Hear Ryan’s call.

Wu Meiniang and Shangguan Wan’er’s footsteps stopped.

But he saw Ryan carrying a pot of fine wine and directly handed it to Shangguan Wan’er.

Then he bowed to Wu Meiniang and said:

“This pot of fine wine will be presented to Your Majesty by the Lady herself.”

The so-called peach reciprocation.

Ryan knew that he had nothing to repay Wu Meiniang.

It can only be repaid in this way.

“Thank you little father-in-law.”

Wu Meiniang smiled.

Shangguan Wan’er also nodded to Ryan with kindness.

The two entered the Royal Garden again.


Inside the Royal Garden.

Nie Zheng’s head was not looking up to taste the delicacy.

Really full of his own appetite.

At the same time.

Wu Meiniang walked to Nie Zheng’s body.

But when she saw the one hundred and eight delicacies on the table.

The expression on Wu Meiniang’s face was stunned.

Such a lavish and wasteful imperial meal was the first time she had seen it.


Wu Meiniang observed in detail.

When he saw the steamed nine-colored koi on the table.

The smiles on his face froze stiffly together.


If she hadn’t misremembered the situation.

This nine-colored koi is made into a delicacy dish.

It should be Emperor Shengzu’s favorite treasure when he was alive, right?

Don’t…… Is it…

Wu Meiniang quickly glanced at the table full of delicacies.

She was shocked to find out.

All the imperial meals seem to be made of some rare beasts.

Wu Meiniang hurriedly glanced around the Royal Garden.

When she found that the rare beasts of the Imperial Garden were missing.

She suddenly understood everything.

Dazed to watch Nie Zheng taste the delicacy.

I didn’t look back for half a minute.

“Here comes the Queen.”

“Come and taste these rare delicacies with you.”

Nie Zheng smiled and beckoned to Wu Meiniang.

He even ordered someone to bring a chair and put it next to him.

“Mother-in-law, Your Majesty is asking you to dine together.”

Shangguan Wan’er whispered a reminder.

Wu Meiniang quickly woke up from her consternation.

“Concubines meet Your Majesty.”

Wu Meiniang dressed as a gift.

A smile resumes on the face.

He sat down next to Nie Zheng generously.

Just look at the table full of mountain treasures and seafood.

Wu Meiniang did not move her chopsticks.

Instead, he used the afterglow of the corner of his eye to obscurantly observe Nie Zheng.

Not the same!

Definitely different!

Wu Meiniang was smiling.

But there was a hint of confusion under his eyes.

Although he did not have much contact with the Son of Heaven.

At the time of marriage, Emperor Yi was still the fourth prince.

After ascending the throne, they met even less.

But every time we met.

Emperor Yi will have great respect for himself.

But now the emperor sitting next to her.

There was a faint imperial momentum overflowing.

This momentum was not intentionally done by Emperor Yi.

It is the aura he himself carries.

It is also this aura.

I even let myself feel oppressed faintly.

What a husband!

Good one of the four princes!

What a big summer!

I’m so miserable when you’re full!

All along.

Wu Meiniang was a little disdainful of her husband.

Even if his husband ascends the throne as emperor.

She wasn’t excited either.

Because Wu Meiniang knows one thing very well.

His husband was only a puppet emperor.


She has secretly been cultivating her own power.

Regardless of the royal palace.

Or outside the palace.

It is even more secretly allowing the samurai to accumulate strength.

And he himself is in the deep palace to cultivate obscurity.

But what had happened in those two days came into her ears.

It made Wu Meiniang stunned.

I dare not imagine that his husband has hidden his ambitions so deeply.


The Manchu Dynasty Wenwu who was actually pressed was breathless.

Kill Empress Nishinomiya.

Accept Wei Zhongxian.

Kill the Three Dynasties Elder Wang Lang again.

Although let the Eastern Palace Lü Hou bow to the government.

However, he beat Dong Zhuo violently in the court.

Slaughter the soldiers and horses led by Zhao Kuangyin and Dong Zhuo.

The majesty of the Son of Heaven is on full display.

Civilian and military officials did not dare to make a sound.

Is this still the husband you know?

At first, Wu Meiniang didn’t believe it.

But the spies under her command would not deceive her.

This also prompted her to come to the Royal Garden with half a doubt.

I wanted to see if my husband had done so many shocking things.

But when she first saw Nie Zheng.

Wu Meiniang believed these happenings.

Although Nie Zheng was just eating.

But his eyes and his demeanor.

It is completely the posture of an emperor.

Other words.

I had been completely deceived by my husband before.

He didn’t just lie to himself.

It also deceived Manchu Wenwu.

Fooled the Empress Dowager of the Two Palaces and everyone.




Dress up as a pig and eat a tiger.

Kill decisively.

If it doesn’t ring, it’s already a hit!

Until the outbreak of the dynasty, everything is in hand.

welcome the National Day 7-day long holiday to read books and enjoy the sky! Charge 100 to get 500 VIP bonds!

snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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