Have to say.

Li Ru was a strategist with quick thinking.

It did point out a clear path for Dong Zhuo.

But if Nie Zheng is here.

I’m afraid I’m going to laugh out loud.

This seems to be a top priority.

But in fact, in Nie Zheng’s eyes, it was not worth mentioning at all.

“Hahahahaha, be well.”

“Mr. Li is worthy of his great talent, and he is sitting in the well and watching the sky.”

“Just do as sir.”

“When he ascended to the Ninth Five-Year Plan, Mr. Ben was the first meritorious man.”

Dong Zhuo laughed loudly.

It was as if he saw the scene of his future killing back to the capital of Wang and wearing a yellow robe.


Inner palace.


Exotic flowers and grasses, ancient cypress locusts.

The cobblestone floor is spelled with the symbol of Fu Lu Shou.

The pavilions are exquisite.

There are also golden koi roaming in the pond.

In the middle of the Royal Garden, there is also a stone carved dragon spraying water.

From time to time, you can see the figure of some rare and exotic beasts in the garden.

Imperial Pavilion Pavilion.

Four dishes are placed on a large stone table.

The staple food is a bowl of white rice.

There are no other meals.

“Your Majesty, please eat.”

Cao poured out the dishes and chopsticks and bowed to Nie Zheng.

Look at the imperial meal on the table.

Nie Zheng’s whole person was not good.

Cabbage tofu?

Melon loin?

Braised carp?

Cucumber white jade soup?

Just kidding, right?

Is this a royal meal for the Son of Heaven?

The plot is not right.

According to a normal script.

Be the Son of Heaven.

Shouldn’t there be one hundred and eight dishes at a dum?

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the sea.

The variety of delicacies is endless.

But what does this special meow four-course dish mean?

And the only meat dish is still a braised carp?

What about playing?

Originally, Nie Zheng was still looking forward to his imperial meal.

Now you can see the imperial meal on the table.

Nie Zheng’s expectations instantly vanished.

Watching Nie Zheng hesitate to move his chopsticks.

Cao Qian’s face showed doubt.

But when he saw Nie Zheng’s face was a little gloomy.

My heart suddenly clattered.

Sensing that Nie Zheng seemed to be dissatisfied with the imperial meal.

“Cao Qian, will you give this to Yuan?”

Nie Zheng’s yin and yang weird airway.



“Your Majesty Mingjian, since the founding of the Holy Ancestor Emperor, has always advocated frugality.”

“The meals of the emperors of all generations have been like this, and it is not the slave’s intention.”

“Moreover, the Emperor’s meal is all a dish and a bowl of white rice, which is still the slave who privately added the other three dishes for you.”

Cao Qiangtong fell to his knees with a thud.

His face was full of injustice, and he explained with tears.

See Cao’s aggrieved look.

Nie Zheng also knew that he was wrong to blame him.

However, these garbage imperial meals Nie Zheng would never eat.

When he was an emperor once, he was not poor and extravagant, and it was simply sorry for himself.

“Go and tell the dining room that from today onwards, the meal will be full of one hundred and eight dishes.”

“And every dish can’t be repeated.”

“Flying in the sky, running on the ground, swimming in the sea, all the delicacies are sent to you.”

“If you are not satisfied with what you eat, let them wash their necks and wait for death.”

Nie Zheng said coldly.


Hear Nie Zheng’s will.

Cao Tian was completely stupid on the spot.

His eyes blinked even more at Nie Zheng.

“What are you doing?”

See Cao fall to his knees and not move.

Nie Zheng frowned.

“Your Majesty … Your Majesty…… You…… The ingredients you want… The dining room does not…”

“You just cut off the heads of everyone in the dining room, and they can’t do it.”

Cao poured out tears without tears.


Nie Zheng was stunned.

“Your Majesty Mingjian, please listen to the slave maid in detail…”

Cao Tian hurried to tell the truth.


The power of the Great Xia was empty.

The kings of the major clans made the town guard the frontier and defend against the other six kingdoms.

It costs a lot of silver every year.

The million-strong army under the command of Zhao Kuangyin, the Grand Marshal of Terracotta Horses, will pay tens of millions of taels a year, or even more.

And corruption is rife in the court.

The national inventory of silver is only hundreds of thousands of taels.

The treasury is the foundation of Bactria.

Even the emperor could not use it privately.

Everything in the palace comes from the Ministry of the Interior.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is also Tianzi’s private small treasury.

But the Ministry of the Interior also had almost no silver.

Without silver, how could he buy the delicacies that Nie Zheng wanted?


Nie Zheng wanted to eat mountain treasures and seafood.

It’s a tough thing.

Hear Cao Qian’s narration.

Nie Zheng’s whole person was not good.

your own day.

Actually hindered by a mere silver money?

What’s the name of this special.

“If I remember correctly, the person in charge of the Internal Affairs Office is Zhao Gao, right?”

“Go, pass Zhao Gao to see you.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao Tian did not dare to be sloppy.

Hurry up and go.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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