Although there are some bruises.

But the breathing is still steady.

This made Jiang Dalin relieved at the same time.

My heart was also a little tight.

"Weizhe actually has a mental problem!"



Chapter 071--759 Looking for Tang Zheng



Chapter 071--759 Convince Tang Zheng



Chapter 071--759 Tang Zheng apologizes



Chapter 071--759 Ye Chen's Backhand


Everything Don is doing tonight.

Although it seems dangerous, it can always turn danger into safety.

This is exactly the result of three discussions between Wei Zhe and Ye Chen.

Although John's employees were unanimous in dealing with Tang Zheng.

There are also rotten oranges in the seemingly united collective.

As long as you can dig a person's corner.

Then the collective will collapse from within.

The man beside Ye Chen is called David Chen.

Just one of John's team.

Right now John is in the hospital for an impulsive suicide.

Therefore, he did not attend the Hongmen banquet tonight.

As a result, David Chen's team of employees was leaderless.

It is easy to be misled by people.

David Chen was bribed by Ye Chen.

The role is to be responsible for turning things around when Tang Zheng is in the cold.

After all, Tang Zheng is still a big customer.

, can't really hurt him at all.

Wait until Ye Chen has listened to David Chen's narration of what happened tonight.

After confirming that Tang Zheng was not actually damaged.

I saw Ye Chen suddenly took out a bulging envelope from his arms.

After handing it to David Chen in front of him.

Ye Chen asked directly.

"In the envelope is the air ticket for tomorrow's 14th. You can go home and pack up now. I have already helped you find your next home. It is estimated that your mailbox will be able to receive several companies in a short time."

Hear what Ye Chen said.

A gleam of light flashed in David Chen's eyes.

He has a shrewd spirit.

The reason for not accepting layoffs.

Not just for "profit"

Two words? Now what I get is far more affordable than John.

What else is unsatisfactory, plus the envelope sent by Ye Chen.

Not to mention $2, isn't it sweet! I hurriedly took Ye Chen's envelope.

After a rough count.

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