“The emperor is indeed diligent.”

“As soon as I was cured of a serious illness, I read the recital and read the folds, and I am worthy of the Ming Emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty.”

Cixi Pi smiled and looked at Nie Zheng without smiling.

Nie Zheng finally took his eyes off the fold.

A pair of eyes looked faintly at His Highness Cixi.

Don’t know why.

Watched by Nie Zheng.

Cixi’s heart tightened.

She suddenly felt that the emperor in front of her seemed to be a little different from before.

But what is the difference.

There was still something she couldn’t say.

It was just a hint of nervousness that grew in her heart.

This feeling made her dislike.

It made a wave of anger rise in her heart.

Usually, the emperor saw himself bowing his knees.

But today I didn’t even get up to greet him.

“What noble work does the empress dowager have to do here?”

Nie Zheng put down the fold.

The voice faintly reverberated in Weiyang Palace.

“Hearing that the emperor’s serious illness had just recovered, the mourning family specially ordered the imperial dining room to cook a bowl of ginseng soup, hoping to replenish the emperor’s body.”

Cixi slowly sat down.

Not salty or looking at the old eunuch next to him:

“Lian Ying, don’t present the ginseng soup to Your Majesty yet.”

“Yes, sir.”

Li Lianying laughed.

Slowly open the food box in your hand.

I took out a bowl of steaming ginseng soup.

Then he bowed his body and placed the ginseng soup on the dragon case.

“Your Majesty, the ginseng soup is not good when it is cold, please take it while it is hot.”

Li Lianying smiled.

Look at the steaming ginseng soup in front of you.

Nie Zheng smiled.

Just his smile was playful and playful.

Nie Zheng slowly took up the ginseng soup.

This scene fell into the eyes of Cixi and Li Lianying.

Suddenly let the two people feel happy.

But the next moment.

Nie Zheng’s voice was ringing.

It made Cixi’s face change suddenly.

Li Lianying’s originally smiling expression also froze on her face.

“Gonggong Li, how about you drink this bowl of ginseng soup for you?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold and terrible.

The ginseng soup was slowly handed to Li Lianying.

“No… No…… This is the Empress Dowager’s heart for Her Majesty… How dare a slave…”

Li Lianying’s face was miserable.

Hurriedly waved his hand to refuse.


“You dog slave only want to resist the will?”

Nie Zheng said coldly.

“Old… The old slave did not dare… But…”

Li Lianying trembled.

The words in the mouth are intermittent.

He even looked at Cixi with a look of help.


Naturally, Cixi would not sit idly by.

“Emperor, what are you doing, are you afraid that this ginseng soup is poisonous?”

“Will the Wailing Family still poison you?”

Cixi scolded coldly.

It also showed a look of pain.

See the ugly face of the old demon woman pretending to be a posture.

Nie Zheng’s heart was extremely disgusting.

But he smiled coldly:

“Poisonous and not poisonous, only the Empress knows.”

“If there is no poison, what does it matter if this dog slave drinks it?”

Nie Zheng’s words.

The choked old demon woman Cixi could not speak.

But before she could react.

Nie Zheng once again handed the ginseng soup to Li Lianying.

“Drink it.”

“No… No…… No…”

Li Lianying was frightened and retreated one after another.

He knew it was a bowl of poison.

If you really drink it.

You have to lose your life.

“Don’t drink?”

“Is it up to you?”

The next moment.

Nie Zheng gave Cao Qian a look.

Cao Tian instantly understood.

He took the ginseng soup from Nie Zheng’s hand.

Three steps for two steps came to Li Lianying’s body.

It doesn’t matter if Li Lianying wants to or not.

Just open his mouth.

A bowl of steaming ginseng soup was poured into Li Lianying’s mouth.

Then raise your foot and kick it to the ground.

“Too… Dowager…… Save me…… Save…”

Be fed ginseng soup.

Li Lianying climbed to Cixi’s feet with a rolling belt.

His face was full of horror, and he clutched Cixi’s palace dress deadly.

A hoarse cry for help came from his mouth.

But his voice grew weaker.

His face gradually turned black and blue.

Both pupils are also gradually dilated.

The corners of his mouth were constantly bleeding out a large amount of black blood.

Until no more sound came from his mouth.

Stiffened like a dead dog at Cixi’s feet.

Such a horrifying scene.

Completely scared Cixi silly on the spot.

Looking at Li Lianying’s bloodied appearance at his feet.

A terrified scream sounded from the old woman’s mouth.


Cixi stood up in horror.

Jumping with both feet away from Li Lianying’s body.

His face was pale and bloodless.

It didn’t slow down for half a minute.

But this old demon woman’s heart is indeed hard enough.

After a while, he quickly came back to his senses.

Then he looked at Cao Tian with anger on his face.

“Cao Qian, you are so big that you want to rebel?”

Cixi’s voice was fierce.

But my heart was uncertain.

You must know that Cao Tian is Wei Zhongxian’s righteous son.

And that Wei Zhongxian had already defected to himself since the death of Emperor Xian.

Cao Tian is supposed to be her person.

How dare he do that?

Could it be that he betrayed Wei Zhongxian?

Or did Wei Zhongxian already defect to this puppet emperor?

Come to think of it.

Cixi was shocked.

The already miserable white face was completely bloodless.

Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead.


Cixi turned and looked at the gate of Weiyang Palace.

But I was horrified to find out.

The temple door was closed somehow!

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