The Great War is on the verge of breaking out.

An invisible atmosphere of slaughter has grown.

“Dong Zhuo, how dare you.”

Don’t look at Zhao Kuangyin’s elegant appearance.

But he was born with the appearance of an emperor.

Face Dong Zhuo’s fierce flames.

It also angered Zhao Kuangyin.

The golden eyebrow stick in his hand was raised.

The silver armor guards outside the hall took a step forward at the same time.

The soldiers and horses on both sides looked murderous.

It was as if only one fuse was needed.

A fight will be inevitable.


Manchu trembled.

His face was filled with fear.

Because once the two sides fight.

They will be killed by pond fish, and their lives may not be guaranteed.

But the interesting thing is.

Dong Zhuo and Zhao Kuangyin were in a confrontation.

But neither of them took the lead.

The entire Dragon Hall fell into a strange atmosphere.

It was as if both of them had some unspeakable jealousy in their hearts.

At this critical juncture.

Only to see a man stand up.

And this person is no one else.

It was Cao Xian, the Right Chancellor who had always chosen to be silent.

“Dong Chengxiang, Zhao Shuai, please stop the thunder and anger for a while.”

“I wonder if I can listen to Cao’s words?”

Cao Xian came out with a smile on his face to reconcile.

Dong Zhuo and Zhao Kuangyin’s momentum eased.

At the same time, he looked up at the right minister of Bactria and chancellor.

I don’t know what Cao Wei wants to say.

“Dong Cheng Xiang and Zhao Shuai, we are all ministers of the same palace, and we are all courtiers of Your Majesty, so how can we meet each other above the court?”

“How about leaving this matter to Your Majesty’s decision?”

Hear Cao Xian’s words.

Dong Zhuo’s face was suddenly difficult to see.

Zhao Kuangyin and Lü Yan’s eyes lit up.

Manchu Wenwu set his sights on Nie Zheng’s body.

Although the Qunchen knew that Nie Zheng was a puppet emperor.

But the emperor is the emperor after all.

Represents the supreme imperial power.

The form is now urgent.

Only the words of the Son of Heaven can be finalized.

“Your Majesty, whoever wants to usurp power and seize power and coerce His Majesty will never allow such a thing to happen as long as the Prime Minister is present.”

“If someone wants to plot against him, Ben Cheng and the 50,000 Western Liang Army behind him will definitely not sit idly by.”

Dong Zhuo bowed down to Nie Zheng.

Its voice is sonorous and powerful.


Naked threat.

Dong Zhuo’s meaning was obvious.

If the emperor really chooses to side with Lü Yan and Zhao Kuangyin.

Then I Dong Zhuo is not easy to mess with.

“Your Majesty has made a clear statement, if anyone threatens you, this commander will not tolerate him.”

Zhao Kuangyin also looked at Dong Zhuo fiercely.


Manchu Wenwu’s eyes were all focused on Nie Zheng’s body.

I don’t know which side this big summer child will choose to take.

Cao Xian’s eyes took a deep look at Nie Zheng.

Then silently return to its original position.


Support Dong Zhuo?

Or support Lu Yan and Zhao Kuangyin?

Two choices were placed in front of Nie Zheng.

The crowd waited anxiously.

I don’t know how Nie Zheng should choose.

But the next moment.

What Nie Zheng said.

It completely horrified the courtiers.

Everyone’s sluggish on the spot.

“Dong Zhuo, Zhao Kuangyin, did you dare to bring soldiers into the palace, did you not take Shuo in your eyes?”

“Or do you two want to rebel and can’t do it?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The face is cold and terrible.

Tianzi Weiyi burst out at the same time.



Dead silence!

When Nie Zheng spoke coldly.

The entire Dragon De Hall reverberated with Nie Zheng’s voice.


Dong Zhuo was stupid.

Zhao Kuangyin was also stupid.

Even Lü Yan looked at Nie Zheng dully.

Not to mention the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu.

No one could come back.


No one expected it.

This puppet emperor of Bactria dared to attack Zhao Kuangyin and Dong Zhuo at the same time.

Lose your marbles!

The Son of Heaven must be crazy!

How else could he have said such crazy things?

Know when the emperor was alive.

We must pay tribute to Dong Zhuo and Zhao Kuangyin.

It is more important to see the faces of the two people.

You are a new emperor who has recently ascended the throne.

How dare they berate the two powerful figures in such a way?

Are you the throne you don’t want anymore?

Or do you think you’re dying slowly?

But before the crowd could react.

Sudden change!

Wei Zhongxian walked out with a sneer.

“Your Majesty has a purpose, to bring troops into the palace, to be complicit in rebellion.”


Wei Zhongxian’s voice was not loud.

But, the next moment.

Something extremely terrifying happened outside the Dragon Temple.


A terrible burst of sword light slashed through the outside of the temple!


“Sh… Who? ”


A mournful scream kept coming from outside the Dragon Temple.

It was accompanied by a large amount of blood spraying out.

Heads were cut off.

But a dozen minutes of time.

There was silence outside the Dragon Temple.

Dong Zhuo’s thousands of soldiers and horses.

The Silver Armor Guard led by Zhao Kuangyin.

It all turned into a headless corpse and collapsed in a pool of blood.

The smell of blood was overwhelming.

At the same time.

A total of three thousand figures dressed in green appeared outside the Dragon De Hall.

They are covered in green clothes.

Face with a grimace mask.

Each carried a bloodthirsty machete in his hand.

The blood on the knife kept dripping to the ground.

A bloodthirsty and fierce breath kept spilling out of them.

Especially the eyes under the grimace mask are cold and merciless.

He was staring at the Manchu Wenwu inside the Dragon De Hall.

When this scene is presented!

Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was all frightened and stupid on the spot.

There are more mentally weak people.

Knees are soft.

With a thud, he was paralyzed to the ground in fear.

Dong Zhuo and Zhao Kuangyin.

The expressions on his face all stiffened together.

Lü Yan’s expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly looked at Nie Zheng.

A pair of beautiful eyes are full of extreme shock.

“Back off!”

Just when the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu was frightened and uncertain.

On the throne.

Nie Zheng opened his mouth lightly.


Outside the temple, three thousand green clothes were all kneeling on the ground.

Its sound trembled in all directions.

With the sound of countless cracks.

Three thousand grimaces disappeared without a trace.

As if it had never appeared.

Only countless headless bodies fell into pools of blood.

As if to prove the traces of their coming.

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