
Wu Meiniang’s thinking turned extremely fast.

I couldn’t help but take a breath of cold air.

She had thought that her heart was already very deep.

It can be compared with his own husband.

It’s a little witch.

“Queen, why are you delaying in moving your chopsticks?”

“Don’t these dishes made by the imperial chef match your heart?”

“Come people, go and cut down the imperial chef who cooks these dishes.”

Seeing that Wu Meiniang did not move her chopsticks for a long time.

Nie Zheng frowned, and casually commanded Cao Tian beside him.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Cao bowed down.

Stride toward the Imperial Garden.

Obviously, he wanted to carry out Nie Zheng’s will.

“Your Majesty and slowly.”

“The concubines have only not seen His Majesty for many days, and they miss His Majesty’s tightness, so they are in a bit of a trance, not because the dishes do not match the wishes of the concubines.”

“Please Your Majesty not to be angry, but to spare the lives of those imperial cooks.”

Wu Meiniang was shocked.

Hurry up and stop the road.

How could she not have thought of it.

I just didn’t move my chopsticks.

Nie Zheng actually wanted to cut off the head of the imperial kitchen.

If this kind of thing is passed on.

Whether outsiders would scold Nie Zheng as a dimwitted monarch, she didn’t know.

But there will be people who will use this to say that they are queens.

“Your Majesty…?”

Cao Qian turned and looked at Nie Zheng.

Although Wu Meiniang interceded for the imperial cooks.

But Nie Zheng did not agree.

He still has to resolutely implement it.

For the will of the Son of Heaven can never be reversed.

“Since the queen intercedes for them, forget it.”

Nie Zheng waved his hand.

Instructed by Nie Zheng.

Cao Tian stood back beside Nie Zheng again.

Wu Meiniang was secretly relieved.

Hurry up and pick up a piece of dish that you don’t know what is made and send it to your mouth.


The dishes were just introduced.

Wu Meiniang’s eyes lit up, and the taste was indeed very delicious.

However, she did not come to accompany Nie Zheng to dinner.

Wu Meiniang looked vaguely at Shangguan Wan’er.

Shangguan Wan’er instantly understood Wu Meiniang’s meaning.

“Your Majesty, this is a fine wine brought by the Lady herself, and I invite Your Majesty to taste it.”

Shangguan Wan’er spoke.

Place a pot of fine wine in front of Nie Zheng.

Wu Meiniang got up and personally poured a glass of wine for Nie Zheng.

Then fill yourself up.

“The concubines have not seen His Majesty for many days, and their hearts are tight, and this cup of concubines respects His Majesty.”

Wu Meiniang smiled weakly.

Raise a glass and drink it all.


Just had a glass of wine.

Wu Meiniang’s cheeks were slightly red.

It adds a bit of flattery.

“The queen is really good at drinking.”

Nie Zheng smiled.

Also drink the wine in the glass.

Beauty on the side.

Nie Zheng was in a good mood.

Although he knew it clearly.

The woman next to her was by no means a weak woman.

But isn’t that his own wife?

Wife is used for pampering.

Isn’t Wu Meiniang very covetous of imperial power?

That’s it for her.

Nie Zheng didn’t care about any of this at all.

But only if…

Wu Meiniang had to serve herself as the Son of Heaven well.


Nie Zheng smiled inwardly.

The harem was in turmoil.

What a fart.

If only I hadn’t just crossed over.

I didn’t even bother to go early in the morning.

What a review in the future.

All kinds of troubles in the court.

Give it all to your wife.

As for what Lu Yan would think.

It was also a war between two women.

Let them fight and fight.

I also enjoy watching the drama myself.

He will be his dude.

How to enjoy how to enjoy how to come.

How to have fun and how to play.

Being a dim jun is much cooler than being a bright jun.

Nie Zheng still had a series of plans in his heart that had not been implemented.

Oh, the wine pond meat forest.

Build a tiger and leopard room.

There is nothing to raise tens of thousands of beasts of prey to be happy.

Collect the beauty of the world.

Singing every day.



There were too many interesting things waiting for Nie Zheng to do.

Anyway how faint how happy how to come.

What do you ask someone to do if he scolds him for being a dim-witted monarch?

Slaughtered him.

You ask someone what to do if someone uncovers the uprising and rebellion?

Kill his whole family, destroy his full door, and condemn his ten tribes.

The annihilation of the Nine Clans can be regarded as Nie Zheng’s benevolence.

Do you ask Nie Zheng if he has this strength?

Excuse me.

Lao Tzu is invincible.

One man will reach a million troops.

Moreover, why did Nie Zheng favor Wei Zhongxian?

Didn’t they just let these traitors do things for him?

It’s not just Wei Zhongxian.

In the future, it is common to favor adultery.


The situation in Bactria is complex.

Whoever wants to rebel must also weigh and weigh it.

And the Manchu courtiers can be born.

Don’t say anyone else.

Cao Wei.

Sima Yi.

Zhao Kuangyin.

and Kan.


There are countless civilian and military generals.

Don’t look at their different minds.

But everyone’s abilities are very human.

I’m in trouble.


All the courtiers went to Lao Tzu to solve the problem.


It didn’t matter whether these courtiers were loyal to Nie Zheng or not.

None of this matters.

What’s important?

They have talent.

And it is the talent of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, how can it be in a high position?

Do you really think that the Manchu Dynasty Wenwu is just some waste that will usurp the government and gain power?

Quite the opposite

The abilities of these courtiers are quite powerful.

And this.

It was enough for Nie Zheng.

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snap up immediately (Event period: October 1 to October 7)

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