“Your Majesty, this palace does not want to say more, you killed Empress Nishinomiya, you are no longer worthy of my eldest son.”

“When Hongu came here today, he didn’t want to listen to your explanations, so he could only imprison you in the Zongren Mansion.”

“After the discussion between the main palace and the Minister of War of the Imperial Chinese, a new monarch will be established.”

“But Your Majesty can rest assured that even if His Majesty is no longer an emperor, he can still spend this life as a Prince of Leisure.”

Lu Yan was indeed domineering.

Although it is a woman.

But its momentum is extremely strong.

A pair of phoenix eyes looked directly at Nie Zheng on the dragon chair.


Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

He looked at His Highness Lu Yan faintly.

A look of amazement crossed his eyes.

Have to say.

Lu Yan was indeed a beauty.


This woman is too domineering and strong.


Nie Zheng could see a hint of hidden killing in her eyes.


This woman is vicious and fierce.

If only it were what she said.

He abdicated himself and became a Runaway Prince.

I’m afraid it won’t take long.

Someone would secretly murder him.

Because according to Lu Yan’s character.

She would never leave herself alone.

“What a pity!”

Nie Zheng murmured unconsciously.

Although his voice was very soft.

But it is very good to everyone’s ears.

This also immediately suffocated the breath of everyone in Weiyang Palace.

Even Wei Zhongxian’s yin test expression stiffened.

Unconsciously, he glanced back at Nie Zheng.

There was a look of extreme embarrassment on his face.

As if to say.

O my majesty.

Can you see what the occasion is?

How can such a thing be said casually.

Don’t say Wei Zhongxian is embarrassed.


Even His Highness’s more than a hundred Yu Lin Juns were stunned and speechless.

Inside he scolded a faint gentleman.

Zhao Gao looked at Nie Zheng in surprise.

I don’t know what is going on in my heart.

As for Lu Jie.

At this moment, the beautiful face is covered with frost.

A pair of phoenix eyes fell on Nie Zheng’s body like a knife.

Good you Emperor B!

How dare you lighten the palace!

Lu Yan hated it in his heart.

But she couldn’t show it.

Can only pretend not to hear the general.

“Cough… Cough…”

Nie Zheng also realized that he was wrong.

Hurrying to cough twice is a cover up of his Meng Lang’s words.

“The demon woman vainly wanted to kill the king and seize the throne, and killed Yu Yu with poison doves.”

“Fortunately, Wei Zhongxian and Cao Tian found out in time to kill the demon woman and protect her completely.”

“Empress Lü, how can you say that you are faint and cruel?”

Nie Zheng looked at Lu Yan lightly.

“Your Majesty, Hongu said it and did not want to hear your explanation.”

“I also ask Your Majesty to step off the dragon chair and follow the palace to the Zongren Mansion to wait for the fall.”


Lü Yan opened his mouth domineeringly.

A hundred Yulin soldiers took a step forward.

The entire Weiyang Palace trembled slightly.


Although Lu Yan did not continue.

But the meaning is already very obvious.

If Nie Zheng didn’t tie his hands, he would be captured.

Then she can only move strongly.

“Bold, do you want to rebel?”


A cold drink exploded in the air.

Suddenly, the eardrums of the hundred Yulin Army hummed.

Only to see Wei Zhongxian’s eyes cold and vicious.

Suddenly, these Yulin Army were shocked on the spot.

“Wei Zhongxian, do you dare to disobey the will of this palace?”

Lu Yan was completely enraged.


Wei Zhongxian sneered:

“As the head of the Great Interior, the Zajia family is only loyal to His Majesty, and if anyone dares to commit crimes against His Majesty, then don’t blame the Zajia family for being cruel and fierce.”

“Sons and daughters, escort!”


Next moment!

Something amazing happened.

Hundreds of crossbow arrows were fired from everywhere.

It was accompanied by eerie black shadows.

These hundreds of crossbow arrows instantly killed more than a hundred Yulin troops.

It’s just a moment’s work.

These Yulin soldiers were pierced by crossbow arrows.

All collapsed in a pool of blood.

Not even a single living mouth remained.

At the same time.

Hundreds of dark shadows appeared all over Weiyang Palace.

They were armed with crossbows and all dressed in eunuch costumes.

Everyone has a bloody temper on their bodies.

And Yin Yin besieged Lü Yan and Zhao Gao in the center.

Such a scene.

Suddenly, Zhao Gao and Lü Yan’s faces changed.

They do the math.

It was just that Wei Zhongxian had actually defected to Nie Zheng.

Only five hundred Lin troops came with him.

I didn’t expect it to be because of the light enemy.

Actually let yourself be in trouble.


Zhao Gao gulped down outside the palace.

Yu Linjun, who wanted to guard the outside world, quickly entered Weiyang Palace.


The silence outside Weiyang Palace was terrible.

This also made Lü Yan and Zhao Gao look solemn.


Too careless!

Lü Yan Zhao Gao glanced at each other.

It is obvious that the two have become turtles in the urn.

“Hey hey!”

“The miscellaneous family is not talented, as the chief of the Great Interior, although these sons and daughters of the miscellaneous family are crippled, they are all proficient in the way of assassination, and they are only loyal to His Majesty.”

“Those hundreds of Lin troops outside the palace, all of them are ambushed at this moment, and you don’t have to count on it after Lü Hou.”

Wei Zhongxian looked at Lü Yan and Zhao Gao.

His face showed a proud look.

A sense of revenge rose under his eyes.

“Your Majesty has made it clear that Lü Hou dared to force the palace to rebel today, and the guilt should be blamed.”

“As long as Your Majesty gives an order, the old slave will certainly kill and rebel, so as to correct the power of the Heavenly Son.”

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