The other side.

Cao Tian trotted all the way with the food box containing the old demon woman’s head.

Go straight to Wei Zhongxian’s residence.

But the panic in his eyes could never be gone.

The eunuch palace maid he met along the way.

They all looked at Cao Tian in surprise.

I don’t know why Cao Tian is so anxious.


They were unaware of the bloody case that had taken place in Weiyang Palace.

Otherwise, the whole palace would have to be in a mess.


Wei Zhongxian’s mansion.

Full of gray hair.

A pair of inverted triangular eyes squinting.

When the eyes open and close, there is an occasional flicker of negative light.

Wei Zhongxian!

Great Inner Manager.

In the whole inner palace.

In addition to the two empresses.

It was he and Zhao Gao, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who had the greatest power.

As for Nie Zheng, the puppet emperor.

Nature was not in Wei Zhongxian’s eyes.

It’s just a dispensable character.


Wei Zhongxian the old god was tasting a cup of fragrant tea.

The aroma of tea flowing between his lips and teeth made his eyes squint slightly.

Since the death of the Emperor.

He walked to the same place as Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace.

Its rights are better than in the past.

However, Na Lü Hou and Zhao Gao regarded him as a thorn in the flesh.

This is also a piece of Wei Zhongxian’s heart disease.

However, since the new emperor ascended the throne.

Imperial power was divided.

The two sides are also at peace.

Today Wei Zhongxian was idle.

Sip tea in the mansion and listen to the play.

It’s also quite a bit of a taste.

“Qi Yu Wei Gong, Cao Tian asked to see him outside.”

Just when Wei Zhongxian was enjoying the rare comfort.

A small eunuch came quickly to report.

“It turned out that my son had come, and I quickly summoned him into the house.”

Wei Zhongxian put down the tea cup.


Cao Tian then carried a food box into the house.

He hadn’t waited for Wei Zhongxian to speak.

Cao Qiangtong swooped down and fell to his knees.


Wei Zhongxian was stunned.

It wasn’t Cao Tian who knelt down to make him strange.

Instead, he saw that Cao Qian’s face was miserable and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

His lips were trembling uncontrollably.

The posture shown by Cao Qian.

Suddenly, Wei Zhongxian groaned inside.

An extremely bad feeling also grew.

However, Wei Zhongxian was also a scheming man.

Although the heart vaguely feels wrong.

But the performance is still very calm.

After all, it is customary to fight in this inner palace.

What kind of wind and waves he had not experienced.

“Son, what happened, why are you so panicked?”

“Don’t be afraid, no matter what happens, in this inner palace, the Father can be the master for you.”

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Calmly pick up the tea cup on the table.

Gently flick the tea soup in the cup.

I took a sip calmly and comfortably.

“Righteousness… Righteous Father… Nishinomiya… Empress Nishinomiya… He’s dead! ”

Cao Tian trembled and opened his mouth.


The tea cup in Wei Zhongxian’s hand fell to the ground.

And then fell to pieces.

The look on his face was originally calm.

Also gradually stiffen together.

A pair of inverted triangular eyes directly turned sluggish.

“You… You repeat! ”

After ten breaths.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was gloomy and terrible.

A pair of eyes flashed with an extremely frightening dove.

Like a poisonous snake, he stared at Cao Qian, who was kneeling in front of him.

“West… Empress Nishinomiya is dead! ”

Cao Tian did not dare to look up.

Repeat it with a hard scalp.

But his body was trembling with nervousness.

Because he was very worried.

Wei Zhongxian, enraged, slapped him to death here.

You must know that this Wei Zhongxian is a martial arts master of the Sect Master Realm.

Don’t look at yourself and call him a righteous father.

Wei Zhongxian wanted to kill him, without any soft-heartedness.


“How could Empress Nishinomiya die?”

Wei Zhongxian stood up in anger.

You must know that since the death of the previous emperor.

He was in league with Empress Nishinomiya.

Only by relying on each other did he get great power.

Now Empress Nishinomiya is dead.

He also lost his patron.

How could Empress Lü and Zhao Gao of the Eastern Palace tolerate him?


The next moment.

Wei Zhongxian took the case.

The table in front of him turned to fly ash.

“Cao Qian, how did Empress Xigong die?”

“Could it be that I have some kind of evil disease?”

Wei Zhongxian asked angrily.

Faced with Wei Zhongxian’s thunderous rage.

Although Cao Tian was already prepared.

But I was still trembling with fear.

But at the moment he had no way back.

Can only answer truthfully:

“Righteous Father, Empress Nishinomiya is not suffering from a vicious disease, but… Instead, he was killed by His Majesty! ”


If he had just learned of the old demon woman’s death, Wei Zhongxian would have been furious.

Cao Qian’s words are tantamount to thunderbolts.

Shocked, Wei Zhongxian’s head buzzed.

The whole person was stupid.

“You… What did you say……? ”

“Your Majesty… Kill…… Killed Empress Nishinomiya? ”

Wei Zhongxian was almost literate.

It was as if it was squeezed out of the mouth.

Just look closely.

The green tendons on Wei Zhongxian’s forehead were bursting out.

A pair of inverted triangular eyes filled with extreme anger.

“Good value for money”

“The head of the Empress Dowager Nishinomiya is in this food box, please listen to the child’s detailed explanation…”

Cao Tian was also open-minded.

Tell the story as quickly as you pour beans.

Then he held up the food box with both hands and asked Wei Zhongxian to look over.


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