“Your Majesty, the old minister is bold, please issue an edict against yourself.”

“In this way, I can be the Ming Emperor of my Great Xia with a straight face.”

Wang Lang stood up in grief and anger.

Yi Zheng looked at Nie Zheng rhetorically.


Sin yourself?

The crowd roared.

No one expected Wang Lang, the old guy, to be so bold.

You denounce the new emperor as a dusk king.

Now why should the new emperor issue a sin edict?

Feel the shocked gaze of the group.

Wang Lang’s heart suddenly became proud.

That’s what he wants.

In this way, he can show his status as the elder of the three dynasties.


“If you don’t sin yourself, what will you do?”

The smile on Nie Zheng’s face grew brighter.

Just didn’t anyone find out.

Nie Zheng looked at Wang Lang’s eyes like a dead man.

See that the Son of Heaven is still tough.

Wang Lang’s face showed a look of pain.

“If Your Majesty cannot be a holy monarch, the old minister can only give advice to death today, and blood will be splattered on this Longde Hall.”

“Emperor Xian, the old minister will come to accompany you.”

The more Wang Lang spoke, the more excited he became.

Taking a step, he took a crutch and went straight to the jade pillar in the hall and crashed into it.

Look at its posture.

Apparently, he was going to crash into the Dragon Temple.

This was not the first time he had done such a thing.

His experience is enormous.

The sad and indignant expression on that face was very exciting.

It also exudes the fearless spirit of sacrificing one’s life for righteousness.

Because Wang Lang was convinced.

The Son of Heaven will surely stop him.

After all, if he really crashed into the Dragon Temple, he would die.

But it confirmed the reputation of the Son of Heaven as a faint one.

This method he has tried and tested.


Wang Lang didn’t know.

This time his tried and tested methods were going to fail.

Pedal pedal!

Wang Lang’s footsteps did not stop.

I saw that I was about to crash into the jade pillar.

But there was no other exclamation in my ears.

Tianzi didn’t stop at all.

And this also made Wang Lang’s old face change suddenly.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

The new emperor did not stop him.

But at this moment, he was already riding the tiger.

If only it were over.

I’m afraid I’m really going to laugh and be generous.

Look at the jade pillar that is getting closer and closer.

The corners of Wang Lang’s mouth twitched continuously.

The straight protrusion of inner timidity.

But he could only harden his heart and bite his teeth.

It slammed into the jade pillar.

But he’s just making a show.

How dare you really hit it hard?

If it really crashed into the Dragon Temple.

He was afraid that he would not be able to see it even if he died.


“Emperor Xian, open your eyes and look at this Emperor, the old minister is ashamed of the ancestors of Bactria …”

What does it mean to dry thunder and not rain?


This sentence fully explains Wang Lang’s behavior.

I saw him cover his forehead and cry bitterly.

It was almost rolling all over the Dragon Temple.

Forehead in addition to bulging up a bag.

Not even the slightest bit of blood was shed.

Not to mention hurting your own life.

“Wang Situ, you must not do it.”

“Lord Wang, why do you have to do this?”

“Although Your Majesty is at fault, you cannot advise him to death.”


There were several ministers who befriended this old fellow.

They saw something was wrong.

Hurry up and grab Wang Lang for advice.

I saw myself being pulled by several old friends.

The cries in Wang Lang’s mouth also grew louder and louder.

“I’m sorry for the former emperors, and I’m even more sorry for the ancestors of Bactria …”

The more Wang Lang cried, the more excited he became.

Taking advantage of the situation, he was going to continue to crash into the jade pillar.

Vowed to express his determination to persuade with death.

A few old ministers hurriedly stopped them.

Which could really make Wang Lang continue to crash into the jade pillar.

The other side.

Nie Zheng looked down on this farce.

“All of them are to retire.”


Nie Zheng spoke.

It was also because Nie Zheng’s voice sounded.

Several old ministers breathed a sigh of relief.

It is believed that the Son of Heaven is ready to compromise.

They all let go of Wang Lang.

Wang Lang also secretly hissed in his heart.

It is also believed that the Son of Heaven should lay down his body and appease him.

I finally had a step down.


The next moment.

Nie Zheng’s words.

It horrified Manchu Wenwu.

And Wang Lang, who is a party.

An old face was frightened and bloodless.

“Since Wang Situ is so bloody and loyal to Bactria, he must give advice to Yu Yu with death.”

“Why did you stop him?”

“Then let him die.”

Nie Zheng dragged his chin.

His eyes playfully looked at His Highness Wang Lang.

That clearly meant to tell this old guy.

Don’t you want to splash the Dragon Temple with blood?

Aren’t you going to be a loyal servant of the Iron Bones of Bactria Dynasty?

Aren’t you going to die to advise you?

All right.

I give you this opportunity.

You’re going to crash and die here now.



Death-like silence.

When Nie Zheng’s voice fell.

The whole Dragon Hall was eerily silent.

Everyone looked at Nie Zheng with astonishment in their eyes.

Wang Lang trembled and looked at Nie Zheng with a sluggish look.

The new emperor was found looking at himself with a playful and cruel look.






All kinds of frightened and complicated emotions came to mind.

Wang Lang’s whole body was as sluggish as a clay sculpture.

I haven’t looked back for a long time.

“Wang Situ, please continue.”

“I would love to see your faithfulness.”

Seeing that Wang Lang was slow to move.

Nie Zheng frowned and opened his mouth again.


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