Nine weeks of the world.

Bactria and Weiyang Palace.

“Which is this?”

Nie Zheng struggled to open his eyes.

An extreme sense of vertigo.

His vision was somewhat blurred.

Only a few shadows could be faintly seen circling around him.

Surrounded by some ancient buildings.

I can faintly see some dragon and phoenix patterns coming into view.

“Go and tell the Empress that Your Majesty is awake.”


A sharp voice sounded in Nie Zheng’s ear.


“I… head hurts!”

Nie Zheng felt that his brain was about to explode.

A flood of information also frantically poured into his mind.

Tea time has passed.

The sharp pain gradually disappeared.

Nie Zheng’s consciousness gradually recovered.

But he was stunned.


Crossed it myself.

Travel to a nine-week world where seven kingdoms coexist.

And became the emperor of Bactria .


Crossing over to become an emperor should be a good thing.

But now Nie Zheng was not happy.

Instead, the whole person fell into the ice cellar.

Because he found it through the memory of his predecessor.

The Emperor of Bactria himself was nothing more than a puppet.

But, that’s not the most serious problem!

The most serious problem is …

When Nie Zheng saw the identity of his courtiers.

He’s stupid!


Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace.

Empress Lü of the Eastern Palace.

Empress Wu Zetian.

Wei Zhongxian, the head of the Ouchi.

Zhao Gao, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Entrusted to Sima Yi, a lone minister.

Left Cheng Xiang Dong Zhuo.

Right Xiang Cao Cao.

Tobe Shoshu and Kan.

Bingbu Shangshu Xing Daorong.

Officials Shangshu Qin Juniper.

General Pan Feng.

Fu Bo General Zhao Kuo…

What is even more outrageous is that there are Zhao Kuangyin, the great marshal of the Terracotta Army, and Zhu Di, the king of the local domain, and others outside to support the soldiers and respect themselves!


Historical treacherous people come together!

Where is this TM crossing?

This is obviously the rhythm of being played to death.

Pure Heavenly Collapse Beginning!

This kind of opening is not to say that you become an emperor.

Any one person can take his life.

Nie Zheng felt that he could safely meditate in this situation.

Definitely an emperor of all time!



Nie Zheng had no time to think about what was going to happen next.

Because he is now almost in a mortal situation!

According to the memory of the predecessor.

The emperor himself was not from the Empress of the Two Palaces.

It is the product of the hangover of the former emperor and a palace maid.

The former emperor had twelve princes and four princesses.

It was not his turn to inherit the throne as a prince born of a palace daughter.

It’s just that these brothers and brothers of his are either dead or crazy.

Either they are too young to succeed to the throne.

After the death of the former emperor.

The empress dowager of the two palaces and a group of traitors put their predecessors on the throne.

The predecessor was completely reduced to a puppet emperor.

And the former mother-in-law of the palace.

He was killed by Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace.

The reason is simple.

The emperor could only be the son of the empress.

It could never be the son of a lowly maid.

Also because of this matter.

The predecessor was indignant.

Wanting to seize imperial power, Empress Dowager Cixi of Xigong was beheaded.


Not waiting for the predecessor to put it into action.

Cixi already knew his plan.

A cup of poisonous wine will send the predecessor back to heaven.

He wanted to support his young brother to inherit the throne.

The predecessor can be described as extremely depressed to death.

This also allowed Nie Zheng to cross over and replace this emperor identity.


The old witch knew that the emperor was not dead.

Will definitely do it again.

How is it possible to give up?


Nie Zheng was helpless in his heart.

He is also an emperor no matter how he says it.

But now there is nothing that can be done.

Did he just cross.

Will you be killed by this old witch?

How do I play this Nyima’s opening?

What about the system?

What about Goldfinger?

Everyone has a gold finger across the border.

I am facing this kind of skyrocketing start.

No goldfinger and a fart.

Just wait for death.


[The Divine Grade Grand Dark Emperor system is turned on.] 】

Maybe I heard Nie Zheng’s complaints.

A cold mechanical sound sounded in his ears.


Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

Blood in the body boils completely

He said.

Yourself as a crosser.

How could there be no gold fingers.

Although this Goldfinger is slightly late.

But it was timely.

Nie Zheng did not dare to be sloppy.

Quickly see about the system’s features.


The functions of the system were all understood by Nie Zheng.

Simply put.

This system has a single function.

As long as Nie Zheng does something unruly and cruel.

You can get great rewards.


This system is to make Nie Zheng the most brutal and unscrupulous emperor.

As a modern youth who crossed over.

How to do a good job as a qualified Emperor, Nie Zheng understood very well.

After all, there is an old saying that is good.

Haven’t eaten pork and seen a pig run?

5,000 years of history in past lives.

The deeds of those historical emperors have been written into books and made into various films and televisions.

Even if you draw a gourd according to the scoop.

Nie Zheng can definitely learn from him.

And I want to do the first step of the Dark Lord.

It starts with this old demon woman who has brought calamity to the country and the people.

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