On the nine layers of jade steps.

Nie Zheng had just sat down on the dragon chair.

Cao Qian hung a curtain of beads behind Nie Zheng.

A phoenix chair was also placed in the beaded curtain.

And Empress Lü Yan of the Eastern Palace actually sat up.

Under the shade of a beaded curtain.

Loomingly, you can see Lu Yan’s figure.

When this scene is presented.

The whole Dragon Hall was quiet and terrible.

Dong Zhuo of the left and Cao Cao of the right.

The face also changed suddenly at this moment.

Vaguely seemed to be aware of something.

An extremely oppressive atmosphere was growing in the Dragon Hall at the same time.


He was not waiting for the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu to return to his senses.

Zhao Gao’s face was expressionless.

The group of ministers quickly woke up.

All fell to their knees.

“Mountain Whew.”

Zhao Gao’s voice continued to reverberate inside the Dragon De Hall.

“Long live my Emperor.”

The crowd bowed their heads.

“Shout again.”

“Long live our Emperor.”

“Shout again.

“Long live our Emperor.”

Looking at the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu who was kneeling in His Highness.

Nie Zheng said lightly: “Your secretaries of state are at peace.

“Your Majesty.”

Manchu Wenwu stood up one after another.

When the court ceremony is finished.

Cao leaned forward.

Then read the Word.

But before Cao Tian could open his mouth.

Only to see Wang Lang’s old thing jump out directly.

“The old minister has something he wants to ask His Majesty.”

Wang Lang came out on crutches and the crowd came out.

There was a hint of anger on his face.

The drama is coming!

Seeing Wang Lang jump out.

The group looked sideways.

Dong Zhuo and Cao Xian were also happy to let this old thing take the lead.


“I don’t know what Wang Situ wants to ask?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

For this old thing under the guise of a loyal courtier.

Of course he knew.

It’s just that Nie Zheng didn’t think about it.

The left and right ministers had not yet attacked him.

This old thing has instead made a bird.

“The old minister wants to ask His Majesty two things.”

“First of all, why did Your Majesty delay the early dynasty?”

“Is the second thing, smashing the dragon’s bell, the will of Your Majesty?”

Wang Lang was forced.

The expression on his face was even more stern.

Based on past experience.

Whenever Wang Lang questioned the Son of Heaven.

The Son of Heaven can appease as much as possible.

But today’s atmosphere is a bit weird.

It also allowed Qunchen to constantly observe the expression on Nie Zheng’s face.

But most people’s minds are still on Lu Yan behind the beaded curtain.

“Smashing the dragon’s bell is indeed the will of the Emperor.”

“As for delaying the early dynasty, when do you want to go to the dynasty, do you still have to report to you personally?”

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.

But also because of his words.

Suddenly, the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu looked frightened.

Wang Lang was even more stunned.

He had thought that the new emperor would find an excuse to prevaricate the past.

Unexpectedly, the new emperor admitted it frankly.


He even coldly rebuked himself in front of Manchu Wenwu!

A dozen minutes of time passed.

Wang Lang returned to his senses.

But the face is already swollen and red.

Even the former emperor had never scolded him so much.

This is the new emperor who has just ascended the throne.

Not even the throne was secured.

Now it was so contemptuous of him.

How can this make Wang Lang endure?

“Your Majesty, do you know that the Dragon Bell was made by Emperor Shengzu?” In order to warn the kings of the hereafter, they must not delay the early dynasty. ”

“Your Majesty ordered people to smash the dragon bell, which is a great disrespect and disrespect to Emperor Shengzu.”

“When Your Majesty does such a ridiculous and vulgar thing, is he not afraid of leaving a stink for thousands of years and being scolded by the world as a faint king?”

Wang Lang pointed at Nie Zheng and severely reprimanded him.

There was not even the slightest reverence for the Son of Heaven.

“Wang Situ, although you are the elder of the Three Dynasties, it is a great crime of disrespect to speak loudly to Your Majesty above the court, and this is a murderous crime.”

Wei Zhongxian reminded in a cold voice.


“Wei Zhongxian, you are just an eunuch, where is your place to speak above this court?”

Wang Lang roared angrily.

And this sentence of his castration.

It also caused Manchu Wenwu to laugh loudly.

The whole Longde Hall is as noisy as a wet market.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was gloomy and terrible.

Zhao Gao on the side was expressionless.

The look in Wang Lang’s eyes also flashed a hint of viciousness.


The most taboo thing is to be scolded as an eunuch.

They are mutilated.

The heart is much more twisted than normal people.

This sentence castrated people seemed to be cursing Wei Zhongxian.

But he offended all the eunuchs.


Nie Zheng ascended to the throne.

He looked at His Highness and smiled faintly.

I even watched Wang Lang, the old piff, continue to perform.

It’s just that he doesn’t have any obstacles.

Instead, the corners of the mouth outline a smile.

But this smile contains a hint of coldness.

Wang Lang was undecided.

Still continuing to die.

“Emperor Xian, as the elder of the Three Dynasties of Bactria who has served three generations of your kings, he prides himself on being loyal to Bactria and is loyal to him.”

“But today His Majesty has done such a faint and unscrupulous thing, and the old minister is ashamed of the previous emperor, and even more ashamed of the ancestors of Bactria…”

Above the hall.

In the Hall of Longde.

Wang Lang cried bitterly.

He kept banging on the ground on crutches.

It was like a great loyal courtier, denouncing the fainting of the new emperor.

Watching Wang Lang cry and howl at His Highness.

Nie Zheng’s face was expressionless.

As for the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu, they were in the exchange of ears and were also happy to watch the play.

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