor academy of the restoration country!”

“Mr. Fei”

“You’ve been so worried these days.”

“Escort those meritorious pioneers to Longdu safely”

“Seven Days Later”

“We must make sure that genius gets all the honors he deserves!!”

The general said with great determination!


Old Fei nodded immediately!

The chief looked around and saw the people who were here.

That was the lowest level, and it was also the level of the head of the general office.


“Everyone must take this seriously!!”


Everyone stood up and said in unison.

Today is the first day of the new era of nuclear fusion!

Although everyone’s daily life did not feel anything wrong, it was still the same as usual.

The national team has already started to make continuous moves!

On the first day!

An announcement was directly released through Longyang News!

“Longyang News pinned announcement!”

“From now on, all nuclear fission power stations within the country will be completely shut down!”

“Properly handle nuclear fission uranium energy!”


The comments below went viral!

“It seems that the national team is really going to start a major reform! Horrible, horrible!!”

“Actually, brothers, to be honest, I still find it hard to believe it. This is too dreamy!”

“Hahaha! The national team has begun to stop using nuclear fission nuclear power plants. Don’t you believe it?”

“It’s because it’s too dreamy that I can’t believe it!”

“It was like, when I was carving oracle bone records on the back of a turtle, the national team directly threw a mobile phone to me. It was a dreamlike feeling!”

“Hahaha! Quite the image!! I’m already starting to get the picture!!”

That evening,

Longyang News released another announcement!!

“Longyang News pinned announcement!”

“The nuclear fission plant has been shut down in an orderly manner! The nuclear fuel has also been fully guaranteed to be safe!”

“And from now on, the electricity fee will be unified nationwide, and the temporary price of 1 kWh is 0.02 yuan.”

As soon as this announcement was released, the entire country was once again in a state of excitement!!

“Holy crap!!”

“I was a little skeptical before… But, 1 kWh of electricity, 0.02 yuan?!”

“I can’t hold it anymore brothers!! So if I use 300 kWh of electricity a month, they only charge me 6 yuan?!”

“Hahaha! This is a visible change!!!”

“It can’t be that low! Look, doesn’t it say it’s a provisional price?”

“That’s right! That’s right! That’s a nuclear fusion device, the maintenance cost is huge.”

“I’m afraid it’s not cheap, right?”

On the second day of the restoration of the country into the nuclear fusion era.

The national team made continuous moves!!

“Longyang News has pinned the announcement today!”

“From now on, it is planned to complete all firepower applications in an orderly manner within two days!!”

“Wind power, hydro power remains unchanged.”

Comments below.

Explosion again!!!

“Oh my goodness! It’s really coming! It’s really coming!!”

“The national team is really working hard to make the leap towards new energy!!”

“Too cruel! Too cruel!!”

That evening,

Longyang News once again released a news announcement!

“Longyang News pinned announcement!”

“According to the adjustment, the national application fees will be optimized again!”

“The tentative price of 1 kWh of electricity is 0.01 yuan.

After this announcement appeared, the comment section couldn’t hold back at all!!

“Holy crap!!!”

“This, this, this, how come the price has dropped?!!”

“Didn’t you pay 0.02 yuan per kWh yesterday?! Why is it 0.01 yuan today?!”

“So, I used 3 kWh of electricity yesterday, and I lost three cents!!!”

“Hahahaha! I can’t hold it anymore! I really can’t hold it anymore!!!”

“I never thought that the electricity bill could be reduced to such a low level!!”

Just as the netizens were shocked.

The national team made another move!!

The third day of the new era of nuclear fusion!

Longyang News issued another announcement!!

And countless netizens are all looking forward to the update of Longyang News!

“Longyang News has pinned the announcement today!”

“Thermal power generation will completely become a thing of the past!”

“At present, my country’s oil and coal reserves are sufficient to cope with the stage of energy transformation in Xiaguo.”

“From now on, there is no need to import from other countries!”

“The funds saved will be fully used to build the motherland!”

The comment section exploded again!

“OK! OK!!”

“Hahaha! This way, we no longer have to buy expensive oil from other countries!”

“From now on, we can be completely self-sufficient!!”

If these minerals are not used to generate electricity, there is no need to import them from foreign countries every year.

The domestic offshore exploration wells and onshore reserves are more than enough!

The largest share of these materials consumed every year is used to generate electricity!

After all, the entire country is a superpower with a population of more than one billion!

The demand for electricity is naturally very high!

And now, there is no need to worry about electricity in the country!

Because there is nuclear fusion energy!

These energies only need some seawater, which is enough for the entire city to use for several years!

Even ten years!!

Now, the thing we lack the least is electricity!!

In the evening,

Longyang News issued another announcement!

“Longyang News pinned announcement!”

“According to the unanimous decision of the superior leaders!!”

“And sought the opinion of the chief engineer of the nuclear fusion project”

“We decided!!”

“From now on!”

“Electricity bills nationwide will be free!!”

“All factories and enterprises will also be allocated according to reasonable regulations!”


As soon as this news was released!!

The whole country was shocked!!

“Holy crap!!!!”

“The first day charge is two cents!”

“The next day is charged a penny!”

“The third day is free?!!!”

“Holy crap!! It’s actually free?!!”

“Electricity: I’m free!!”

And at the end of the news announcement, there is another sentence

“Chief engineer of nuclear fusion: Electricity is free now, everyone should use it. You can go home and tell your parents and elders not to turn off the lights at night to save electricity, because… electricity is free now.”

Everyone looked at this line of text. Although there are only a few dozen words, everyone can see that through these words, they can empathize with the hardship of research and development behind controlled nuclear fusion! And the last sentence directly broke the defense of many netizens!

“You can go home and tell your parents and elders not to turn off the lights at night to save electricity.”

“Because… electricity is already free!”


This is something that millions of netizens can directly empathize with.

The elderly in the family.

People who came from that era.

They have always been reluctant to turn on the lights at night.

It is to save some electricity bills. The older generation lived a poor life.

They have been used to being frugal all their lives.

And now!!

The entire country has entered a new era of nuclear fusion!!

Moreover, electricity is completely free!!

Everyone can do as the chief engineer of the nuclear fusion project said!

Go back home!

Proudly tell your parents and elders!

“Our electricity! Is free!!”

The older generation may not understand the meaning of nuclear fusion.

However, they know the difference between free electricity and paid electricity!

This is what makes them feel the real change in the nuclear fusion era of the Restoration of the Nation!!!

The fourth day of the nuclear fusion era!

“Longyang News pinned announcement!”

“The country will broadcast it live nationwide on Sunday!”

“Invite the chief engineer of nuclear fusion to visit Longdu Scientific Research Honors Academy!”

“Hold the Honor Ceremony!!”

The Internet exploded again!!

“Finally, we get to see the chief engineer of nuclear fusion! This is the person we should admire the most!!”

“Yes! This is the goal we should strive for!!”

On the fifth day of the nuclear fusion era!

The restoration of the country has completely ended the import of energy resources from other countries! It has completely become an internal demand cycle ecosystem!

The power system!

And a series of other projects derived from power… will no longer be troubled by the problem of insufficient energy!

And the money saved will be invested in other industries!

This money will be an absolutely terrifying astronomical figure!

And at this point, the initiator of the round table meeting in the United States has completely collapsed at this time!

Looking at the reports of the disconnection of cooperation in front of him, all of them are energy cooperation plans disconnected by Xiaguo.

Various cooperation in oil, mining, and energy has almost all been terminated.

In other words, from today on, they can no longer secretly order those small countries to deliberately sell these things to Xiaguo at high prices!

How can I not be angry?!

I am almost angry to death!!!


“It’s actually true!”

“All of this is actually true!”

“The Xia country actually developed a controlled nuclear fusion device!!”

“What about our scientific researchers? What are they doing?!”

“We invest trillions of dollars into it every year!”

“What is the result! What is the result!!”

“No progress at all!!!!”

“Look at Xia Country!”

The initiator’s eyes were full of anger!

At this time, the other people at the round table looked at each other and finally looked at John.

John’s eyebrows jumped wildly when he saw this. None of these people dared to make any suggestions!

They were afraid of offending the initiator.


John slowly stood up at this time, and his eyes gradually revealed a fierce light!

“Sir, perhaps we must proceed directly to the final stage of the maritime deterrence operation!”

“Aren’t the twenty nuclear-powered aircraft carriers we have been building in the secret harbor of St. Petersburg about to enter the final stage of construction?”

“In half a year at most, we can all go out to sea!”

“At that time! I will apply for myself! To become the supreme leader of the maritime deterrence operation! Then carry out the maritime deterrence operation again! I will personally deal with them to restore the country again!!”

In these years, the United States has been able to urgently feel the rise of the Xia country.

So it is also frantically building nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in secret!

And these 20 aircraft carriers will be the ultimate killer to crush the confidence of the restoration of the country’s rise!!

Together with the 11 aircraft carriers currently in service.

There are more than 30 aircraft carriers!!

By then!

The world’s hegemony and authority will still be our United States!


The initiator of the round table meeting took a deep breath when he saw this!

This is their last resort!

They must do it at all costs!

“Admiral John!”

“This matter is entirely left to you!”


John immediately obeyed the order!


Two days later.


It is the most exciting day for the entire Restoration Country!

If there is anything more exciting than the entire Restoration Country entering the nuclear fusion era, then there is only one thing!

That is!

Meet the chief engineer of the nuclear fusion project who will appear in the national live broadcast!!!

Only he can have such power!!


Since seven days ago, the core area of the entire Longdu has been completely banned from passing!!

And now.

The entire Longdu has been protected by three layers inside and three layers outside!

The strict level of defense has also reached an unprecedented height!!


What they want to protect this time is the future of the entire Restoration Country!! And

Lu Li!

Is the person who can change the destiny of the entire Restoration Country!!


At nine o’clock in the morning.

Lu Li has arrived here on a special plane.

Looking at the countless bright red carpets on the ground in front of him,

Lu Li’s face also showed a smile.

The Honorary Scientific Research Merit Conference is about to begin!


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