Lethal Impulse

Chapter 732: , Ice

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Chapter 732, Ice Soul

Li Taiyi nodded helplessly, then glanced at me, then turned and left. After watching him leave for a full ten minutes. I turned my head and took the sword in my hand. The sword trembled and seemed unwilling to accept me.

But at the moment, I grabbed the sword without hesitation and pulled it out of the ice slowly. After I pulled out this sword. The whole ground was trembling suddenly, and the huge ice block in front of me was shaking at this time. The ghost king, which was originally sealed inside, also slowly opened his eyes at this time.

At this time, I tried hard to finally hold this ice-blue sword in my hands.

"Goodbye, Tian Dunshu." I looked at the ghost king in front of me. Although the ghost king in front of me was about to be born, as long as I left, I didn't care about it.

Just when the magic circle of the sky escape appeared beside me, my figure gradually disappeared. Throughout the world, a horrifying roar suddenly sounded, and then the ghost king inside the huge ice block finally broke the ice block.

The huge ice cubes instantly crushed bones, and after that, the cold chill spread quickly. My figure that disappeared was blocked! A thin layer of ice has formed on me.

"This, how is it possible?" I looked at my eyes and couldn't believe my eyes.

The previously unsuccessful Tian Dun technique actually failed!

Just when I was frightened, the ice broke completely, and the ghost king opened his eyes and walked out slowly. When it came out, the surrounding temperature dropped ten degrees instantly, and even I was trembling at this time, I couldn't imagine my eyes.

"Hey, thank you, your greed, let me escape from the seal." The ghost king came over and looked at me.

I stared at him stammeringly, Zhiwuwuwu said, "No matter what, I saved you too. Although you are a ghost, you should know the gratitude."

"Hey, the gracious picture? I haven't thought about it that way." The ghost king roared, and his lips cracked with a grim smile.

Seeing this, I was suddenly shocked in my heart that this ghost king was too powerful. More powerful than the general I have seen before. It can actually break the sky escape technique, which has never been done before. It should be known that once Tian Dun surgery is launched, it is basically irreversible. Even the caster can't do it himself.

But the ghost king in front of him sealed the sky escape with ice. This strength alone is simply shocking.

"What the **** do you want?" I looked at him and asked, this time I was not afraid.

"I really appreciate you, if you pull out the ice soul. I can't escape at all." Ghost King said.

"This sword is called ice soul?" I looked at the sword with a chill in my palm.

"Yes, this is a sword named Xuan Jizi, it was she who sealed me here. I don't know how many years." The ghost king sighed and said: "But it doesn't matter, since I came out Then, you have to find Xuanjizi to take revenge. "

"In that case, you go to him. Don't come to trouble me." I said with a smile.

"Let this thing go first," the ghost king turned his head to look at me, and his voice exclaimed: "The magic weapons you have are very good, but unfortunately, you can't deal with me just by these magic weapons."

"Yeah." I said bitterly. If I had two divine books in Zhang Mingxuan's hands, I wouldn't end this now.

Now that I have a powerful magic weapon in my hands, I want to deal with the ghost king.

"But don't be discouraged, as long as you find more powerful magic weapons, you can easily deal with me. The original Xuanjizi, but easily killed me." The ghost king looked at me and said.

Hearing his words, I was shocked in my heart, who is the mysterious child in the mouth of the ghost king. It's unimaginable that the ghost king can be sealed.

"Okay, the nonsense is over. I should eat you." The ghost king looked at me with a greedy voice: "It's been a long time since I've eaten meat. I must eat this time."

"Since that is the case, you can do it." I looked at him and said, at this time I was fearless and was going to die.

Seeing my appearance, the ghost king suddenly laughed loudly: "Haha, do you want to be against me? This is impossible. Since ancient times, few people can fight against the ghost king."

"Although it is rare, isn't it? You are not the only one in my mouth." I sneered.

"That being said, but she has three heaven-level magic weapons, and a magic weapon close to the artifact, which can easily suppress me. But you alone can't do it." The ghost king looked at me and his voice was impatient : "Okay, die."

When he finished talking about his huge palm, he would shoot it, and then I burned Nanming away from the fire, and I broke free from the ice, and then the figure hurried towards the distance.

The ghost king's blow fell on the ground, and the ground was shaking, and I hurriedly opened the ghost king's wings, and then opened the earth escape technique, and the figure was about to leave.

"Want to run, it's not that easy." The ghost king finished his voice, and said coldly, "Stop it."

After he finished speaking, Hanbing swept through at a terrifying speed, and spread to me in this way. The cold that was visible to the naked eye continued to invade, letting me take a breath, and then my figure, at a more terrifying speed Running away.

At this time, I had no idea at all against the ghost king. Because this is simply impossible. Because there is no powerful heaven-level magic weapon, it is impossible to kill the ghost king.

The highest magic weapon in my hand is only the Seven Star Lamp, but the Eight Array of Seven Star Lamp is still unavailable. But even if it is used, dealing with the ghost king is of no avail.

At this time, I felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness. In desperation, I ran away frantically.

And at this time, the roar of the ghost king sounded through the cave: "Little reptile, although you run, but with your strength. I don't think you can escape my palm!"

I didn't look back, running madly, the frozen ghosts all shivering at this time, of course they were not afraid of me, but the ghost king who was already angry.

The ghost king was angry, and it was really overwhelming. Even if I run away, there is no other way.

Just after I ran wild, I suddenly saw Liu Ying and they packed their bags one by one and walked on the road of departure.

When seeing me, Liu Ying asked in surprise: "Zhang Fan, what are you doing?"

"Less nonsense, here is the sword for you, run away quickly." I gave Bing Soo to her, and took her in a hurry to run away.

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