“Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager begs to see you.”

Just as Nie Zheng was immersed in the delicacies.

A young eunuch came quickly to report to Nie Zhengyu.


Nie Zheng was stunned.

“The Empress?”

Nie Zheng whispered.

“Wu Meiniang?”

Then pat your forehead.

He suddenly remembered.

Don’t you still have a queen!

And this queen was none other than anyone else.

It was Wu Meiniang.

And her own empress has two titles in the history of past lives.

Female Emperor Wu Zetian.

Another name is Wu Xi!

The sun and moon are in the sky.

The word ‘瞾’ was also coined by her.

Nie Zheng quickly remembered.

Yourself before crossing.

The predecessor did marry Wu Meiniang.

However, at that time, the predecessor had not yet ascended the throne as emperor.

Just the four princes of Bactria .

And Wu Meiniang married herself.

It is also completely the meaning of samurai.

And the Samurai family is only a small family in Bactria .

Being able to marry the prince is also a high climb.

Nie Zheng kept reminiscing.

Discover something extremely interesting.

That is, although the predecessor married Wu Meiniang.

But the two did not have sex together.

The reason is simple.

This family affair Wu Meiniang did not agree.

And the predecessor really likes Wu Meiniang.

Even very respectful of it.

Respected to the point of not daring to force Wu Meiniang to share a room.

And Wu Meiniang is indeed a beautiful thing.

Maybe it was the inferiority of the predecessor.

Or maybe the predecessor had the potential to lick dogs.

Although married for a long time.

But she didn’t even touch a finger of Wu Meiniang.

According to the words of the predecessor.

He had great respect for his wife.

And wait until the predecessor ascends the throne and becomes emperor.

Also because he was oppressed by the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu and the Empress Dowager of the Two Palaces.

There was no time to meet with Wu Meiniang.

I live in trepidation all day long.

“Pass on the queen’s visit.”

Nie Zheng’s eyes moved slightly.

The little eunuch hurried to receive the order.


Outside the Royal Garden.

A woman.

A woman with a lot of style.

The muscles are carved like ivory.

Eyes like autumn water soft frieze.

A dark strand of hair coiled into a cloud of sideburns.

Delicate facial features.

But it is not obvious vulgarity.

On the contrary, it gives people a pleasing and surprising feeling.

Although it is not said that there is a worldly posture.

But it has the appearance of a country

She just stood there silently.

Just give others a sense of amazement.

However, although this woman seems to be charming and weak.

But if you look closely, you’ll see it.

This woman had autumn water-like eyes.

There is always a touch of wisdom.

Definitely not as simple as it seems.

This woman is no one else.

It was Wu Meiniang.

“Mother-in-law, Your Majesty has announced that you have entered.”

The little eunuch hurried forward.

“I’m tired of my little father-in-law.”

“Wan’er, show your father-in-law.”

Wu Meiniang smiled and nodded to the little eunuch, and then looked at the girl next to her.

Shangguan Wan’er is clever and clever.

Take a certain amount of silver out of the cuff.

Without a trace, it was stuffed into the hands of the little eunuch.

“The mother and the lady have tormented the slaves, and this is a matter within the slaves’ duties, and they will never dare to accept this reward.”

The little eunuch hurriedly knelt down and prostrated his head.

There was a look of genuine trepidation on his face.

“It has been very hard for the little father-in-law to serve His Majesty day and night, and if the lady rewards you, you will accept it.”

Shangguan Wan’er smiled.

“Empress Xie is rewarded, and little Ryan has kowtowed to you.”

Facing the amiable queen lady without a little shelf.

This little eunuch named Ryan was extremely touched in his heart.

Be aware of little eunuchs like them.

There is no dignity at all in the inner palace.

He was called to drink and scolded at will.

And it was precisely Wu Meiniang who gave him dignity that he had never had before.

Although it is only a certain amount of silver.

But this little eunuch named Ryan had a good impression of Wu Meiniang.

It can also be seen from here.

Wu Meiniang was extremely powerful in buying people’s hearts.

Just a detail about a small eunuch.

You can see Wu Meiniang’s political skill.

“Little father-in-law doesn’t need to do this, if there is something missing in the future, you can talk to Wan’er.”

Wu Meiniang lifted Ryan up.

It was even kinder to sweep the dust off his body.

Then he smiled and nodded to Ryan.

Step into the Royal Garden.

Ryan’s eye sockets were somewhat red.

He quickly wiped his eyes.


A pot of fine wine is being brought from the dining room.

Ryan’s eyes moved.

Hurry up and stop the little eunuch:

“If you send it yourself, you can go back.”

The little eunuch in the imperial dining room didn’t care.

Giving Ryan the finest wine, he left.

Ryan took the wine and quickly chased after Wu Meiniang.

“Niangniang will stay for the time being.”

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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