Not only was Zhao Gao’s heart changing.

Manchu Wenwu also had different thoughts.

Today’s early morning made them understand one thing.

That is the Heavenly Son sitting on the dragon chair at this moment.

It is not a so-called puppet.


This moment.

Cao Wei bowed his head and said nothing.

It was almost impossible to see his expression.

Zhao Kuangyin was half kneeling on the ground.

Even if Wei Zhongxian was appointed as the governor of the East Factory.

There is no objection.

Sima Yixian, who gave people a very low sense of existence, was cautious and cautious.

As for the other civilian generals, they were even more silent.

The whole hall slowly became quiet.

But this silence is very depressing.

Wei Zhongxian, on the other hand, knelt down to receive the thanksgiving.

The excitement of the heart is difficult to control.

However, Wei Zhongxian did not show any pride.

Instead, he knelt down and bowed to Nie Zheng.

The whole person is even more sincere and fearful.

Because Wei Zhongxian knew it clearly.

The rights he had acquired were given by Nie Zheng.

His own master can give him rights.

Trying to kill him was just a thought.


Deep awe.

Simple in one sentence.

It fully explained Wei Zhongxian’s attitude towards Nie Zheng.

What is yourself?

A: Lackeys!

Wei Zhongxian didn’t feel at all that this was insulting himself.

Although he was a dog in front of Nie Zheng.

Nie Zheng told him to bite whoever he wanted.

However, after that, he was a superior man in front of the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu.

So, what’s so bad about being Nie Zheng’s dog?

Look at the Bactria up and down the field.

How many people can be the dogs of the Son of Heaven?


It’s all over.

At the behest of Nie Zheng’s eyes.

Cao Tian stepped out and looked around at the group of courtiers:

“There is something to play, nothing to retreat.”

Half ring.

No more courtiers playing.

Nie Zheng got up from the dragon chair.

Smile nodded to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan’s eyes were a little confused.

But still out of the beaded curtain.

The two of them walked out of the Dragon Hall together.

Cao Tian and Zhao Gao followed closely.

Wei Zhongxian then stayed in the Dragon De Hall at the behest of Nie Zheng’s eyes.

“Congratulations to Your Majesty the Empress Dowager.”

Wei Zhongxian’s voice was sharp.

The courtiers hurried to agree.

The voice of congratulations from the courtiers was heard throughout the Dragon Temple.


“Congratulations to Duke Wei for becoming the governor of the East Factory.”

“Duke Wei is under the care of His Majesty, and in the future there will be Duke Wei who will take care of him one or two.”

“Fellow colleagues, we may have to change our title, and now we should call Duke Wei the Overseer.”

“Right, right, the lower official meets the Overseer.”

With Nie Zheng leaving.

Some officials quickly came to Wei Zhongxian.

The words of praise in the mouth are not spared.

Some ministers even slapped their ass wildly.

And Wei Zhongxian responded one by one without smiling.

However, out of the corner of Wei Zhongxian’s eyes, he saw that many civilian and military generals had not come forward to congratulate him.

Instead, he strode out of the Dragon Temple.


These civilian generals have their own camps.

Where is Ken to show goodwill to Wei Zhongxian, a castrated man?

Wei Zhongxian silently wrote down the military generals who did not congratulate him.

A cold color vaguely crossed his eyes.

It wasn’t Wei Zhongxian’s heart that was small.

It was that Wei Zhongxian understood one thing very well.

The minister who congratulated himself at this moment.

Most of them are petty officials.

There is no backing in itself.

And these departing civilian generals.

Each has its own camp.

For example, Dong Zhuo’s people.

Zhao Kuangyin’s people.

There are also some Shangshu people.

There are also the cronies of the kings of various domains who have been installed in the court.

Wei Zhongxian wanted to write them down one by one.

After the establishment of the East Factory.

He was bound to cut them.

It’s not for yourself.

It’s for Nie Zheng.

Those who disrespect the son of heaven of imperial power and form a party for personal gain.

Kill when you want.

That’s all.

In order to let his master gradually concentrate the imperial power in his hands.

At this moment, Wei Zhongxian was completely thinking about Nie Zheng.

He was even more loyal to Nie Zheng.

In other words.

Only Nie Zheng Qiankun was in his hands, and the imperial power was centralized in one.

Then his talent as a slave rose in the water.

As for betraying Nie Zheng?


No kidding.

Even give him the gold mountain and the silver mountain.

Even give him a throne to sit on.

Wei Zhongxian did not dare to have any betrayal thoughts.

Only because his reverence for Nie Zheng had penetrated deep into the bone marrow!


East Palace.

Lü Yan’s bedchamber.

Nie Zheng smiled and wanted to help Lü Yan walk down the phoenix.

But don’t wait for Nie Zheng to reach out and help.

Lu Yan turned slightly sideways.

Avoided Nie Zheng’s unruly behavior.

Nie Zhengguan smiled and did not reluctantly.

“It is very guilty to let the mother and queen work hard today.”

Looking at Nie Zheng’s harmless smile on his face.

Lu Yan’s face is like frost.

A pair of beautiful eyes are a little angry and a little helpless and confused.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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