“Faithful, tomorrow morning the Emperor will issue two wills, and the rest will be left to you.”

“You come with your ears…”

For how to make money.

Nie Zheng already had a plan.

There are several more goals.

However, to implement, Wei Zhongxian was still needed.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly listened.

A dozen minutes of time have passed.

Heard the two wills promulgated by Nie Zhengyi.

Wei Zhongxian’s face was miserable.

An exclamation came from his mouth.

The look in Nie Zheng’s eyes was dull.

“Your Majesty, this… This is playing with fire… Although the treasury is abundant… But aren’t you going to faint…”

Wei Zhongxian stumbled, and then he wanted to stop talking.

He almost uttered the words faint.

Fortunately, Wei Zhongxian hurriedly stopped speaking.

Know if you really say it.

That is a great sin of disrespect to the master.

Looking at Wei Zhongxian’s panicked look.

Nie Zheng’s eyes were deep:

“Zhongxian, you have to remember one thing, you are a dimwitted prince.”


Wei Zhongxian was completely confused by Nie Zheng’s words.

But he could only smile bitterly.

After that, things are simple.

Nie Zheng briefly explained Wei Zhongxian something.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly retreated.


The other side.

Ministry of the Interior.

One after another instructions came out of Zhao Gao’s mouth.

The eunuchs of the whole Ministry of Internal Affairs moved.

Some eunuchs went out to purchase.

More black-clad masked men reported some news to Zhao Gao.

There are also some martial arts masters who are not in the palace quietly out of the palace.

The people and horses that Zhao Gao secretly cultivated were fully operational.

“Emperor Yi?”

“What kind of person are you?”

Zhao Gao’s face was cold.

He gently flicked the cup of tea in his hand.

Unfortunately, the tea is cold.

The tea was cold.

It is impossible to enter.


A strange noise came.

Zhao Gao crushed the tea cup in his hand.

The fragments cut through his palm.

A wisp of blood flowed down his palm.

Tick tick tick tick

But Zhao Gao’s face was expressionless.

It didn’t seem like I felt a hint of pain.

Instead, the brow wrinkled even tighter.

“My lord, this emperor doesn’t take you seriously at all.”

“As long as the adult gives an order, I can secretly assassinate him, and it is a big deal that our brothers will die from now on.”

“In this way repay the grace of the grown-ups.”

Three fierce and fierce men knelt at Zhao Gao’s feet.

There was a fierce glint in his eyes.

They were the dead soldiers secretly cultivated by Zhao Gao.

All of them have great skills and are outlaws.



“You are too small to look at Emperor Yi, and even smaller to look at Wei Zhongxian.”

Zhao Gao coldly reprimanded.

“My lord, what are you afraid of?”

“We have thousands of people in the Zhongyi Hall, which one is not a fierce character.”

“Just by virtue of the few guards around Emperor Yi, it will be easy for me to kill him.”

Some people disobeyed.

“Slap your lips.”

Zhao Gao’s expression was cold and fierce.

A young eunuch stepped forward and gave the man two deaf ears.

“What do you warriors know?”

“I only know how to fight and kill in a day, if Emperor Yi is so easy to kill.”

“Do I still use you to remind me?”

Zhao Gao drank coldly.

The three fierce and evil dead men hurried to prostrate themselves and make reparations.

Knowing that his words had angered Zhao Gao.

They are not afraid to die.

But Zhao Gao’s vicious methods really made them feel afraid.

Zhao Gao obviously felt his emotions fluctuate.

He quickly calmed himself down.

“Remember, you must not do anything privately.”

“Judging from Emperor Yi’s means, his heart and mind are definitely not under me.”

“And… I don’t want to go against him… It doesn’t do me any good. ”

Zhao Gao muttered.

At the same time, a hint of confusion and helplessness arose in his eyes.

“But my lord, Wei Zhongxian regards you as a mortal enemy.”

“And he is now under the care of Emperor Yi, and he is even more a big red man in front of Emperor Yi.”

“Even if you are willing to surrender to Emperor Yi, but that Wei Zhongxian…”

Someone wants to stop talking.

“You don’t understand.”

Zhao Gao shook his head, and his eyes were deep


“Compared with the Heavenly Sons of the past, Emperor Yi is definitely the first king.”

“Even Emperor Shengzu may not be able to reach him.”

Hear Zhao Gao’s evaluation of Nie Zheng.

Several of the dead were astonished.

I didn’t expect Zhao Gao to have such respect for Nie Zheng.

And in them did not find.

Zhao Gao’s eyes actually had a hint of vague awe.

“Just as the so-called good birds choose trees to roost, how can I Zhao Gao live under people for a long time?”

“Although Lu Yan has some means, she is only a woman after all.”

“I can only show my own value and gain the trust of Emperor Yi, so that I can go further.”


PS: Does anyone watch? Can I give some flowers to evaluate the monthly pass? The data is not good, and the mentality is a bit broken.

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