Boom boom boom boom!

The two little eunuchs did not dare to be sloppy.

Pick up the sledgehammer in your hand and smash it on the dragon’s bell.

A loud noise reverberated through the Dragon Temple.

The dragon bell is constantly deformed by smashing.

The body of the bell showed a huge crack.


“Be bold!”


Two loud cheers rang out.

Only to see the two ministers frown in anger.

It was Dong Zhuo of the Left Cheng and Cao Cao of the Right Cheng Xiang.

Dong Zhuo’s rough face and slightly fat physique.

The horizontal flesh on the face was obvious.

In particular, a pair of eyes is very fierce.

Although wearing the court clothes of a courtier.

But how to look like a warrior.

Although the right Cheng Xiang Cao Cao’s posture was not as strong as Dong Zhuo’s.

But the body size is also larger than the average person.

He has a white face and black beard, and his eyes are very deep.

Although there was no fierce aura of Dong Zhuo.

But it gives people the first glimpse of him.

You can remember this person deeply.


Seeing that Cao Tian had actually ordered someone to smash the dragon bell.

The two are left and right ministers.

Nature cannot sit idly by.


As Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao took the lead.

Manchu Wenwu suddenly woke up.

He even shouted angrily at Cao.

“Cao Qian, how dare you destroy the dragon bell that Emperor Shengzu ordered people to cast?”

Dong Zhuo raised an eyebrow.

Faced with Dong Zhuo’s rebuke.

Cao Tian naturally did not dare to offend.

He could only hold his fist and salute Dong Zhuo and Manchu Wenwu.

Then he said helplessly:

“How dare the miscellaneous family destroy the dragon bell, but only do what they are told, and please don’t be surprised.”


Man Chao Wenwu frowned.

Dong Zhuo looked angrily, “Whose will do you follow?” ”

“Nature is the will of Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian is not profane or humble.


Get this answer.

The expression on Man Chao Wenwu’s face suddenly became strange.

Especially Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao.

Both men showed surprise at the same time.

“Bold, how could Your Majesty do such a faint thing?”

“It must be you, the adulterous little man, who falsely preached the holy will.”


A white-haired, old-fashioned minister jumped out.

Yizheng rebuked Cao angrily.

“It turned out to be Wang Lang Wang Situ.”

“The miscellaneous family is polite.”

See the people who jumped out.

Cao Qian’s brow frowned.

I didn’t expect this old guy to jump out at this time.

This can be trouble!

To say that Wang Lang is really not ordinary.

This guy is the patriarch of the Three Dynasties of Bactria.

Although there is no real power.

However, among the Manchu Dynasty’s civil and martial arts, it can be said that he is highly respected.

Even the left and right ministers have to give up three points.

And Wang Lang this old guy.

The mouth is full of courtesy and shame.

It is even under the guise of a loyal courtier.

Even the emperor did something wrong when he was alive.

This King Situ of Wang Lang also dared to angrily denounce him as a Emperor of Darkness in the court.

Although Emperor Xiandi was angry in his heart, he could only appease him.

He would never have dared to kill him.

If you kill him.

That’s really going to solidify the reputation of the Heavenly Son’s faint-heartedness.

And this old guy is even more inch-forward.

Usually boasts of being high.

If you don’t agree, you will crash into a pillar and die in the court.

Emperor Xiandi naturally could not have let him die.

This also made this Wang Lang King Situ swell more and more.

As long as he looks at who is not pleasing to the eye.

Whoever it is, it will be reprimanded.

After all, even the emperor dared to confront the fury.

How dare others offend him.

Now I saw that Cao Tian was actually going to smash the dragon bell.

Wang Lang claimed to be a loyal minister of Bactria Province.

Nature will not pass up this opportunity to express itself.


“Good you castrated dog, dare you say that Your Majesty ordered you to do it.”

“See I don’t kill you.”

The more Wang Lang spoke, the more excited he became.

Full of impassioned anger.

Carrying the stick in his hand, he threw himself at Cao.

He was scolded by Wang Lang as a castrated dog.

Cao Tian was furious.

But in the face of this elder of the three dynasties.

Naturally, he couldn’t fight back.

You can only keep going backwards.

Manchu Wenwu saw this scene.

Suddenly, schadenfreude arose.

Naturally, no one would stop this Lord Wang Situ.

Seeing that Cao Tian was about to be thrown out of the Dragon De Hall by Wang Lang with a stick.

A faint voice sounded at the right time.

“Wang Situ, what are you doing here?”

It was also with the sound of this sound.

Manchu Wenwu and Wang Lang suddenly looked toward the source of the sound.

Only to see Wei Zhongxian enter the Dragon Hall without smiling.

Cao Tian secretly hissed.

He quickly hid behind Wei Zhongxian.

“It turned out to be Duke Wei.”

“This treacherous little man dared to falsely preach the holy will to smash the dragon’s bell.”

“Shouldn’t such a rebellious person be beaten?”

See Wei Zhongxian.

Wang Lang frowned.

The crutch in his hand is lowered with the trend.

After all, what kind of person Wei Zhongxian was.

Wang Lang was still very clear.

“False preaching of the Holy Will?”

Wei Zhongxian looked at Wang Lang with a cold smile.

Then he looked around at the Manchu Dynasty Bundo:

“Even if Cao Tian had the courage of heaven, he would never dare to falsely preach the Holy Will.”

“This is indeed Your Majesty’s will, and I ask you not to embarrass him.”

Wei Zhongxian’s face turned cold when he said this.

Looking up at the two little eunuchs, he said:

“Since Your Majesty asked you to smash this dragon bell, why don’t you hurry up?”

Instructed by Wei Zhongxian.

The two young eunuchs hurried to get started.

Before waiting for Manchu Wenwu to react.

The dragon bell had been smashed to pieces.

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