Big…… Grand Master?

He turned out to be a great master?

How can it be?

How could the emperor be a grand master?

Wei Zhongxian’s whole body was frightened!

To know throughout the territory of Bactria.

The Grand Master does not exceed the art of the five fingers.

It is an otherworldly existence.

If you look at the nine-week world where the Seven Kingdoms coexist.

The Grand Master is also a symbol of the peak of martial power in the world.

All countries will be honored as guests.

Wan Wan would not dare to offend such a person.


Once targeted by the Grand Master.

Even if thousands of troops and horses are on the side.

The Grand Master wanted to kill a man, and no one could stop him.


It was horrible!

This emperor was hiding so deeply.

It’s not just the scheming tactics that are frightening.

Even a body of force is terrifying to such a situation.

This moment.

Wei Zhongxian Khan fell like rain.

Originally, he still had a little disagreement with Nie Zheng.

But at this moment everything dissipated without a trace.

Because he couldn’t see through this emperor anymore.

It was really this emperor who hid too deeply.

As the Emperor said.

If he wanted to kill himself.

Even if you are the realm of a guru.

Not a trick.

He will die at his hands.

This is also the terrible thing about the great master.

“Your Majesty has made it clear that from now on the old slave is a dog by His Majesty’s side, and whoever His Majesty lets the old slave bite, the old slave will bite.”

Bang Bang Bang!

Wei Zhongxian kept kowtowing.

Cold sweat kept dripping down his face.

At this moment, the reverence for Nie Zheng in his heart had reached its peak.

Seeing Wei Zhongxian’s trembling look.

Nie Zheng nodded satisfactorily.

However, there is still a little helplessness in my heart.

Let’s be honest.

Nie Zheng did not want to use force to deter Wei Zhongxian.

But his imperial power was not there at this moment.

If only let Wei Zhongxian think that the two are using each other’s relationship.

That castrated dog will definitely violate his yin and yang behind his back.

This was not the result that Nie Zheng wanted to see.

“Get up, as long as you remember what Shuo said to you, you will naturally not be treated badly in the future.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Your Majesty Longen.”

Wei Zhongxian hurried Xie En to get up.

Subsequently, at the behest of Nie Zheng.

Began to prepare for Lü Hou’s forced palace.

A series of instructions also came out of Wei Zhongxian’s mouth.

The entire inner palace was also surging with dark tides at this moment.


The other side.

East Palace!

A carved dragon painting phoenix on the soft collapse.

A woman dressed in a red robe was sitting upright.

This female bright-eyed moth eyebrow.

A green silk like a cloud sideburns.

Its posture is cold and dignified.

Let people only look at it from a distance, not blaspheme.

Just when a pair of eyes open and close.

It gives people a great sense of oppression.

Lu Jie!

Empress Dowager of the Eastern Palace!

If it is said that Empress Dowager Cixi of the Western Palace is an old witch.

The empress dowager Lü Yan of the Eastern Palace was a beautiful woman in the world.

His age seems to be in his twenties.

It was really not quite in line with her status as empress.


Lü Yan was flipping through an ancient book.

And I watched it with relish.

A white-faced eunuch was waiting for her.

“Zhao Gao, did you say that Emperor Yi returned to heaven at this moment?”

Lü Yan slowly put down the ancient book and looked at Zhao Gao.

Emperor Yi is Nie Zheng’s epithet.

The Emperor Yi mentioned in Lü Yan’s mouth was naturally Nie Zheng.

Zhao Gao’s appearance is not handsome.

But there was always a smile on his face.

It gives a feeling that people and animals are harmless.

Heard Lu Hou questioning.

Zhao Gao looked at the sky outside the window.

Then he leaned forward and replied:

“The time should be almost up.”

“After all, the one in the West Palace who wants to put His Majesty to death, His Majesty will never live.”

Lu Yan nodded.

But a sigh came from his mouth:

“In order to bring down this demon woman, but sacrificed Emperor Yi, the palace is still a little ashamed of the former emperor in his heart.”

Zhao Gao smiled and said, “Niangniang is merciful, but in extraordinary times, extraordinary means are used.” ”

“If we don’t sacrifice Your Majesty, how can we take this opportunity to kill the one in the West Palace?”

The two asked and answered.

The killing of the king sounded like a family affair among the two men.

But the content is creepy.

“Lady Qi, Cao Tian is out to see you.”

A guard came to report.

“Mother-in-law, it seems that things have been done.”

Zhao Gao’s eyes lit up.

Lu Yan also nodded slowly, “Let him come in.” ”

Not much time.

Cao Tian carried the food box into the East Palace.

“Cao Tian saw the empress dowager.”

I had just met Wei Zhongxian.

Cao Tian was much calmer than before.

Worship the Lu Jie.

Lift the food box high above the top.

“The slave maid, on the orders of Her Majesty, presented this object to Niangniang and asked Niangniang to take a look at it.”


Hear Cao Qian’s words.

Lü Yan and Zhao Gao were at the same time.

There was a look of surprise under his eyes.

The two had thought that Cao Tian had come to report the funeral.

But he didn’t expect that the emperor let him come.

The emperor is not dead?

When these four words appeared in the minds of the two people.

Whether it is Lu Yan or Zhao Gao.

I feel incredible in my heart.

However, Lü Yan instantly returned to calm.

She nodded to Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gaoxin would take the food box in Cao Qian’s hand.

Then it was delivered to Lü Yan’s face.

“What did Your Majesty ask you to send?”

Lü Yan looked at the food box in front of him doubtfully, and raised his eyes to look at Cao Tian again.

“Returning to the empress dowager’s mother-in-law, Your Majesty said that the empress dowager will know it when she looks at it.”

Cao tilted his forehead to the ground.


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