Look at the appetiteless meal on the table.

Nie Zheng directly ordered the people to withdraw.

He would never eat this kind of garbage.

No one under this.

Nie Zheng then remembered the rewards of the system.

“Cannon burn drawings?”

Open System Space.

Nie Zheng took out the cannon branding drawings.

A smile appeared from under his eyes.

Cannon branding is a torture device.

Shaped like a cylinder.

Burn it red with a fire and tie people to it and roast them.

It is a cruel punishment.

This drawing details how to make a cannon brand.

More elucidating the raw materials for gun branding.

Nie Zheng took a brief look at it and put it away.

When Wei Zhongxian arrived, he asked him to make it according to the drawings.

“Extract the Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Heavens and Immortals of Changchun.”

Nie Zheng meditated in his heart.

A white light flashed through him.

Nie Zheng only felt refreshed.

The body became lighter.

Just a few moments.

This practice directly enabled Nie Zheng to cultivate into a state of perfection.

Half a ring.

Nie Zheng slowly opened his eyes.

I have understood the role of this exercise.

The things that the system rewards are certainly not mortal.

This practice is a martial arts treasure book.

Cultivate to perfection to reach the Terrestrial Divine Realm.


And that’s not all.

The most important thing is that this exercise has another function.

Increased life expectancy by 800 years.

And the face will last forever.

It should be known that the life expectancy of ordinary people is only a few decades.

This is still in the absence of natural and man-made disasters.

As for the life span of martial arts masters, it is only a few hundred years.

The Sect Master Realm Martial Artist was only two hundred years old.

Three hundred years of the Grand Master.

As for the legendary land gods, their lifespan is only as high as five hundred years.

At this moment, Nie Zheng had perfected the Eight Wilds and Six Heavenly Heavens and Heavens and Eternal Life Immortal Achievements.

He is already a terrestrial god and a god and can live for at least a thousand years.

Moreover, there is Li Yuanba’s unique martial power, and he is a mutant level.

Nie Zheng really wanted to say something.

Lao Tzu is not invincible who is invincible?

However, Nie Zheng did not look happy.

There was no excitement on his face either.

Instead, a hint of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

A mere thousand years of life.

This completely failed to satisfy Nie Zheng’s appetite.

“What Eight Wilds and Six Heavens and Heavens Changchun Immortal Gong?”

“The name is very good, but you can’t even live forever.”

Nie Zheng muttered obscurantly.

His eyes were full of disappointment.

“Minister, see you Zhao Gao.”

A voice woke Nie Zheng up.

Only to see Cao Tian and Zhao Gao coming quickly.


Zhao Gao’s posture was very humble.

Just came to Nie Zheng’s body.

Directly fell to his knees.

Zhao Gao’s forehead touched the ground and did not lift it for a long time.

Wait for Nie Zheng to let him calm down.

Just a touch of essence quietly crossed his eyes.


He had also made preparations for Nie Zheng’s summons.

See Zhao Gao posture put extremely low.

Nie Zheng didn’t want to knock on him either.

Instead, he was looking at Zhao Gao with a smile on his face.

To say that Zhao Gao this guy is compared to Wei Zhongxian.

Its ambitions were definitely above Wei Zhongxian.

Wei Zhongxian had a great desire for power.

But after all, it is only dependent on the imperial power.

And Zhao Gao this guy is different.

His thirst for power is endless.

Put it this way.

If you can get the supreme right.

Zhao Gao even dared to kill the emperor.

And without the slightest hesitation.

After all, his name was Zhao Gao.

Nature is to climb to the top step by step.

But in Nie Zheng’s eyes.

Zhao Gao could not pose any threat to him at all.

To put it bluntly.

Zhao Gao’s ability is very strong.

It is also a double-edged sword.

Using it well can naturally solve many things for it.

If you don’t use it well, you are more likely to hurt yourself.

But in Nie Zheng’s view.

Zhao Gao could only become a sword in his hand in the future.

He was also not afraid of Zhao Gao’s betrayal of him at all.

Because Zhao Gao is a smart person.

And smart people know what will happen if they betray themselves.

“Flat out.”

Nie Zheng Dao.

“Your Majesty.”

Zhao Gao cautiously stood up.

The face showed a humble smile.

Even the spine is slightly curved.

Completely a slave look.

“Zhao Gao, you are the chief of the Internal Affairs Office, how much silver is left in the Internal Affairs Office today?”

Nie Zheng was not salty or indifferent.

Long before coming.

Zhao Gao had already learned the original commission from Cao Qian’s mouth.

He hurriedly said:

“Your Majesty, although the subject is the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all silver dual-use degrees are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Households.”

“This year, the Ministry of Household Affairs only handed over 100,000 taels of silver to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now there are only 20,000 taels left in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.”

Zhao Gao pretended to be panicked and explained that he pushed all the responsibility to the household department.

“Zhao Gao, you are a smart person.”

“No matter what method you use, from tomorrow onwards, the imperial meal will be handed over to you.”

“If you’re not satisfied, then don’t blame your head.”

“You should understand that if you want to kill you, Empress Lü will not be able to save you.”

Nie Zheng smiled and looked at Zhao Gao.

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