“Is this really Your Majesty’s will?”

Wang Lang frowned and looked at Wei Zhongxian.

“Nature is the will of Your Majesty, how can the miscellaneous family deceive your lords?”

Wei Zhongxian said lightly.


“What a dimwitter!”

“Such a great rebellion was done.”

“O Emperor, you have a spirit in heaven, open your eyes and see what this dim king has done…”

The next moment.

Wang Lang wept and was overwhelmed with grief and indignation.

In his mouth, he was even more sad and angry at Nie Zheng’s fainting behavior.

Wei Zhongxian looked at it coldly.

No change is visible on the face.

Just a touch of darkness under his eyes.

“Duke Wei, why hasn’t Your Majesty ascended to the throne yet?”

Right Cheng Xiang Cao Cao smiled and asked.

Selectively ignored Wang Lang’s hoarse rebuke.

“Your Majesty was still reading the recital late at night yesterday, and at this moment the dragon’s body is tired, and you are bothered to wait here.”

Wei Zhongxian said lightly.

Get this answer.

Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The rest of the ministers of culture and military affairs also had strange expressions.

Everyone knows that the new emperor is just a puppet.

The affairs of the court were also handled by the left and right ministers and several shangshu.

The Bactrian soldiers and horses were also in the hands of Zhao Kuangyin.

Where to use this new emperor to handle political affairs?

“Duke Wei, I heard that something big seemed to have happened in the inner palace last night.”

“I don’t know if Duke Wei ever knew?”

Dong Zhuoyi pointed out.


Faced with Dong Zhuo’s inquiry.

Wei Zhongxian did not answer.

He just smiled and arched his hand towards Manchu Wenwu:

“There are all the adults waiting here, and the miscellaneous family still has important matters, so let’s take a step ahead.”

Wei Zhongxian said this.

He left the Longde Hall and strode towards Weiyang Palace.

Cao Tian also quickly followed.

Only the Manchu Dynasty with different expressions remained in the Dragon De Hall.

“What a castrated dog, who dares to ignore his true nature!”

“Do you think that if you don’t say it, you won’t know what happened?”

Dong Zhuo’s eyebrows were fierce, and he scolded loudly.

Cao Cao on the side did not say anything.

But looking at Wei Zhongxian’s distant back.

A hint of thoughtfulness appeared in his eyes.

The two had already received reliable news.

Empress Nishinomiya is dead!


He was killed by the Son of Heaven!

The other side.

Hoarse Wang Lang Wang Situ.

At this moment, I am also tired of scolding.

The whole person fell to the ground and gasped.

“O Emperor of Darkness, I am sure that today I will ask this Emperor of Darkness how dare he do such a thing of betraying his ancestors and forgetting his ancestors.”

Wang Lang got up breathlessly.

Waiting on crutches for the Son of Heaven to come to the court.

It’s just that his performance fell into the eyes of Cao Cao and Dong Zhuo.

It’s like a beam-jumping clown.


The other side!

East Palace!

Lu Yan did not sleep all night.

Already freshen up and dress.

A phoenix robe is decent.

Zhao Gao bent down at his side.

Wait for Nie Zheng to arrive.

Prepare to go to the Longde Hall together to discuss politics.

But the time had come.

Lü Yan and Zhao Gao did not wait for Nie Zheng for a long time.

This also made the two eyebrows frown tightly.

“Lady Qi, Your Majesty ordered someone to smash the dragon bell, and at this moment the dragon is tired and still sleeping soundly in the palace.”

A small eunuch quickly entered.

Tell the truth about the news you found out to Lü Yan.


Even if the Lü Yan City Mansion is deeper.

Hearing this news immediately made her angry.

She didn’t think of anything at all.

Nie Zheng actually did such a ridiculous and vulgar thing.

Smash the dragon bell and forget it.

But this morning was a big deal for her.

Nie Zheng was still sleeping?

Is he really faint?

Or is there a conspiracy?

Lu Yan’s beautiful face was cloudy and uncertain.

Inner anger aside.

It was also becoming more and more difficult to see through this big summer.

“Niangniang, it seems that we are going to go to Weiyang Palace again.”

Zhao Gao said in a deep voice.


Lu Yan spoke coldly.

With Zhao Gao and a group of eunuch palace women, they headed towards Weiyang Palace.


Weiyang Palace!

The dragon bed collapsed softly.

Nie Zheng was asleep.

The eunuch palace lady on the side did not dare to make a sound.

And the sky outside has gradually become brighter.

“Hasn’t Your Majesty woken up yet?”

Wei Zhongxian stepped inside, and Cao Tian followed behind

Looking at Nie Zheng in the yarn tent, he was still sleeping.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly lowered his voice and asked a young eunuch.

The little eunuch hurriedly shook his head.

Wei Zhongxian’s face showed helplessness.

But you can only stand by and wait.

“Righteous Father, do you want to wake up Your Majesty?”

Cao Tian asked tentatively.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly waved his hand.

The sound pressure is lower.

“Son, you must remember to the miscellaneous family that Your Majesty is the king of the ancient world, and it is not something I can speculate about.”

“At this moment, Your Majesty is sleeping soundly, and there must be no disturbance.”

Since a series of events last night.

Wei Zhongxian’s view of Nie Zheng had already undergone earth-shaking changes.

If the whole of Bactria is the most loyal to Nie Zheng.

At this moment, Wei Zhongxian was definitely the first.

He had long been completely impressed by Nie Zheng’s methods.

“The empress dowager has arrived.”

Just as Wei Zhongxian and the others were carefully waiting for Nie Zheng to wake up.

The voice of the eunuch sounded.


Can be a eunuch.

The sound is indeed sharp and harsh.

This also made Nie Zheng’s brow on the dragon bed frown slightly.

The whole person also turned over at this moment.

And this scene.

Suddenly it made Wei Zhongxian’s face turn cold.

“Cao Qian, go chop up this dog thing that doesn’t have long eyes and feed it to the dog.”

“Yes, Righteous Father.”

Cao Tian hurriedly agreed.

And then he looked gloomy and went outside the temple.


PS: Big brothers, fathers, has anyone seen ah, the first day of the data is extremely miserable, ask for the support of the wave data.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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