
Lü Yan Zhao Gao also entered the Weiyang Palace at this moment.

Cao Tian simply gave a salute to Lü Yan.

So he went straight to the eunuch.


The eunuch’s fortunes were uncertain.

“Why is Your Majesty still asleep?”

“How do you do slaves?”

“After delaying Your Majesty’s early dynasty, are you up to the task?”

Just entered the palace.

Then he saw Nie Zheng sleeping soundly on the dragon bed.

Lu Yan’s expression was ugly.

The unkind words asked Wei Zhongxian.

Face Lü Yan’s attack.

Wei Zhongxian’s Yin-Yang Strange Airway:

“Although the early dynasty is important, His Majesty’s dragon body is more important.”

“Those of us who are slaves naturally feel sorry for our master.”

“At this moment, Your Majesty is sleeping soundly, and I ask the Empress Dowager not to disturb her.”

Lu Yan touched a soft nail.

She looked at Wei Zhongxian coldly.

His heart was already eager to put him to death.

However, she also knew that now was not the time to turn her face to Wei Zhongxian.

Lü Yan said coldly, “Zhao Gao, go and wake up Your Majesty.” ”

“The miscellaneous family said that His Majesty’s dragon body is tired, and the empress dowager had better not disturb His Majesty’s rest.”

Wei Zhongxian took a step forward.

The face was gloomy and terrible.

Suddenly, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

It was also at this time.

Zhao Gao bowed down to Lü Yan and said:

“Niangniang, since the early dynasty has been delayed, it is better to wait for Your Majesty to wake up.”

Zhao Gao spoke.

He shook his head darkly at Lu Yan.

This also made Lu Yan quickly calm down.

She suddenly noticed.

Since last night after a series of events.

I had lost my usual composure and composure.

And the source that made her lose her coolness.

It was Nie Zheng who was sleeping soundly on the dragon bed at this moment.


Lu Yan gently let out a mouthful of turbid breath.

His eyes looked at Nie Zheng, who was still asleep.

She allowed herself to gradually calm down.


Just a moment’s work.

Lü Yan calmed down.

She sat down, expressionless.

Zhao Gao stood beside her.

The whole palace was also quiet and terrible at this moment.

Only Nie Zheng’s sleeping voice came from time to time.


Time passes by minute by minute.

It was already dark.

The rising sun rises from the east, sprinkling a large area of golden sun.

A ray of harsh sunlight also shone on Nie Zheng’s face.

Nie Zheng’s eyelids moved slightly.

Confused, he sat up.

He opened his mouth and yawned.

Then he slowly opened his eyes.

What you can see is a cold and frosty face.

He was staring at him badly.

“Your Majesty, how can you sleep?”

Seeing that Nie Zheng had woken up.

At this moment, he was looking at himself with a blank face.

Although Lu Yan told himself to be calm.

But the anger in my heart can’t stop overflowing.

“It turned out to be the queen.”

Nie Zheng was stunned at first.

Then he pretended to be dissatisfied and looked at Wei Zhongxian and said, “When the Queen Mother arrives, why don’t you wake up Yu Shuo?” ”

He didn’t wait for Wei Zhongxian to reply.

Lü Yan slowly got up and walked towards Nie Zheng.

Look at Lu Yan’s beautiful posture.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were slightly confused.

“Your Majesty, it is time to go to the court early, and do not forget your promise to this palace yesterday.”

Lu Yan’s voice was cold.

“The queen mother is assured, will she self-destruct her promise?”

Nie Zheng quickly woke up.

Then he smiled and looked at Lu Jie.

But his smile fell into Lu Yan’s eyes.

Suddenly it made her heart tremble.

Don’t just turn around.

Some did not dare to make eye contact with Nie Zheng’s gaze.

“Come, wash and change your Majesty’s clothes.”

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly summoned a group of palace maidens.

He began to wash and change clothes for Nie Zheng.

A cup of tea time passed.

The door of Weiyang Palace opened widely.

The Dragon and Phoenix Carriage had long been parked outside the temple.

With a ‘take-up’ sound.

Nie Zheng and Lü Yan joined forces to come towards the Dragon De Hall.


The other side.

Dragon Temple.

The Manchu Dynasty was furious.

They waited for two hours in the Dragon Temple.

But there is still no Son of Heaven in sight.

Some of the young ministers were better.

The old ministers could not stand.

Wang Lang this old guy.

Even more on crutches and legs shivering.

Just as Manchu Wenwu was anxiously waiting.

A sharp voice also came from outside the temple.

“Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager has arrived.”

It was also with the sound of this sound.

Nie Zheng and Lü Yan walked into the Dragon Hall together.

Zhao Gao and Wei Zhongxian accompanied the driver. 、


Lü Hou?

How did she get here?

Manchu Wenwu’s gaze all fell on Lü Yan’s body.

A series of uncertain eyes rose under the eyes of the courtiers.

To know that since the founding of the Bactria Kingdom.

The place of government in the court.

The harem will never be allowed to participate.

But this morning, Lü Hou actually came to the court with the Son of Heaven.


Since Lü Hou has arrived here.

Why is the Empress Dowager Naxi Palace missing?

The message behind this is simply intriguing.

It also made Manchu Wenwu feel uncertain in his heart.

However, he did not wait for the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu to react.

The next scene that happened.

Completely silenced the group of courtiers.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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