Lethal Impulse

Chapter 733: , Despair in desperation

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Chapter 733, Despair in Despair

Liu Ying looked at the ice soul in his hand excitedly, and looked at me and asked, "Zhang Fan, did you release that ghost king? Li Taiyi told me all."

"Hey, I blame me for being too greedy. Now let's run quickly." I looked at her and said.

Liu Ying nodded and followed me behind, Li Sanyuan Tao Ran them, seeing this, also hurriedly escaped one by one.

Just as we ran hard, behind us, the figure of the ghost king gradually came out. This figure is very powerful, and his eyes are full of cold: "A group of small reptiles, do you think you can run away?"

"Run separately, you can count as many as you can." I shouted sharply. Then pulling Liu Ying is running wild.

Others woke up like dreams, and hurried to spread out one by one. At this time, the ghost king's eyes were on me.

"I ate you first, then went to grab others." The ghost king roared, and then a strong chill radiated from his whole body. After the cold rushed over, I felt that my back was almost frozen.

Liu Ying followed me desperately running, still holding a hand of ice. Seeing this, an idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

Maybe the ghost king can be sealed again with the ice soul?

But think about it, I still rejected this idea, because it is simply impossible. The ghost king now is so powerful that it is impossible to seal it.

In desperation, I rushed with Liu Ying, and chased a ghost king behind me frantically.

This kind of scene is absolutely unimaginable.

I am advancing at the most terrifying speed in my life, behind me is Liu Ying. The ghost king is chasing us, the speed is extremely fast. Seeing this, my heart was shocked.

At this time, my mind was spinning, thinking about countless ways. But these methods have all been rejected by me one by one.

Because of my sad discovery, in front of the power of the ghost king, I was too small. Even though I have so many magic weapons, it is still not his opponent. Thinking of this, I was very depressed.

But this is also something that cannot be done. The existence of the ghost king is completely unimaginable. When we face the ghost king, there can be no resistance at all.

After all, there will be a ghost king among millions of ghosts. The strength of the ghost king is absolutely terrifying, and no one can stop it.

In particular, this one has been sealed for countless years. After the seal was broken, the ghost king who thought of eating meat was even more difficult to deal with.

At this time, I really don't know what to do. I have thought about the way I should think, but in the face of the situation before me, my heart is full of despair, this sense of despair has not passed for a long time.

Liu Ying took my arm and after a while she was breathing hard, and it seemed that she could not bear it anymore. After all, even if her physical fitness can, it is impossible to support such a long run.

"Zhang Fan, let me go." Liu Ying said looking at me.

"What are you talking about?" I looked at Liu Ying and asked.

"I'm almost done, I can't run. You let me go." Liu Ying said quickly.

"No, this is impossible." I said firmly.

The ghost king behind me roared at this time: "Haha, you should let go of her, I just ate her, maybe I will let you go."

I gritted my teeth, put Liu Ying on my back, and then launched the ghost king wings, and just passed by.

Behind me, the ghost king followed without speed, and wherever it walked, there was already ice everywhere.

At this time, I lowered my voice and said: "Liu Ying, we have to find a way, otherwise neither of us will survive."

"But what should we do next?" Liu Ying asked in distress.

"We can't fight against the ghost king, and facing the power of the ghost king, we can do nothing but succumb," I said suddenly.

"Aren't we doing nothing, just being eaten by the ghost king?" Liu Ying's eyes widened and she looked at me incredulously.

"Of course not." I turned my head and looked at her and said, "Actually, this ghost king never thought of eating us so early, otherwise at its speed, we wouldn't be able to run for long."

"It's just enjoying the fear that afflicted us. The more we fear, the happier it will be. Therefore, the only way to deal with it is like this ..." I finished and said a few words to her.

After listening to me, Liu Ying's eyes widened and she looked at me inconceivably: "Is this kind of thing really possible?"

"No problem, this is the only way out. This ghost king will soon kill us." I muttered to myself.

"Well, I promise you." Liu Ying said.

So I carried her on my back and suddenly burrowed into a cave. When I burrowed in, the ghost king's body also came here.

"Haha, want to hide here, this is to death." The ghost king sneered, raised his palm violently, and then reached into the cave. Soon with the scream, Liu Ying and I were held in the hands by it.

"Hahaha, you guys are so pitiful now," the ghost king growled. But at this time, Liu Ying and I were scared and curled up.

"I originally wanted to play for a while, but now I'm out of mood. You just go to die like this." The ghost king finished reaching out, grabbed Liu Ying violently, and then threw it directly into his mouth, accompanying With a gab, Liu Ying was bitten to death by it.

Seeing this, my heart was very sad and indignant, and rushed towards it frantically. Lifting the anti-scale, he slashed on the ghost king. However, the ghost king didn't look at it, raised his arm violently, grabbed my arm, and then bitten my body in half.

Then in my scream, the ghost king ate me bit by bit. Only then did he sip his mouth in satisfaction, then turned around and flew away slowly.

When it flew away, no one noticed that in the cave, a pair of eyes were quietly watching it.

"It's really dangerous. It finally left." I let out a sigh of relief, and then sat on the ground, and Liu Ying was next to me.

The two of us did not die, or it was not us who was killed by the ghost king. It's just the person I copied with Shan Yu Yu Pei.

Liu Ying patted me on the shoulder and exclaimed with a voice: "I never thought you could have such an idea. You actually copied me and you to let the ghost king kill, so that we escaped the ghost king's pursuit. Because in the eyes of the ghost king , We have been eaten by it. "

I held Shan Yuyupei in my hand and murmured, "It is amazing power. If it were not for it, the two of us would be dead now. The power of the ghost king is really too powerful." "Yeah, It can actually copy the human body, if not it just copied us two. I am afraid we will die. "Liu Ying said.

"Dan Yuyu Pei can copy a person for seven hours. That is to say, the copy person can only exist for seven hours." I looked at Shan Yuyu Pei in the palm of my hand and murmured: "If you can find the complete Pisces Yu Pei, The ghost king is just a ant in front of me. "

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