
Lu Yan’s eyes flickered.

Curiosity arose in my heart.

Gesture to Zhao Gao to open the food box.

Zhao Gao slowly opened the food box.

Next moment!

The things in the food box are also presented in the eyes of the two people.

The air condenses at this moment.

Lü Yan’s originally majestic eyes turned sluggish.

The smile on Zhao Gao’s face also instantly stiffened.

Time seems to be frozen in this moment.

A dozen minutes of time passed.

Lu Yan actually took it upon himself to lid the food box.

Then he put it on his knees.

The whole person behaves without waves.

Zhao Gao’s eyes flickered slightly, but they also gradually calmed down.

“The things in the food box really surprised Hongu.”

“Your Majesty asked you to send this object here, presumably to you for something.”

Lu Yan opened his mouth lightly.

Can be found on closer inspection.

Her gaze was extremely sharp.

There is a faint hint of frost on the beautiful face.

“Your Majesty asked the slave to convey to the Empress Dowager that the demon woman’s delusional attempt to seize the throne has been beheaded by Her Majesty.”

Cao Tian replied with a stiff scalp.



A pleasant laugh came from Lu Yan’s mouth.

But then her voice was cold and terrible.

“Empress Dowager Nishinomiya is the empress dowager of the Imperial Palace, whether or not she really intends to seize the throne.”

“All are required to be conclusively evidence to be tried by the joint cabinet of Dali Temple.”

“Your Majesty’s murder of Empress Dowager Xigong is a great rebellion, and it is actually the work of the tyrant of the Emperor of Death.”

“How does such a faint and cruel person deserve to be my eldest son?”

Lu Yanfeng frowned angrily.

Cao’s frightened atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

“Zhao Gao, pass on the will of the palace, summon five hundred Lin Jun, and ride the Weiyang Palace.”

“Minister, Lord.”

Zhao Gao led the way away.

Quickly gather five hundred forest troops.

Escorted by five hundred Lin Jun.

Lü Yan rode the phoenix towards Weiyang Palace.


At the same time.

There was such a big commotion in the palace.

Naturally, the news also reached the court.

The Manchu Dynasty heard the sound of the wind.

But it was not clear what was happening in the inner palace.

But some people with ulterior motives.

The spies in the palace had been quickly asked to inquire about the news.


Weiyang Palace!

“The empress dowager has arrived.”

As the Yulin Army surrounded Fengyuan and came to Weiyang Palace.

The voice of the eunuch sounded at the same time.

“Pass on the will of this palace, without the will of this palace, no one is allowed to enter or leave Weiyang Palace for half a step, and if there is a person who resists the will, shoot and kill.”

As Lü Yan issued his will.

Four hundred Yulin troops quickly surrounded the entire Weiyang Palace.

Lü Yan stepped down from the phoenix.

With Zhao Gao and a hundred Yulin Jun, he entered the Weiyang Palace.


Inside the Weiyang Palace.

Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was gloomy, and he bent down to accompany the driver.

A pair of negative test eyes looked directly at the temple door.

With a large number of footsteps sounded.

The temple door opened widely.

Lü Yan entered the Weiyang Palace with frost on his face.

A hundred Yulin Army guards were guarding his side.

An atmosphere of slaughter pervaded the entire Weiyang Palace.


Not waiting for Lu Yan to stand still.

Her eyebrows furrowed suddenly.

It was only because Wei Zhongxian actually stooped down to stand next to Tianzi.

His posture is very respectful no matter how he looks.

This also immediately made Lu Yan’s heart shake slightly.

“Mother-in-law, something is wrong.”

“Don’t do it for now.”

Zhao Gao also narrowed his eyes.

Whisper a reminder to Lu Jie.


Lu Yan came here.

Don’t want to have any nonsense.

Directly ordered Yu Linjun to take Nie Zheng down.

You can see Wei Zhongxian’s time.

She quickly calmed down.

Aware of this is not so simple.

“Empress Dowager Niangniang, what are you going to do when you put up such a big posture and lead your troops into Your Majesty’s Weiyang Palace?”

“Is it difficult for you to rebel and force the palace to succeed?”

He didn’t wait for Lu Yan to open his mouth.

Wei Zhongxian asked without smiling.

Directly gave Lü Yan a certain big hat.

“Wei Zhongxian, don’t you know what Your Majesty has done?”

“As the lord of the Western Palace, the empress dowager naturally has the right to correct Her Majesty.”

Zhao Gao took a step forward and fought against each other.

“Zhao Gao, have you heard a word?”

“There can be no royal land under the whole world, and there can be no king on the coast of the land.”

“Even though Empress Lü is the Lady of the Imperial Palace who was enthroned by the former emperor, but Your Majesty is the son of the Ninth Five-Year Emperor, who can blame Your Majesty?”

“This is a great disrespectful crime of killing the head.”


Wei Zhongxian was not only vicious.

It is also extremely powerful on the tongue.

He said things about Nie Zhengtianzi’s identity.

Zhao Gao’s heart was extremely deep.

The means were not under Wei Zhongxian.

But there is no rebuttal to it.

Because the rebuttal of the Son of Heaven.

It is to deceive the king and disobey.

This is a great disrespect to the Son of Heaven.

Even he Zhao Gao did not dare to be tough on this matter.

However, Zhao Gao would not be defeated because of Wei Zhongxian’s few words.

He was just about to speak.

However, he was stopped by Lü Yan.

This also made Zhao Gao’s eyes move.

The words in his mouth were also swallowed back.

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