Lose your marbles!

Tianzi is crazy!

Tianzi is completely insane!

A dozen minutes of time passed.

Manchu Wenwu suddenly woke up.

Looking at Dong Zhuo who had fainted in a pool of blood.

The faces of the civil and military officials were miserable and bloodless.

Some people are trembling on their knees.

Almost collapsed on the ground.

Who is Dong Zhuo?

That was the existence of fifty thousand Western Liang troops.

The Son of Heaven would not be mad.

How dare you treat Dong Zhuo like this?

Isn’t he afraid of Dong Zhuo’s rebellion?

The crowd was horrified.

I couldn’t understand how Nie Zheng would dare.

In fact.

The civil and military officials did not know.

Nie Zheng was really not afraid of Dong Zhuo’s rebellion.

The reason is simple.

Although Dong Zhuo was a tiger and wolf minister.

Under his command were 50,000 Western Liang troops and the divine general Lü Bu.

But the situation in Bactria is extremely complex.

There are six countries outside the tiger.

Inside there are local clan kings and Zhao Kuangyin on the side.

If he dares to rebel.

It will become the target of public criticism.

The kings of the various clans and Zhao Kuangyin would destroy him at the first time.

After all, there are too many people who covet the throne.

No one could let Dong Zhuo succeed.

Otherwise, according to Dong Zhuo’s surname.

He has long since turned the other cheek, where will he wait until today?

So in this situation.

The whole of Bactria was in an eerie state of peace.

No one dares to be this head bird.

Because the cost is just too great.

And those who covet the throne.

They are also waiting for a suitable ripe time.


“Since there is no opposition from the Qing family.”

“Then this is the case.”

In the silence of the crowd.

Nie Zheng said with a smile.


[Detected that the harem was chaotic, the host fainted, and rewarded with a copy of the “Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong”. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded from Nie Zheng’s ears.

“Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Sixty Heaven and Earth Changchun Immortal Gong?”

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.

However, Nie Zheng did not immediately check it out.

It’s not too late to check the rewards after the meeting.

“Emperor… Emperor Yi… You…”


A voice full of anger came from Nie Zheng’s feet.

Only to see Dong Zhuo wake up.

Although his face was stained with blood.

But a pair of fierce eyes were full of anger.

He hadn’t thought of it at all.

He was the first assistant minister established by the former emperor.

It also has 50,000 Western Liang troops.

Nie Zheng dared to do this to him.


He didn’t wait for Dong Zhuo to continue speaking.

Nie Zheng frowned.


Raising his feet, he kicked Dong Zhuo away.

A large amount of blood spilled out of the air.

This kick almost cost Dong Zhuo half of his old life.

It made him pass out again.

This is still Nie Zheng’s mercy.

Otherwise, with his Li Yuanba’s mutant-level peerless divine power.

This kick can completely kick Dong Zhuo on the spot.

“Dong Cheng is tired, send him back to the house to rest.”

Nie Zheng said casually.

At the behest of Wei Zhongxian, two young eunuchs quickly carried Dong Zhuo’s bloated body out of the Longde Hall.

And it all happened between the electric light stone and the fire.

It completely made Manchu Wenwu not return to God.

When Nie Zheng sat back on the dragon chair.

The group of ministers suddenly woke up.

Just looking into Nie Zheng’s eyes, they were full of fear.

But don’t wait for the crowd to react.

Cao walked out with the Holy Will in his hand and read Nie Zheng’s second will.

“Fengtian Transport, the Heavenly Son’s edict: Feng Wei Zhongxian will be appointed as the overseer of the East Factory, inspect the world, and supervise hundreds of officials.”

“You can enter the court without worshipping, and your sword will be on the temple, and you will have the right to cut off the hundred officials of the world first and play later.”

Wave after wave!

When Cao Tian finished reading the will.

The Manchu Dynasty was in an uproar.

Although they did not know what the East Factory was doing.

But patrol the world, supervise hundreds of officials.

For the hundred officials of the world, they have the right to cut first and play later.

The meaning of these words made them creepy.

“Your Majesty…!”

Lu Yan’s beautiful countenance was stunned.

She looked at Nie Zheng in surprise.

Lu Yan did not think of it.

Nie Zheng would actually give Wei Zhongxian such a great right as a castrated dog.

She had the heart to oppose it.

But Nie Zheng had just supported her to bow the curtain and listen to the government.

At this moment, if she objected.

Isn’t it going to be a matter of branching out again?

Lu Yan swallowed back when he reached his mouth.

Looking at Nie Zheng’s eyes was more complicated.


When the crowd was shocked.

No one noticed Zhao Gao’s deep gaze.

His eyes looked at Wei Zhongxian with dark jealousy.

There was a hint of reluctance under his eyes.

He looked at Nie Zheng vaguely.

There was hesitation in his eyes.

And then he bowed his head in silence.

I don’t know what’s going on in my mind.


He saw Nie Zheng’s means and experienced many things.

Now I saw that his old rival Wei Zhongxian had gained power.

Zhao Gao’s heart had changed tremendously.

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