Zhao Gao said this with a slight pause and continued:

“As for Wei Zhongxian?”

“Oh, he’s just a dog of Emperor Yi, how can he influence the will of the Son of Heaven?”

“Of course, Zhao Gao also wants to be his dog, but unfortunately he doesn’t have the opportunity now.”

“But opportunities are created.”

“And tomorrow’s imperial meal is an opportunity for me to Zhao Gao.”

Zhao Gao said to himself.

The light in his eyes became deeper and firmer.

He wanted to climb step by step to the top.

The best choice is Nie Zheng.

Lü Yan had already been completely abandoned by him.



“Yes, get that golden koi out of the way.”

“And the beast that doesn’t look like that.”

“Cao Qian, what are you doing, that’s Nine Zhen Chicken, right?” Slaughtered it for the plucked hair. ”

“And that white elk, don’t let it run.”


Chickens flying and dogs jumping in the royal garden.

Nie Zheng sat in command.

The eunuch palace ladies fished for fish.

There are also birds and beasts chasing.

The whole royal garden is noisy.

Cao Tian was even more crying and mourning as he chased a colorful bird.

At this moment, even the heart of death is there.

I don’t know if Tianzi is really faint.

He actually let him hunt down the rare and exotic beasts in the imperial garden.

It is then delivered to the dining room to make delicious dishes for them to eat.

If you want to talk about ordinary ingredients, it is also counted.

The birds and beasts in the garden are rare and exotic beasts that are difficult to find in the world.

Moreover, these rare and exotic beasts were collected by the Heavenly Sons of the past generations.

Let’s talk about the nine-colored koi in that pond.

He lived for two hundred years.

It was a rare treasure in the world, a rare spiritual creature.

When Emperor Shengzu was alive, he was regarded as the flesh of his heart.

Visit the pond every day.

But now it was actually regarded as food by Nie Zheng and was going to be sent to the imperial dining room to stew it.

And that white elk.

It is rumored to be an auspicious thing.

It is the second generation of Heavenly Sons’ accidental gains, such as the most precious treasure.

Don’t talk about slaughtering.

Even the other person touched it and had his head cut off.

But now it was sent to the imperial dining room by the five flowers to boil it.

Cao Qian had pleaded bitterly with Nie Zheng.

It is said that these rare beasts are the treasures of the Heavenly Sons of the past generations.

But according to Nie Zheng’s words.

These animals are for people to eat.

It is a complete waste to put it in the royal garden.

Does waste understand?

It is a sin for people to waste food.

How can I commit such a crime?

Under Nie Zheng’s reprimand.

Cao Tian could only weep and mourn to carry out Nie Zheng’s will.

It’s good now.

Dozens of exotic beasts were sent to the imperial dining room.

I saw that the rare beasts in the Imperial Garden were less than half.

Cao tilted his head and buzzed.


A delicious dish made of rare beasts was sent to the Imperial Garden.

He really put together a hundred and eight dishes for Nie Zheng.

Braised hoofed hips.

Steamed nine-colored koi.

Cumin green lamb.

Spicy stir-fried eight zhen rabbit head.


One hundred and eight lanes filled eight tables.

The only fly in the ointment is.

These delicacies are all meat dishes.

Vegetarian food is missing.

However, Nie Zheng was still relatively satisfied.

He sat down just fine.

The palace maid next to her began to serve his meal.

And Cao Tian looked at the table full of delicacies.

His face was full of bitterness and helplessness.

If only this were to go out.

His own master must be scolded as a dimwitted king.


Nie Zheng didn’t care about these things at all.

He slowly and methodically tasted the delicacies on the table.

A satisfied smile appeared on his face.


The craftsmanship of these cooks in the dining room is really good.

Especially the dishes made with this rare and exotic beast, the taste is even more amazing.


[Detected that the host was faint, and hunted and killed the rare beasts raised by the previous emperors for the sake of full of appetite.] 】

[Reward a “Basin Drawing”, please check the host in the system space. 】

Just as Nie Zheng was tasting the delicious food.

The cold sound of the system rings in its ears.

Nie Zheng’s eyes lit up.


“The system is really poisonous enough!”

Nie Zheng muttered.

For the punishment of the pot.

Nie Zheng was thunderous.

What is the punishment of the pot of the?

Simply put.

Dig a deep pit.

The upper and lower sides of the pit are covered with smooth mirror-like stones.

Tens of thousands of venomous snakes are kept in deep pits.

Throw the disobedient person directly into the pot.

Tens of thousands of poisonous snakes can eat people in an instant.

To say that the tortured person suffers almost nothing.

After all, people are directly bitten to death when they are thrown down.

But the kind of mental pressure that was thrown into the basin before death.

It’s cruel and terrible.

Some people have not yet been thrown into the pot, and they are directly scared to death.

“Is it really good to be so cruel?”

“But I don’t think I like it.”

Nie Zheng muttered.

Continue to begin your tasting of the delicacies on the table.

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