Hear Cao Qian’s narration.

Wei Zhongxian did not jump like a thunderbolt as Cao Tian expected.

He gently opened the food box.

The sight of the food box also caught his eye.

Until the end of ten breaths.

Wei Zhongxian re-covered the food box.

The whole person was quiet and terrible.

A silent depression made Cao Tian nervous and almost dare not breathe.


Wei Zhongxian finally spoke:

“You mean that you committed a madness of disappointment and assisted Your Majesty in killing Empress Nishinomiya.”

“Now Your Majesty has asked you to come here to preach the will and summon the miscellaneous families to the palace to face the saints?”

Wei Zhongxian’s words were light.

But hearing it in Cao Qian’s ears made him creepy.

Because Wei Zhongxian’s two sentences were completely without the slightest emotion.

“Yes… Yes the Righteous Father. ”

Cao Tian replied with a stiff scalp.

“Good, good, good.”

“You are indeed a good boy of the miscellaneous family!”

Wei Zhongxian’s voice was calm and terrible.

The frightened Cao Tian suddenly looked up at Wei Zhongxian.

But he saw that Wei Zhongxian’s face was viciously twisted to the extreme.

The killing machine in the eyes seems to have turned into substance.


Wei Zhongxian’s palm lifted violently.

Obviously, it was about to be slapped down, and the result was Cao Qian’s life.

Cao Qian’s face was desperate, and he could only close his eyes and wait for death.

But after a long time.

This slap was not taken.

Cao Qian also opened his eyes in horror.

But he saw Wei Zhongxian gasping for breath.

Although the look is viciously twisted.

But it was much calmer than before.

“My good son, since Your Majesty has sent you to preach the will.”

“Then you must fulfill the task entrusted to you by Your Majesty.”

“Go ahead and give the things in this food box to the Eastern Palace Lvhou in person.”

Wei Zhongxian let out a long breath.

The hideous and terrible look returned to normal.

Directly waved at Cao Tian and let him leave.

“Righteous Father, you…?”

Such a scene.

On the contrary, it made Cao Tian feel very abnormal.

I couldn’t understand what Wei Zhongxian was thinking in his heart.

“Your Majesty wants to see this slave of the miscellaneous family, and the miscellaneous family will take charge of it.”

Wei Zhongxian whispered lightly.

Then he got up and greeted the eunuchs.

He strode towards Weiyang Palace.

Watch Wei Zhongxian head to Weiyang Palace.

Cao Tian hurriedly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

At this moment, there are still some palpitations.

I almost thought I was going to die.

I didn’t expect to survive.

Cao Tian felt that this matter was incredible.

But when he calmed down, he suddenly realized.

Your Majesty seems to have figured it all out!

It was as if he knew that he would definitely not die at the hands of Wei Zhongxian.

This also made Cao Tian secretly frightened in his heart.

Suddenly, I felt a great sense of fear for this puppet emperor.

Cao Tian quickly calmed his panicked mood.

Hurriedly carry the food box to the back of the East Palace.

But even he didn’t realize it.

In his heart, he was in great awe of Nie Zheng.

He even more vaguely believed that Nie Zheng could turn things around.


Outside Weiyang Palace.

Wei Zhongxian stared darkly at the closed temple door.

Standing for a long time.

Nor did it push open the door.

“You are waiting here, and the miscellaneous families will come when they go.”


Wei Zhongxian spoke.

He had a group of eunuchs waiting outside.

He also gently pushed open the door of Weiyang Palace.

Then he strode in.


Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Wei Zhongxian had just stepped into Weiyang Palace.

Then I saw a headless corpse lying in a pool of blood.

Around this headless corpse.

The bodies of more than a dozen palace eunuchs came into view.

The strong smell of blood made people vomit.


This headless corpse was none other than Empress Nishinomiya.

Although Wei Zhongxian came here before.

I had anticipated that I would see this scene.

But when he actually saw the body of the Empress Nishinomiya.

His heart was still shaking.

Wei Zhongxian quickly calmed his fluctuating emotions.

Let yourself behave calmly and without waves.

Only then did he raise his eyes and look at the dragon chair.

Dragon chair.

Nie Zheng was carefully looking at the recital.

It was as if he was not aware of Wei Zhongxian’s arrival.

See this scene.

Wei Zhongxian frowned.

Sneering darkly inside.

Only when Nie Zheng was pretending.


Since you, the emperor, want to pretend.

Then see how long you can put it on!

Wei Zhongxian stood silent without saying a word.

At the same time, there was a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Time passes minute by minute.

The whole Weiyang Palace was quiet and terrible.

Only the sound of Nie Zheng constantly flipping through the folds occasionally came.

Just the beginning.

Wei Zhongxian could still maintain a calm and arrogant posture.

But little by little with the passage of time.

He was surprised to find out.

Nie Zheng seemed to be really flipping through the recitals.

And under his observation.

When Nie Zheng flipped through the folds, his expression was constantly changing.

As if he hadn’t really noticed his arrival.

Wei Zhongxian’s brow frowned even tighter.

A hint of impatience unconsciously grew in his heart.

He suddenly found that the emperor in front of him had changed.

It became very strange to him.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable.


Don’t know why.

Wei Zhongxian felt an invisible pressure coming towards him.

And the source of this pressure.

Under his careful feelings.

It turned out to be from the emperor who was flipping through the folds!

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