What does Wei Zhongxian care about most?


For Wei Zhongxian as a person.

He still knows it very well.

Wei Zhongxian was different from other traitors.

He didn’t have any intention of rebelling.

Rather, there is a great desire for power.

Wei Zhongxian was a man dependent on imperial power.

As long as you can give him supreme rights.

He will become a well-behaved dog.

Whoever you let him bite, he will bite.

Although he is now just a nominal and powerless puppet emperor.

But the emperor is the emperor.

He himself is a symbol of imperial power.

And the old demon woman of the Empress Nishinomiya died.

Wei Zhongxian’s best target was himself.

Only he can continue to give him the supreme right.

And with the support of Wei Zhongxian.

His own throne was also temporarily secured.

“You dog slave, can you understand?”

Nie Zheng looked at Wei Zhongxian faintly.


Wei Zhongxian’s back was completely wet with cold sweat.

He finally woke up.

The next moment.


Wei Zhongxian directly knelt down.

The sarcasm and anger on his face disappeared completely.

Instead, there was a look of awe on his face.

It also showed a condescending slave appearance.

“Your Majesty is gracious, just now the old slave is disrespectful to His Majesty, and he really deserves to die.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to be gracious and let the old slave atone for his sins.”

“The old slave swears to heaven that he will henceforth be loyal to His Majesty, and if he has two hearts, heaven will perish.”

Wei Zhongxian’s forehead touched the ground.

Constantly kowtowing to Nie Zheng.

Even the salutation in the mouth has changed.

Where is the previous pride.

See that the results you want have been achieved.

Nie Zheng naturally would not knock Wei Zhongxian again.

“You like smart people, and you dog slave is still smart.”

“Since you have chosen to be loyal to you, you will naturally not be treated badly in the future.”

Gave a slap.

Nature wants to give a sweet date.

This is also the most basic means of scheming as a son of heaven.


Wei Zhongxian showed gratitude.

He even vowed to promise that he would never betray Nie Zheng.

Of course.

Nie Zheng wouldn’t believe the ghost of this castrated dog.

It’s just two people using each other.

Nie Zheng believed very much.

If Lü Hou could give Wei Zhongxian greater benefits.

This castrated dog will definitely betray himself in the first place.

However, Nie Zheng had the confidence to pinch Wei Zhongxian.

After all, what kind of person Wei Zhongxian was.

No one knew better than him.


Wei Zhongxian would be a sharp blade in his hand in the future.

I want to be a big dim guy.

There is no castration of the government.

Then he is too unqualified as a dusk king.

But the prerequisite for wanting to be a great emperor is.

He must take back imperial power.

Otherwise be a puppet emperor.

This kind of day was not what Nie Zheng wanted.

“Your Majesty, Cao Tian has already sent the head of the old demon woman to Lü Hou in accordance with your will.”

“That Lü Hou usurped power and seized power, and will certainly take advantage of this incident to take advantage of the opportunity to attack His Majesty, so it is better to take it all together…”


Wei Zhongxian was indeed vicious and insidious.

The words in his mouth were not finished.

I made a motion to wipe my neck.

The face showed a fierce color.

When he decided to be loyal to Nie Zheng.

The first thing that comes to mind is to do nothing and never stop.

Since the emperor had already killed the Empress Dowager Nishinomiya.

Then Shunshi killed Lü Hou as well.

He could also take the opportunity to control the entire inner palace.


Wei Zhongxian was going to be disappointed.

His idea was good though.

But this little trick could not fill Nie Zheng’s eyes.

If only Lü Hou had really died.

There was no one in this inner palace who could balance Wei Zhongxian.


Nie Zheng also didn’t want to kill Lü Yan at all.

Because this woman still had a great effect on Nie Zheng.

It was used by Nie Zheng to balance the Manchu Dynasty’s civil and military forces.

Once Lü Yan died.

The Great Xia Dynasty and the opposition will be in chaos.

Those traitors and thieves must also take advantage of the situation to rebel and rebel.

And the existence of Lü Yan will certainly make those chaotic courtiers and thieves dare not make a move.

After all, there were many civilian and military generals in the government and the opposition who were attached to Lü Yan.

Lu Yan seemed to be his hidden danger.

But it’s also his shield.


Nie Zheng had never thought of killing Lü Yan at all.

The so-called imperial mind technique lies in this.

As the Son of Heaven.

Even if it is to be the strongest emperor in history.

It is also necessary to deeply grasp the essence of the three points of imperial power.


“Lü Hou has his own decision, and he doesn’t need you to teach him how to do things.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes were cold.

“Your Majesty, it is the old slave who has transgressed, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive your sins.”

Wei Zhongxian’s face changed suddenly.

Hurry down and prostrate yourself.

A sense of awe also arose in his heart for Nie Zheng.

He still looked down on this emperor a little.

It seems that the previous emperor’s incompetence was just a means of covering up people’s ears.

In the future, you still have to be careful when you act and speak.

“Wei Zhongxian, you have to remember one thing deeply.”

“You are a dog that you have raised, and whoever you let you bite can you bite.”

“If you let Shuo know that your dog is disobedient, even if Shuo is just a famous and powerless emperor now.”

“But it’s easy to slaughter your dog, understand?”


The next moment.

Nie Zheng slapped it.

Dragon case made of diamond in front of him.

It shattered to the ground with a bang.


When this scene is presented.

Wei Zhongxian inhaled a cold breath fiercely.

His face showed a look of extreme shock and horror.

The look in Nie Zheng’s eyes had turned sluggish.

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