At the same time.

Boom – boom – boom!

The sound of footsteps shaking the earth was coming.

The law of lamentation—

The horse’s hoofing sounded at the same time.

Only to see the people outside the Dragon De Hall turning over on their horses.

The silvery figure came like a tidal wave.

Countless soldiers wore silver armor.

Just a dozen breaths of effort.

He surrounded all the people and horses brought by Dong Zhuo.


Dong Zhuo’s face was hideous and terrible.

These three words came out of his mouth almost word for word.

His eyes were fixed on the silver armor guards outside the palace.

The look in his eyes was even more gloomy and frightening.

For he already knew who the comer was.


The sound of the horse’s hooves is unusually crisp.

Only to see a white-maned horse emerge from the embrace of the silver armored guards.

Carry a man on horseback.

This man was wearing golden armor.

In his hand is a golden eyebrow stick.

A pair of eyes shining like stars.

A jet-black hair tied behind her head with a gold rope.

The eyebrows exuded a heroic and extraordinary atmosphere.

With the crisp sound of the horse’s hooves kept ringing.

This man rode into the temple.

An imperial and nobleman-like aura rushed towards everyone.

The more pressed Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu was vaguely breathless.

The visitor is not someone else.

It was Terracotta Grand Marshal Zhao Kuangyin!

Have to say.

Although Zhao Kuangyin was wearing the armor of a martial general.

But the momentum exuded by the body is more like a heavenly son.

Zhao Kuangyin rode into the temple.

The courtiers were filled with awe.

Even Dong Zhuo’s face was extremely ugly.


“Zhao Kuangyin?”

“It’s extraordinary.”

On the throne.

Nie Zheng held his chin and looked at this Terracotta Grand Marshal with great interest.


Even Nie Zheng himself had to admit it.

Zhao Kuangyin this guy does have a bit of Tianzi prestige.

It’s just the outfit and the momentum on the body.

It already made the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu look at each other in awe.

“Your Majesty is the True Son of the Ninth Five-Year Dignity, and Zhao Kuangyin is only His Majesty’s courtier.”

“With Your Majesty’s ability, even Zhao Kuangyin can’t escape the palm of your hand.”

Hear Nie Zheng’s whispers.

Wei Zhongxian’s eyes moved, and he hurriedly opened his mouth at the right time.

“Wei Zhongxian, you are now an increasingly capable of slapping horses’ asses.”

Nie Zhengguan smiled.

“The old slave doesn’t dare, just tell the truth.”

Wei Zhongxian replied with a smirk.

Heaven and earth conscience.

Wei Zhongxian dared to pat his chest to reassure.

He had absolutely no intention of patting his horse’s whiskers.

What he said was indeed what he really thought in his heart.


Since yesterday.

He had long since become Nie Zheng’s most devout and faithful disciple.


The other side.

“Zhao Kuangyin, what do you mean?”

Dong Zhuo glared angrily.

“Dong Zhuo, the top of the court is not the place where you spread wilderness.”

“This marshal commands the soldiers and horses of the world, so why don’t you allow you to be brazen in front of the Son of Heaven and Lady Lü Hou?”

Zhao Kuangyin said bluntly.

He jumped off his white-maned horse and strode to the front of the temple.

Half kneeling on the ground and facing Lü Yan and Nie Zheng on the throne.

“Minister Zhao Kuangyin, see Your Majesty and Empress Lü.”


Zhao Kuangyin’s courtesy was in place.

There are many gifts that a courtier should have.

Under the background of Dong Zhuo’s arrogance and unreasonableness.

Zhao Kuangyin was instead a loyal courtier.

“Marshal Zhao don’t ask for much courtesy, please get up quickly.”

Lu Yan took the lead in opening his mouth.

The frost on the face also dissipated a lot.

Yesterday she sent a message to Zhao Kuangyin to conspire with him.

Otherwise, there is no support from Zhao Kuangyin today.

How dare Lü Yan do the thing of bowing the curtain and obeying the government.

At this moment, Zhao Kuangyin arrived as agreed.

This has already made Lu Yan win.

Dong Zhuo is indeed powerful.

But with Zhao Kuangyin’s support.

Lü Hou was very sure that he could suppress him.

“Empress Lü, Zhao Kuangyin, it seems that you have already made preparations?”

“But do you really think that Dong Zhuo is muddy?”

Dong Zhuo’s face was gloomy.

A pair of tiger eyes flashed a cold light.

You must know that Dong Zhuo is not a vegetarian.

Even if Zhao Kuangyin led the Silver Armor Guard to arrive.

Make him feel jealous.

But don’t forget.

Behind him were fifty thousand Western Liang troops.

This is also his biggest confidence.

See Dong Zhuo is still fierce.

Lu Yan frowned.

Zhao Kuangyin also narrowed his eyes slightly.

Let’s be honest.

The two did not want to force Dong Zhuo too hard.

Otherwise, Dong Zhuo once rebelled.

The consequences are not something they can afford to do.

“Dong Zhuo, since Your Majesty has already decreed that Empress Lü Niangniang participate in politics, how can we, as courtiers, resist and disobey the will?”

Zhao Kuangyin was calm and calm.


Dong Zhuo laughed sarcastically:

“Zhao Kuangyin, are you really cheating when Dong Zhuo is a three-year-old child?”

“First kill the Empress Dowager Xigong, then kill Wang Lang Wang Situ, and now we must bow to the government.”

“If these things had not been instigated by Empress Lü behind his back, how could His Majesty have done such a faint and unruly thing?”

Dong Zhuo’s eyes lit up fiercely and continued:

“The harem is participating in politics, and I Dong Zhuo will never approve of it.”

“If Lü Hou insists on doing so, then it is not possible that this Dragon Virtue Hall will shed blood into a river today.”


Dong Zhuo drew his sword again.

Thousands of soldiers and horses outside the temple roared.

Holding soldiers and confronting the silver armor guards led by Zhao Kuangyin.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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