Look at the edict given by Nie Zheng in his hand.

Wei Zhongxian’s expression was constantly changing.





All kinds of emotions kept growing from his eyes.

Dozens of minutes have passed.

Wei Zhongxian gradually calmed down.

Then he quickly got up and strode toward the outside of the palace.


Peach Blossom Valley!

The name sounds good.

But in fact, this valley is rarely visited.

Filled with all kinds of poisonous insects and beasts.

Ordinary people absolutely do not dare to enter the valley.

Wei Zhongxian had just entered the hinterland of the valley.

I was completely stunned by the scene in front of me!

A vacant lot.

Three thousand figures are lined up in an orderly manner.

Withered white faces.

Countless emotionless glances.

It all fell on him.

They were dressed in green clothes.

Face with a grimace mask.

There was anger in his eyes.

Even if Wei Zhongxian was an extremely sinister and vicious person.

I was also shocked by the scene in front of me.

“This… Is this a force secretly cultivated by His Majesty? ”

“Your Majesty … How did His Majesty do it? ”

Wei Zhongxian was secretly terrified in his heart.

More and more he felt in awe of Nie Zheng.

He quickly calmed the trembling in his heart.

Hurriedly took the edict given by Nie Zheng and came to the three thousand eunuchs.

“Carried by Heaven, the Son of Heaven decrees…”

Wei Zhongxian finished reading the oracle.

Three thousand eunuchs knelt down to receive the order.

He even called Wei Zhongxian the Overseer.

Wei Zhongxian’s face turned red with excitement.

Excitement is hard to control.


Wei Zhongxian discovered something that shocked him greatly.

These three thousand eunuchs turned out to be all first-class masters of martial arts.

And each with great skill.

Their eyes were cold and terrible.

It’s like a bunch of emotionless machines.

Just follow the command.

It is not difficult to train a group of dead soldiers.

The difficulty was to train a full three thousand dead soldiers.

Moreover, it is the death of three thousand first-class martial arts masters!

Wei Zhongxian thought that he was also a scheming man.

He himself has run a lot of power over the years.

But his cultivated men.

At most, it is only a second- or third-rate master.

Compared to these people in front of you.

It’s a little black and a big one.

There is no comparison at all!


Wei Zhongxian couldn’t help but shiver.

A pair of inverted triangular eyes raised a look of fear.

No wonder His Majesty is so calm.

Just these three thousand dead soldiers.

It is enough for His Majesty to clear any obstacles.

Fortunately, he surrendered to His Majesty.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will die a miserable death.

Wei Zhongxian secretly felt fortunate in his heart.

After that, I was very moved.

The Son of Heaven can surrender this terrible force to himself.

It speaks volumes about trust in oneself.

I myself must share the worries of His Majesty.


Wei Zhongxian’s reverence and loyalty to Nie Zheng reached the extreme.

I don’t dare to have any dissent in my heart.

Of course.

It wasn’t that Wei Zhongxian was so loyal.

Instead, he experienced Nie Zheng’s many means.

In his heart, he was already terrified of Nie Zheng.

Since the Son of Heaven dared to entrust this huge force to his control.

Wouldn’t that be true?

Does the Son of Heaven have terrible forces that he doesn’t know about?

Association thinks of this.

Wei Zhongxian dared to have the slightest betrayal of his mind.

Only loyalty to Nie Zheng.


The next day, at the right time.

Equivalent to three o’clock in the morning.

At the moment it is not yet dawn.


Bursts of bells echoed through the palace.

Manchu Wenwu passed through the palace gate and came towards the Longde Hall one after another.

The Dragon Hall was the place where the Son of Heaven and the Manchu Dynasty negotiated their political affairs.

The early dynasty was also carried out in the Longde Hall.

This is also a tradition left over from the founding of the Bactrian Empire.


Inside the Weiyang Palace.

The huge bell directly woke Nie Zheng up.

At the same time, the sound of Cao Tian came from his ears.

“Your Majesty, it’s time for the early dynasty.”

There is a saying that says it well.

People who haven’t woken up are very grumpy.

This sentence fully explained Nie Zheng’s mood at this moment.

Nie Zheng opened his eyes irritably.

I can’t help but complain darkly.

Before dawn, I went to the morning court.

Is this what people do?

“Cao Qian, go and smash that broken bell.”

“The province’s daily knock is non-stop.”

Nie Zheng said irritably.

“Your Majesty, no… No, no… This…… This dragon bell was cast by Emperor Shengzu’s orders. ”

“To alert the kings of the hereafter…”

Cao Tian wept and mourned, wanting to ask Nie Zheng to take back his will.


Nie Zheng frowned and said coldly:

“Let you smash it, do you want to resist the will?”

“The slave obeys the order!”

Cao poured out tears without tears.

Do not dare to disobey the will of the Son of Heaven.

Only two small eunuchs could be taken to smash the dragon bell.

Look at Nie Zheng, on the other hand.

Fall asleep with your head upside down again.

Although today’s early dynasty is important.

But poor sleep was more important to Nie Zheng.

After all, as a dimwitter.

How is it possible to get up so early and go to the upper court?


[The host fainted, smashed the dragon bell, and delayed the early dynasty.] 】

[Reward: A cannon burn drawing, please check the host in the system space.] 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Nie Zheng’s ears.

But Nie Zheng was drowsy.

There is no first time to view the rewards.


The other side.

Dragon Temple.

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu side line on both sides.

All are waiting for the Son of Heaven to ascend to the throne.

But they didn’t wait for the Son of Heaven.

But he waited for Cao Tian to take two small eunuchs.

Two sledgehammers in his hand.

Head straight for the hanging dragon bell.

Such a scene!

Suddenly, the Manchu Dynasty was stunned.

But he didn’t wait for the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu to return to his senses.

Cao poured out a big hand.

“Smash me.”

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