
[In view of the host opening the system for the first time, a newbie gift package is specially rewarded.] 】

【Please ask the host, do you want to open the newbie package?】 】

The cold sound of the system came again.



【The beginner’s gift package was successfully opened.】 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the exclusive skill of the Son of Heaven: Golden Mouth Jade Speech.] 】


Nie Zheng was stunned.

Quickly view the skill description.


He understood the usefulness of this skill.

A hint of excitement crossed his eyes.

However, if you look closely, you will find out.

At the same time, an extremely cold killing machine rose under Nie Zheng’s eyes.

The so-called golden mouth.

Simply put.

All subjects of Bactria must obey Nie Zheng’s orders.

However, it can only be used once a day.

And it is only valid for one person for no more than ten minutes.

Although this skill is quite limited.

But it was enough for Nie Zheng at this moment.


“Your Majesty, are you all right?”

Seeing that Nie Zheng had woken up.

A eunuch tentatively came to the dragon’s bed and asked.

“Your name is Cao Qian, right?”

Nie Zheng’s thoughts turned.

He looked faintly at the eunuch.

If he remembered correctly.

This eunuch was the righteous son of Wei Zhongxian, the governor of the Great Interior.

It was also Wei Zhongxian’s eyeliner planted next to him.

The guards of the entire Weiyang Palace were at the mercy of this man.

“Back to Your Majesty, the slave is Cao Qian.”

Cao Tian was stunned at first.

But hurry to answer.

“Cao Qian, if someone wants to kill Yuan, what will you do?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.


Cao was shocked.

Naturally, he knew that Empress Nishinomiya had poisoned the emperor.

However, his eyes rolled and he quickly returned to normal and replied:

“Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, who dares to kill His Majesty?”

“If there really is such a thing, the slave will certainly report to Duke Wei and will never let the miscreants succeed.”

Get this answer.

Nie Zheng smiled darkly in his heart.

It seems that I am really in danger.

There wasn’t even a single person around who could use it.

“Empress Nishinomiya wants to kill the king and seize the throne, should such a demon woman be punished?”

The next moment.

Nie Zheng directly launched Jinkou Yuyan.

Cao Tian slammed his spirit.

His face showed a look of extreme indignation.

It was even a swoop to kneel at Nie Zheng’s feet.

“Demon women are vicious, delusional to kill the king, be damned!”

Nie Zheng smiled satisfactorily, “Good.” ”

“Then the life of the fallen is entrusted to you.”

“Please rest assured Your Majesty that even if a slave dies, he will certainly protect His Majesty thoroughly.”

“Where is the Great Inner Guard?”

Cao Tian suddenly stood up.

A loud cry came from his mouth.

Only to see more than a dozen Great Inner Guards quickly enter Weiyang Palace.

“Listen, the demon women of the West Palace are vicious and delusional to seize the throne.”

“I am a courtier of Your Majesty, and I should kill a demon woman for Your Majesty, and I will not give up even if I die!”


Cao Tian pulled out his saber and pointed at the Great Inner Guard:

“Will you be loyal to Your Majesty?”

Hear that.

More than a dozen of the Great Inner Guards were horrified.

Murder of Empress Nishinomiya?

They were all stupid.

But I saw Cao Qian’s face full of murderous chances.

And the emperor is behind him.

They gritted their teeth.

Fluttershy knelt down and shouted, “Ministers, etc., swear allegiance to Your Majesty to the death.” ”

“What about you?”

Cao Tian looked fiercely at the eunuch palace girl on the side.

These eunuch palace ladies suddenly panicked.

But he quickly knelt down to express his faithfulness.

See this scene.

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly:

“Er, etc., are all courtiers of the decay, and the decay will naturally not treat you badly.”

“When the murder of the demon woman is successful, Er and other bounties are 1,000 taels and officials are promoted to three products.”

The world is bustling with benefits, and the world is bustling with benefits!

This is the same truth as it has been in the past.

Even if Nie Zheng was emperor.

But he wants people to fight for him.

Be sure to give enough benefits as well.

This is also the means by which the superior controls the inferior.

Also known as Imperial Mind Technique.


At the same time.

A sharp voice came from outside Weiyang Palace.

“The empress dowager has arrived.”

It was also accompanied by the sound of the eunuch’s voice.

Cao Tian quickly gave everyone a look.

The crowd quickly got up and went back to their seats.

Nie Zheng strolled over to the dragon chair and sat down.

Pick up a copy of the recital and flip through it.

The whole person behaved very calmly.

It’s just that the eyes accidentally crossed a thick killing chance.


Everything is ready, only the East Wind is owed!


“Emperor, are you well?”

People have not yet arrived.

The voice of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace came from outside the palace.


The temple door opened widely.

Only to see Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace frowning.

Accompanied by a group of eunuch palace women, they entered Weiyang Palace.

The most eye-catching thing is…

At the side of Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace.

An old eunuch followed with a food box in his hand.

I don’t know what’s in the food box.


Just entered Weiyang Palace.

Cixi then saw Nie Zheng flipping through the folds.

This also made her already gloomy face more and more difficult to see.

He clearly remembered that the emperor had drunk the poisonous wine.

Why is he still alive?

And it doesn’t seem like anything at all?

Could it be that the poisonous wine was dropped by Lü Yan, a slut?

Cixi was uncertain.

But soon she calmed down.

Although I don’t know why Nie Zheng is still alive.

But none of that matters.

The important thing is that this emperor must die today.

Otherwise, you will have endless troubles.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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