Ye Chen "pop" directly

The door to the room closed with a bang.

Although there is still some concern in his eyes.

But out of trust in Ye Chen.

Jiang Dalin still chose to trust each other.

What Jiang Dalin didn't know was that.

Waiting for the moment when Ye Chen closed them.

A wicked smile appeared on his face.

But Ye Chen didn't attack Wei Zhe.

Instead, he loosened all Wei Zhe's clothes like a first aid textbook...

Help the other person keep breathing.

He also loosened the bracelet representing Wei Zhe's anxiety.

See Ye Chen's series of actions.

Wei Zhe's face remained calm.

But he was slightly taken aback.

And Ye Chen didn't seem to mean to explain.

After he took off all Wei Zhe's clothes.

Ye Chen also pulled down his tie and suit by the way.

He walked a few times towards the surrounding open room.

Ye Chen said to Wei Zhe with a smile.

"Knowing that you need to vent now, why don't you let me be your competitor, but don't slap in the face, or I'll be angry!"

Hear Ye Chen's answer.

A trace of tyranny flashed in Wei Zhe's eyes immediately.

Get up slightly from the sofa.

next moment.

Wei Zhe is like an unruly beast.

He rushed towards Ye Chen! "Boom, boom, boom"

There were several muffled noises and humming in the room.

Jiang Dalin, who has been guarding the gate of Wei Zhe.

At this time, I couldn't help but feel a little worried when I heard the sound in the room.

Just thinking of Ye Chen's relieved eyes just now.

The hand that was going to knock on the door raised and raised or chose to put it down.

The humming in the room lasted for nearly 5 minutes.


A door rang.

The door of Wei Zhe's room was opened directly! Under Jiang Dalin's astonished gaze.

With a bruised corner of his mouth, Ye Chen was holding his suit and walking out with a smile.

Although the white shirt was a little damaged due to the violent movement.

But this did not hinder Ye Chen's good mood.

"Ye Chen, this is you"

Looking at Ye Chen, who was completely worn out in front of him.

Jiang Dalin asked in surprise.

And Ye Chen.

I saw Jiang Dalin was still at the door.

Talk and laugh.

Ye Chen spoke directly.

"Wei Zhe actually has some psychological problems and needs to vent from time to time. I just vented with him. Fortunately, I usually exercise, so I'm not ashamed."


Ye Chen directly opened the door of Wei Zhe's room.

Wei Zhe, who was half naked, had already been thrown on the bed by Ye Chen.

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